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Silverhawk33 last won the day on January 18 2019

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About Silverhawk33

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    Part of a Nonsense System

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  1. Why the hell did lynch. name their new album AVANTGARDE when it's just the same shit they always release? Hiatus is heavily needed for these guys if they think this is any different. I get that we've been getting albums basically yearly at this point and this is the typical standard for what fans expect and want from them but that album title got my hopes up for some actual growth for once. Oh wait, it is lynch. after all ¬_¬

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    2. Silverhawk33


      @YuyoDrift Nothing wrong with having a discussion, just wanted to state my opinion on this album since everyone has a right to have one.

      I'm not sure if you get what "avant-garde" actually means though. Avant-garde in music pushes boundaries and is unusual and experimental (departing from tradition), which is far from what lynch. has been doing with the last few albums. Also I'm not 'mad' that they haven't changed, just expressing my disappointment that they picked that title for their album (they gave my false hopes with it). Just judging from the interview with Hazuki saying that the title described the state of the band, you really can't blame me for hoping for something a little different this time around.

      The album was okay as with usual lynch. releases and I know most people will enjoy this album like they would with past albums, and that's great, more power to them. Again, just thought it would be a little experimental or a bit surprising since I usually wait on watching previews or PVs until I can hear the full album, so I probably had unrealistic expectations from the beginning. I do admit getting bored of them since I haven't seen much noticeable change from them since their first album in 2005. I probably wouldn't have complained about the album as much if it wasn't for that misleading title.

      I kinda figured some lynch. fans would get offended by that post but it's nice to have some varying opinions out there. Also arguing that a person shouldn't bash a band's album due to them working hard on it is quite silly (didn't stop people from bashing Nightmare non-stop despite them releasing albums yearly and putting in just as much effort lol.) EVERY band works hard on making music and getting it out there to as many people as possible, usually on a lost of money. Doesn't mean we have to praise or like every music release out there because of that hard work. Btw, I haven't listened to lynch. since last year with their last album, so I have actually taken a break from them for a while now.

      Hopefully that makes it less challenging for you to understand my post. ^.^

      @togz Really good point you have, and I agree that music is a hit or miss depending on the person listening to it. But again, I was just hitting upon the issue of the false name of the album is all, nothing more. But mind you, it never hurts to experiment at least once in a discography when you go 10 or even 15 plus years of activities.

      Hell, look at MUCC's  tenth album 'KARMA' that was completely different with a focus of dance and post-disco styled music. Did a lot of fans hate the album? Of course, but at least they showed they could do something different than just slightly tweaking past songs and slapping a new name on it to please fans (most fanatics are usually known for hating any kind of change anyway). I respect bands ballsy enough to challenge their status quo and that are not afraid of going in new directions. Yeah it's nice when a band stays true to their beginnings and do best at what they do, but it gets tiring after a while. Plus, playing it safe is always the easy way out, it's something else entirely when you surprise listeners and show them new sounds and ambitions. Just thought lynch. would actually be the latter with the 'AVANTGARDE' album is all.

    3. togz


      ^ That sounds a lot nicer and more debate worthy than your first post. But yeah. I mean of course it's good for anything to challenge themselves if they expect to reach a wider variety etc etc all that good stuff. But it can't be forced either. With any art... eventually it all starts to look/sound the same if you've been using the same style for a decent amount of time. I don't think that means they've lost proper inspiration or anything like that... sometimes it's just hard to move away from something that has worked for you for so long. Music is especially difficult too. I feel like a lot of musicians lose their punch when they become more known... not because they're poor musicians... but pressure and expectations can certainly play an important factor in what an artist produces. Plus not only that... a lot of times when bands start off... it's all them even so far as to recording stuff in their bathroom (not paying for someone to record it for them). But once you become major and you have management and more people to communicate with than you can keep track of... Especially sound engineers etc... there's so many people who start to dip their hands in to the music said group is releasing that I feel it's never 100% genuinely from just the artist. they have guidance and sometimes their told hey this works do this... I don't know Lynch's situation but... there's so many factors that it hurts my brain to blame just the band for doing something that's out of my control and that I have no right to try and change any way....

    4. YuyoDrift




      Hopefully that makes it less challenging for you to understand my post. ^.^


      I've never read a post that has "you must be fucking retarded then" insinuated, and yet be harmless in context at the same time hahaha



      No worries, @Silverhawk33, thanks for elaborating. I remember the whole Nightmare debacle for sure, and still respect them for having to keep such a tight schedule.


      Anyways though guys,

      AVANTGARDE seems to keep the band on their toes, so that's always good.


      It's been received very well by fans online, and

      the fact that even the band members themselves are keeping an eye on their own work just goes to show how much they want you to enjoy this. That to me shows an improvement to their last work.


      In retrospect @Silverhawk33, and also adding on to my agreement with @togz ,

      DIM-era (even though it is used everywhere as an example) from the GazettE, and the reason why the GazettE will no longer return to that arrangement/composition, shows the irony of sticking to the same fire for so long. Adding in that if they were to listen to the fans, they probably would have quit a long time ago.

      So you're both right.


      It's funny that Hazuki and friends are probably aware of the fans opinion on their music right now,

      but man are they having fun making it. Truly nice gentlemen.



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