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Silverhawk33 last won the day on January 18 2019

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About Silverhawk33

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    Part of a Nonsense System

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  1. Why the hell did lynch. name their new album AVANTGARDE when it's just the same shit they always release? Hiatus is heavily needed for these guys if they think this is any different. I get that we've been getting albums basically yearly at this point and this is the typical standard for what fans expect and want from them but that album title got my hopes up for some actual growth for once. Oh wait, it is lynch. after all ¬_¬

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    2. Silverhawk33


      @togzSome more good points from you, especially about the pressure of fame, which most fans don't take the time to think about. When I said bands I did mean to include producers or ghost writers working in the background making the actual music (not always the case) within that term. Sorry for not clarifying. But it is true that we may never know how truly independent and free a band may be with all the overlooking and control of the label and producer (just look at Kiwamu >.>).

      @YuyoDrift Haha, sorry about that rude bit. Just the 'holy shit man you alright?' part came off as more condescending than actually asking a legitimate question is all. No offense regardless though, you seem more pleasant then I originally assumed.

      Defiantly, ten studio albums in twelve years is nothing to laugh about when it comes to Nightmare. It's also nice to see band members paying so much attention to their releases, good on them. I mean what's the point in making music if you're not enjoying it? Another reason why I was so proud to finally see Nightmare, a band that started when they were still in high school, take a well deserved break. They are humans after all. It's nice to hear lynch enjoying their career, it's just that I wasn't that interested in this release is all. 

      As for 'wishing for the hiatus', I only meant it would be good to see them take some well deserved time off to spend with family/friends. Never meant it in a negative light. Being away from stress can do wonders when you come back in the studio brimming with ideas compared to continuously working your ass off with non-stop concerts and constant singles and albums. But sadly that's not their fault as much as that's how Japan's music industry works, where overwork is commonplace and is expected there.

    3. YuyoDrift



      Sometimes, it takes all of this discussing to get your point across haha.

      Nooooo I'm not butthurt, I was just curious why you were so disappointed.


      I'm surprised the trolls are avoiding this chat lol


      I'm looking forward to a review by the staff, in order to truly voice my opinion on this release.

      Will be nice to see yours too.

    4. Silverhawk33


      True about the trolls lol >.>


      It should definitely be interesting to see what the public opinion is and if it's similar to their last album. 

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