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Status Updates posted by beni

  1. Mobile bill usually around £12. Incoming bill amount text message this time shows £50 total. Prepare my burial guys, it was nice knowing you.

    1. PsychoΔelica


      No, he's just scatterminded often. I think it got worse recently. I shouldn't police him though (I do it anyway but heh).

    2. beni


      Sorry I misundertood. xD You go husbdando!~ Haha, police him. It's the worst time now for keeping heating down too, but I hope you haven't got too much money and things on your shoulders.

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Kinda xD Our house it like a damn ice box haha

      I don't know... Not in the meantime. I don't really wanna think about it.

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  2. Merry Christmas MH and you all. I hope 2015 is a better year for everyone. Thanks, and apologies.

  3. I should not be feeling sad at a time like this.

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Why should you be?

    2. beni


      Thank you for your kindess you guys. <3 shizukasou, I hope you don't want those kittens back! Tetz, I'm sorry to admit it but I'd be laughing with you only because of how adorable you'd look lol. Hope it all went well, and I hope you all had a lovely xmas and can look forward to the New Year. *hugs*

    3. shizukasou


      Ah no worries, I could happily part with some if they can make someone's day better c: <3

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  4. https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven The more the merrier~
    1. PsychoΔelica


      That's ok. Came back to my classes today, after the week of mourning that nearly made me go insane. Today was good, meeting everybody distracts me from thinking. And the whole class is really supportive. Though I still have lots of material to catch up :P

    2. beni


      I wish I could be with you and then I wouldn't stop chatting to you! I'm sorry I hasn't been with you at such an important time. You've been so good to yourself and everyone, you know that right? <3 I love the sound of your class, good classmates! You can catch up, I KNOW you'll be able to do it! Just remember where I'm at in college lol, you get to that finish line~

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Thanks hon, don't worry :) I didn't really want to talk to anyone at that time anyway (well there was one person I did but he just let me down). Of course I will, I believe in me :P Good luck for both of us. Btw I could pay you a visit if you want :)

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  5. 'Phenomenon' is way too addicting.

    1. shizukasou


      Yes! That and many other songs in the album <3 So happy they're back and kicking ass!

    2. kyoselflove


      That whole album is addicting.

    3. beni


      Too true guys, too true!

  6. I think I should fall asleep and stay like that for a while.. : / Many months would be good.

    1. kyoselflove


      Aww cheer up girl, you're wonderful <3

    2. beni


      kyo <3 Thank you, I'm better today, just had another 'fail' moment haha. And -k∆-m, if you see this, I'm sorry for saying this when I shouldn't even be complaining.

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Forget it :) I shouldn't have mentioned it.

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  7. I'm trying not to panic but no audio is playing from my computer... ;_;

    1. doombox


      *crosses fingers* Here's hoping it's a simple fix.

    2. beni


      YAY. It did work, thank you so much guys. Now I know not to worry < 3

    3. doombox


      Glad to hear it's working again! :D

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  8. If it's true that the more we spend staring at a computer cuts down our life span, I really should already be dead.

    1. Jigsaw9


      wut if we're all dead and this is akshully heaven :o

    2. beni


      xD Life twist: MH has always been our grave since we joined.

    3. kyoselflove
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  9. I talk way too much *sigh*

    1. Zeus


      i find it cute

    2. kyoselflove
    3. beni


      I've been told a lot that others hate talkative people so I try to tone it down but it never works.. Thank you for the reassurance. hope and kyo, <3 And Zeus-san, I'm pleasantly surprised. >.< Thought I'd irritate you most!

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  10. Time to pull an all nighter for ICT coursework completing. Going to miss you MH.

  11. What a time to be alive *sniffles*

    1. beni


      Let's try to celebrate life. <3 Ehe silly bun.

    2. PsychoΔelica
    3. beni


      I'm such a bloody idiot. Sorry.

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  12. If I'm ever on here when I'm tired/should be sleeping, I'm sorry for anything I say. Shoo me away.

  13. I fail so hard too many times. ><

  14. Having done a photoshoot where male students had one half of their face as normal and the other half made to look like a female, it was like a paradise to me. xD Drag queen heaven.

