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    shiroihana reacted to DizzyShiori in CRAPPY songs to cure people from rare indies bands obsession   
    Holy shit I want to rip off my ears
  2. Like
    shiroihana got a reaction from BrenGun in Google trends showing the decline of visual kei   
    Yeah I mean that's definitely the bigger picture here. The super indie bands I like that many people would consider total shit were never popular to begin with lol
    The only thing about vk that's dying is the old style, but that's only to be anticipated as scenes evolve thru time.
  3. Like
    shiroihana got a reaction from returnal in CRAPPY songs to cure people from rare indies bands obsession   
    Seems people think zooc's vocalist is bad. I think that style doesn't suit him, but he was decent in Lilith many many years ago.
    Rob M is a legend for uploading this gem
  4. Like
    shiroihana got a reaction from ArtFart in Show Yourself (again)   
    Yeah I'm a man. Many people here know who I am but have never seen a full face photo of me so yeah.
  5. Like
    shiroihana got a reaction from Hakari in Google trends showing the decline of visual kei   
    Oh man, vkdb was my thing before the editors stopped editing it regularly. It's strange how few of today's newer bands are featured on that site relative to the mid 2000s.
    I don't know how to contribute to this thread since most of my thoughts have already been said.. I learned about visual kei through a friend on Youtube and got really invested into the music mostly through watching Youtube related videos, and later through last.fm (RIP Last.fm) around 2008 but got really involved in 2009. It seemed like some of the most recognizable visual kei bands were really going strong back then, bands like diru (not technically vk but arbiters of the scene), d'espa, gazette, rentrer en soi, sadie, nega, deluhi, matenrou opera, -Oz-, D, UnsraW, versailles, girugamesh, LMC, merry, an cafe, alice nine, and many other bands that really seemed to stick out more to people... Hell I remember when visual kei bands were getting millions of hits back then within such short periods of time on Youtube and I don't even know what happened. Now I look at visual kei and I can see people getting into these relatively newer bands like MEJIBRAY, but these bands just don't have the same mystique that the old bands had. It also seems to me that VK is losing its distinct marketability and becoming more akin to things like Kpop (Pretty boys performing dynamic popular music) . I dunno I could be bloviating here but those are just a few thoughts.
  6. Like
    shiroihana reacted to togz in Show Yourself (again)   
    hello, it me?
  7. Like
    shiroihana reacted to Hakoniwa in Show Yourself (again)   
    why do u have such long eyelashes?!?!

  8. Like
    shiroihana reacted to itsukoii in Single People Thread   
    technically, i've been single my entire life (i had a mutual liking with a guy once, but i didn't want a long distance relationship. i think he thought we were official, and i didn't have the heart to say we weren't... still, that's the closest i've ever been to a relationship even though i don't really count it OTL). i've only had crushes on a handful of people (who never returned the feelings ;^;). i never really was into relationships and all of that funky stuff when the people around me/my friends started getting into it, and even now i don't think i'm 100% ready for a relationship. but that's alright, because i'm still young, and i really don't need to rush into these things. i'm content being single, because i'm an independent person for the most part.
    i gotta admit though, i'm curious to see what it'd be like in a "real" relationship. but i haven't met anybody who i'm interested in, and i won't date someone who i'm not 100% devoted to or someone who i don't really like.
    aaaand i think a big reason as to why i've been single for this long is because i never really give people chances. i'm a bit quick to judge. whoops. (but most guys who talk to me are basic weed-smoking white boys with neckbeards and type like they're 10, so... there isn't really much to "judge" or any chances to give lolol.) but tbqh i am pretty picky in the people i like and i guess i do have "types" :S so i really don't want to settle with somebody who wouldn't be right for me just for the sake of making them happy or giving a relationship a try. i wouldn't enjoy it and in the end i'd probably hurt the other person by accident, due to nothing working out. why am i such a bitch
    tl;dr i'm happy being single but wouldn't mind trying a relationship if the right person came along, but it probably won't happen for a while ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. Like
    shiroihana got a reaction from leafwork in Show Yourself (again)   
    Yeah I'm a man. Many people here know who I am but have never seen a full face photo of me so yeah.
  10. Like
    shiroihana got a reaction from Atreides in Show Yourself (again)   
    Yeah I'm a man. Many people here know who I am but have never seen a full face photo of me so yeah.
