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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    Death Note Claymore Katekyo Hitman Reborn One Piece D.Gray-Man Kuroko no Basket Karneval Loveless No. 6 Jappa no Amane Apocalypse no Toride Dogs Bullets and Carnage Orange Mairunovich Reimei no Arcana Call My Name Pupa Zekkyou Gakkyuu Don't force me to pick. A mixture of recent favourites, and very grateful random finds years ago that I cannot forget.
  2. beni

    Would love to have a Vita. I'm pretty sure the 3DS is more popular than the Vita, from what I've read and seen around myself. Anyway, main point is that I really want one. It's too bad about the price even now. Since I already have owned a 3DS for quite a while now, I have the majority of games I want on it, and am now really anxious in having a Vita too for its exclusive games. It's at least above the Wii U for me which only has one game I really want (that better not change GOOD GOD). ;-;
  3. Or is it just me? Two words: Fighting games. I've been brought up with Soul Calibur and Tekken, but I've always been a button masher on both. I already know and admit to being a pretty poor gamer, even though I enjoy certain genres more than others, but the mechanics of fighting games goes right over my head. I never know what the heck is going on, but I'll still put this in my PS2/PS3 and kill some time on. I may manage to get through the story mode, but never invite me to a multiplayer match! Unless you want the satisfaction of a win. Even my own mum beat me on Soul Calibur 4... ;; A round of applause to every single person in the world who has these kind of games down! I'm so very tempted to spam as much art I can from these games as I can, but I'll try to resist!
  4. The immediate game that comes to mind that I will always answer this with: THE QUALITY CAME OUTTA NOWHERE! I got this game with a batch of others, and this was one I wasn't hyped for, nor bothered about, yet it turned out to me by favourite from the lot. I spent so many continuous hours on this game a couple of years ago, and I'm not even half way through it! It may be pretty repetive to some, if not most people, but the whole worlds you transport to. From the eerily quiet night time of the Ireland village, to the gorgeous, ocean landscape you notice during the day, that's just the setting in the real world! The transporting to the Netherworld is always different, even when switching from the two main characters. There's the underwater world, to an all out war one! Not to mention it's borderline Pokemon but more spooky as you fight with the folks you encounter and collect. (Aww. Give him a hug!) Even more impressive is that they're all designed as dungeons, yet so varied, and actually leave an impression. Mystery plus adventure, including a gorgeous present day setting mixed with dark fantasy makes this one an unstoppable play. So are there any games you feel the same way about?
  5. Best pick: 999: There was the sense of urgency. The deepening relationships and the initial panic due to the setting, all represented fantastically by the writing. The well delivered silly/comical lines, plus the more depressing and sad moments all fit and are successful in making memorable and emotional scenes. The foreshadowing, and the twists and turns just adds to all these points. Worst pick: Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel: NSFW WARNING *cringes to the moon and back* From the top of my head~ How about you guys?
  6. Tough call. Couldn`t really care less about abs. I actually prefer no abs, chubby or just skinny is adorable, but some muscle is always appreciated. It was so close with arms or ass though. Only recently realized how much I love a gorgeous plump and striking arms. And I don`t mean as in big muscles, just see Fire Emblem`s Hinata, ok? >.>
  7. beni

    I caved and pre-ordered the collectors/deluxe editions of Persona 5 and Final Fantasy XV for Christmas. >.> Fire Emblem Fates Limited Edition ruined me.
  8. Join us now for a rather late, but usual Sunday session! https://www.dubtrack.fm/join/monochrome-heaven_145247137777434 8D

  9. beni

    @herpes, @DESTINYGUY0316, @Manic, @IGM_Oficial, happy birthday you guys!
  10. beni

    Plastic Tree - How much longer will this shell of a doll's collapsing lungs last? PLACE YOUR BETS. PLASTICZOOMS - supercell - The "rank your favourite guest vocalist and forever be butthurt that they're released out into the big old music world and make lesser important solo efforts after due to newly founded popularity". DOLL$BOXX - The most teasing collaboration to ever happen (ONE ALBUM FROM 2013 IS AN INSULT). DISACODE - The only evidence you need to back up the fact that VK boys look better than girls. Even when it's female fronted VK. D=OUT = I would say put the poor dude out of his misery already. But... I actually quite like his despair... Girls Dead Monster = When LiSA was actually good. The only moe shit you need to make you truly feel like you're the lowest of the low for digging. ORESKABAND = x ROCKY CHACK = Engrish which is actually not misplaced. The point of posting this = To reference The Mighty Boosh twice.
  11. Happy birthday @Zeus-sama, have a great one!!

  12. @Uglymouth, the topic is "top 10 non-visual J-rock bands". It's still on Japanese bands, just outside of VK. Give it another go!
  13. Yes, that's right. Six times. Every other month, so the next would be in October for anyone else wondering.
  14. How often, in a year, would you like to see a new Trade-Off? To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE MONTH, P.M @beniwith your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  15. beni

    ^ My thoughts exactly. I'll be honest and say I'm rather keen in getting some kind of edition of it still just because of the packaging and design, but the more I'm seeing and hearing it, the lower my hype and interest is in it. I'm still tempted to get it for Christmas, but if I keep waiting around, I'll also probably just get it once the price is much lower. That Persona 5 Collector's Edition though... I know I'm going to cave in some time soon.
  16. beni

    ^ Never thought I'd see anyone say my exact thoughts on this specifically, lmao.
  17. How much Japanese do you know? Poll suggested by the always glorious @fitear1590! To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE MONTH, P.M @beniwith your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  18. beni

    ^ Shush. I meant Game Boy. X'D
  19. beni

    The ultimate gaming question, WHICH HASN'T BEEN ASKED BEFORE!? We may have had similar threads, but nothing with asking this in particular. So, what do you personally prefer? Do you have any reason why? Or are you not fussed, or can't even decide? Has one got more of the games you love? Feel free to discuss and debate!
  20. I hate how this is the only thing that comes to mind.
  21. Never really liked or cared for Gesu. The only song I've ever liked is the second one, "私以外私じゃないの". I would happily listen to that from time to time, but other than that, nothing else has caught my interest. And I doubt it ever will, mainly because it's Enon, and I really don't have a soft spot for his own work, nor voice, which I find most important. TK, on the other hand, has always had my support and attention, even if it all may be going downhill now. I've enjoyed his works, with the band and on his own, and continue to do so. It just has to be Ling for me!
  22. beni

    Can you see us? CAT5 removed you as a resident DJ, and reset you. Have you refreshed? Clicked off of your browser, and reopened it?
  23. beni

    Me and @CAT5are having a Dub evening/afternoon! Come join us~ https://www.dubtrack.fm/join/monochrome-heaven_145247137777434
  24. Me and @CAT5 are kicking back in Dub right now. Feel free to come join us! https://www.dubtrack.fm/join/monochrome-heaven_145247137777434

    1. YuyoDrift


      I'm dying here since I can't post lol

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