    1. beni


      kyo, I know right!? I've never complimented so many people before in one room alone. xD Totally worth it. Peace Heavy, that's exactly the reason why we did the photoshoot, a reponse to his work. Best part of the course to me hehe.

    2. PsychoΔelica


      Cool, I hope it didn't look like this xD 010-450x600.jpg?d7aed3

    3. beni


      xD That's too fabulous for my eyes!

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  15. Can't believe how easily headaches come when all I want to do is listen to music. Urg.

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      I never had any headache, even when a couple of years ago, something punched my forehead and got half face covered in blood. Wasn't feeling any pain, and i was still very conscious XD My friends think i'm lucky to never have headache. I've got head of steel XD Hope you'll feel better soon ^_^

    2. beni


      Throw a damn pumpkin at the stupid person, damn it!! My sis also said she rarely ever gets headaches, but how!? You guys aren't human! Was your forehead that numb or.. hopefully, they were super weak.. I don't like that person. -.- You have magical powers too. Haha, 'head of steel.' xD New superhero! And thank you, once I sleep it'll be fine. Sleep is good, we need more time to sleep!

    3. kyoselflove


      So jealous, I seriously get headaches everyday.

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  16. Previous ava/gif made it look like I was in the wrong community. xD Mainstream J-pop ftw.

    1. beni


      I don't even know how I could get gif and sig confused but somehow, I did.

    2. CAT5


      lmao, if that's the case then i'm ALWAYS in the wrong community! Do you!

    3. beni


      That's too true. What's a Cat doing on the internet hmm? Actually, how!? This imagery humours me too much. xD

  17. The time for Christmas avas is upon us and I am more than excited for this and anything Xmas related. Missed Halloween opportunity somakes the most of this one early. xD

    1. beni


      Embarrassing ava set. 8D

    2. Tetora
    3. PsychoΔelica


      Yes councellor Tetora :D

  18. Math mock next week. Trying to think all positive but.. actually.. please just throw me off the nearest cliff instead. ;_;

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Only if we jump together :P

    2. beni


      Then no you muppet. -.- Let us hug it out instead! =D

    3. PsychoΔelica
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  19. So glad this'll be my last year in sixth form. The rules are getting ridiculous.

  20. Actually tried to do some college work recently but even having stayed away from the computer, I've still managed to distract myself with other electronics. Damn it.

    1. Tetora


      Make a day plan, with thehours you will spend on work and study planned out. Put the plan on your fridge or door. How did your math go btw?

    2. beni


      Cat, unfortunately. ;_; Haha, yay! kyo, lol, happens TOO many times with me ehe, have done a bit more today than usual so I'm only blaming myself. And Tetora, I go through what I must do as soon as I get up, it all just goes out the window and I sit on the computer all the day instead lol. Used to be focused.

    3. beni


      About maths, was going to message you. I've been using the site you showed me and the one my teacher has asked to go on to keep track of out progress. I'm also actually understanding what she's telling me in lesson by asking and yes, I never actually ask for help in class. It helps to do so haha.

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  21. College literally piling up more and more work every single lesson, and all I want to do is be on MH. D':

    1. paradoxal


      i feel you ,__,

  22. If you see me on here when I've already said I'm gone, it's not you it's me; procrastinating to the extreme. >.>

  23. Looking through own Last.fm library makes me realize what random artists I seem to spam too much without knowing. Oh the embarrassment.

    1. PsychoΔelica


      I don't care if nobody listens to what I listen to. Hail the random 8D

    2. beni


      Yes yes, correct! Rejoice together for the randomness. :3

  24. Having to retake math GCSE and being the only one in the class still not understanding the basics. D: Such fail.

    1. shizukasou


      Math is the devil. Felt and did the same back in high school...It'll get better hopefully, don't give up! ><

    2. Tetora


      If you need some help PM me, I had trouble with math when I started Uni too.

    3. beni


      Thank you guys, I haven't done any maths for 2 years so I better get it while I still can. Tetora, I wasn't expecting anyone to offer any guidance so I'm super grateful. If you don't mind that is. It's a bit late right now over here to attempt the compound shapes again but we're going onto something tougher so PM then if it's problematic!

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