  11. Like
    shiroihana reacted to Takadanobabaalien in Google trends showing the decline of visual kei   
    lmao visual kei is far from dead in japan. if someone manages to believe so then you are definitely looking for shit bands on purpose in a haystack of bands. or like, don't attend gigs at places like shinjuku urga on purpose just to find bands with 10 fans. truth is, the scene has never been big except for a few bands. ikebukuro cyber is a small shit hole that shouldn't cap more than 50 ppl, yet madeth gray'll and bands who we in the west consider ~*legendary*~ giged there a lot.
  12. Like
    shiroihana reacted to BrenGun in Google trends showing the decline of visual kei   
    I still think people worry to much.  There are still lots of great blogs with Vkei news, the best are still around.  forums did die, but I think after all everyone went to MH which is simply  THE platform forum to get your news etc, so why to start a new one?

    Well there are enough bands to get into if a "favo" band disband.  If a band disband I like, I live on and try out other bands. Also to love a band too deeply only will hurt your feelings anyway.
  13. Like
    shiroihana reacted to vanivani in Google trends showing the decline of visual kei   
    Yep, I pretty much said the same thing. lol
  14. Like
    shiroihana got a reaction from Himeaimichu in Does anyone else find it easy to sing "Saku" by Dir En Grey   
    Can't wait! Make sure to let me know!
  15. Like
    shiroihana reacted to Himeaimichu in Does anyone else find it easy to sing "Saku" by Dir En Grey   
    I'm preparing to one day video me singing and post it here. I'm possibly gonna do "R-18" by GossiP, since I know all the lyrics to that (Usually, I improvise the lyrics XD)
  16. Like
    shiroihana got a reaction from Himeaimichu in Does anyone else find it easy to sing "Saku" by Dir En Grey   
    You sound like you have a lot of range and I'd love to hear you sing!
    Anyways I think Kyo's head /mixed voice is the most impressive thing about him other than I guess his much improved growling technique over the years. For someone like me to pull of Saku it'd be purely from intensity and I'd have to be incredibly lucky just to even pull it off without going off key or my voice cracking. I'm pretty sure my vocal range is only 2 octaves since I haven't sung scales or w/e to help improve my range so for someone like me or any average singer Saku is definitely a very difficult song to sing. Kyo's a guy who tries out new things regularly, and sometimes he will down right sound silly because of it, but that's what happens when you have the amount of passion and love for music Kyo has - he's an innovator through and through. I remember the early years where he would never have attempted a quarter of the things he has done half a decade later in his career, so pretty cool beans.
  17. Like
    shiroihana got a reaction from vanivani in Google trends showing the decline of visual kei   
    It's not about visual kei dying so much as people (particularly foreigners in this instance) losing interest in visual kei, or being less frequently exposed to visual kei due to less interest from others, less resources, whatever. Cool blog tho.
  18. Like
    shiroihana got a reaction from JamesR in random thoughts thread   
  19. Like
    shiroihana got a reaction from itsukoii in Show Yourself (again)   
    Yeah I'm a man. Many people here know who I am but have never seen a full face photo of me so yeah.
  20. Like
    shiroihana reacted to Biopanda in New Year's Resolutions   
    Turn RarezHut into a multi-million dollar empire that would make papa yoshiki proud and prob lose some weight too idk
  21. Like
    shiroihana got a reaction from togz in Show Yourself (again)   
    Yeah I'm a man. Many people here know who I am but have never seen a full face photo of me so yeah.
  22. Like
    shiroihana reacted to SadMoomin in Show Yourself (again)   
    I changed my hair color and i'm really happy with it. 
  23. Like
    shiroihana got a reaction from Biopanda in Show Yourself (again)   
    Yeah I'm a man. Many people here know who I am but have never seen a full face photo of me so yeah.
  24. Like
    shiroihana reacted to Takadanobabaalien in Disbanded Favorites/Bands That You Miss So Much   
    Some of the Eternal/Climax bands were really great and it's a shame they're disbanded. Even more shame most of them never really got big. 
    Vice risk
    La'miss fairy
    And then of course Yukika's bands
    Buddy x Buddy
    Sadie's Courreges
    etc (they're kinda all the same with exception for his solo and Buddy).
    But he's doing good as president of Ains nowadays anyway so it's ok.
  25. Like
    shiroihana reacted to nekkichi in Google trends showing the decline of visual kei   
    my dear, I'm not referring to actual trans/agender people, the more or less socially integrated type;
    I specifically outline the obnoxious vocal tumblr stereotype that had a brief moment of raise to the internet fame, which is still not really over.
    thank you for your input tho!
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