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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. This thread for all of the artists of MH to come drop a drawing of their fave V Kei band's logo and or cover art~ <3 (V-kei Clothing Logo's Count too <3)
  2. Aferni

    This makes me feel like a thing
  3. Aferni

    Not a competition, so much as a group thread meaning like, a thread where all artist's contribute to one art topic.
  4. Aferni

    Oh My Gosh Yes <3
  5. Aferni

    I just got an Idea about an Art Thread where there's one subject and many people draw on that subject. A V Kei Logo drawing thread where everyone who want's to can draw their fave bands logo. That would be dope
  6. I have to face the fact that I'm not funny. </3
  7. Aferni

  8. That boy is booty bothered right about now
  9. DO NOT CREDIT ME. Tracklist _____________ 1.)XXX in the BOX (Obviously) http://www.mediafire.com/download/sc526sl7e3f6fzo/XXX+In+The+Box.mp3
  10. I'm leaving bcuz you guys can't take the fact that I cry and fap to Sadie's "GANGSTA" album simultanesouly DEAR LORD MY SIDES HAVE LEFT ORBIT
  11. Why are you guys doin him like dis
  12. さよなら、 私は同性愛者です。 = Goodbye, I am gay........ さよなら、 私は同性愛者です。 = Goodbye, I am gay I AM IN TEARS OMFG STOP LMAO
  13. Aferni

    This is beautiful, please make more <3
  14. Aferni


    Welcome! (nice ass btw) In all seriousness though, welcome and enjoy your stay for as long as you stay here. (which is hopefully a long stay.)
  15. Sad to see you go man, hope you can return sometime.
  16. ☆☆☆☆☆ out of ☆☆☆☆☆ (NO WAY MY NO ASK KILL YOU!! LEAVE OUT ALL THE REST!!!!!!) MBHI CAST: __________________ Vo.平一洋(taira kazuhiro) Gt.ダイ(die) Gt.衍龍(kouryuu) Ba.りょう(ryou) Dr.てつや(tetsuya) Today I will be reviewing, MBHI's recent and first mini album (wooooot~ <3) "MIMIC". Feel free to drop your thoughts below! I want to hear your input too! <3 1.) 嗚咽 __________ Oetsu is the opener track for this mini album, and both halves of the song are uploaded on youtube with it's pv spot. Anyways, When I heard it's preview I was absolutely dumbfounded, When I heard both previews I knew at that moment I would need to hear the full version. Hearing it now, it was way better than I expected it to be, TenTen sings with a strong sense of emotion, the riffs and guitars alone are just a rough sound that only MBHI can deliver. The break down was delicious, it was so rewarding to wait for this song, no this mini album. Oetsu is the best track on this mini having it being the heaviest. TenTen's Voice is the highlight of this song, his harsh vocals are just so angry sounding. They compete with Jin (THE BLACK SWAN) and Akane's(D.I.D.). That bass playing is sexy too, ryou's skill's are as dope as a pound of marijuana. If he keeps up he might surpass RENA of THE BLACK SWAN.....someday because RENA's skills are as hard as an erection that last's more than three hours. ☆☆☆☆☆ out of ☆☆☆☆☆ 2.) ネジレル _____________ Nejireru, the second track of this glorious mini album This track being less heavy than it's predecessor oetsu, fit this mini really well. This is apart of MBHI's inbetween heavy and non-heavy style, somewhere near heavy but not too close. This track gave me a Linkin Park vibe and it's okay because this song fits MBHI, the composition was solid, the sound was as hard as the asphalt I also enjoyed the piano sounding snippet thrown in there. MBHI is really mixing it up with thier songs and I like it. This song was very unique to me, TenTen's voice again save's the day , not saying the music doesn't but TenTen's voice is a precious Gemstone. Do you see where I'm going with this.....no..? Okay :/ ☆☆☆☆☆ out of ☆☆☆☆☆ 3.) REAPER MIMIC ___________________ To be honest I skipped over this track while listening because being a fucking retard, I thought it was going to be like "meh". But, BUT....I was way wrong. The instrumental starts off with a great little jam and then TenTen kicks in and starts slaying shit With the mass murderous weapon that is his voice. at 1:33 shit got real, and it continued to get real. I couldn't resist the urge to head bang in my room when I heard this it got too powerful for me around 1:43. I Had to turn up the volume. This track was indeed a banger! MBHI Never Fucking Disappoints. So Far we're doing great! Three more tracks~. ☆☆☆☆☆ out of ☆☆☆☆☆ 4.) 灰色の森 _____________ This fucking track, oh my god.....its my second fave from this mini. I cannot describe the mixture of feelings this track gave me. It was a mix of nostalgia and calmness, accompanied by a sense of melancholy. This track is beautiful, and I hope for MBHI to make more tracks like it, this is what perfection is in it's purest form. I like how they made it sound like drum and bass with their dynamic sound. The piano is the icing on the delicious cake. It takes you far away, it has a gentle snowfall feel to it. I love those Semi-High notes that TenTen hits,this is definitely a song to get stoned to. Dear God this Mini is fucking love in its purest form. <3 ☆☆☆☆☆ out of ☆☆☆☆☆ 5.) 凶の世界 _______________ DAMN THIS TRACK IS PERFECT.....This track just gives you that feel of bathing in moonlight. TenTen's vocals match the guitars, everyone is jamming in their own way and that is to be appreciated in this track. Everyone is just slaying like fucking knights in a days of old tale. Jesus Christ, MBHI has no chill what so ever when it comes to pleasing their fans, this track is something like Aozora Guillotine. And THAT TRACK WAS SEXY TOO. But this calm is more calm, collected and cool. Get what I mean?.....you don't..? Its cool. Lmao ☆☆☆☆☆ out of ☆☆☆☆☆ 6.)目覚める2分前 ________________ NO WAY MY NO ASK KILL YOU!!!!! This track is fun and fast. This track is quick on it's toes with it's speedy composition, it's one of the more fun tracks on the mini. It sounds like everyone was into it, TenTen's harsh vocal's at the beginning did it for me he fucking killed it! Yeah this song is short but there's nothing wrong with that, it's one of those short but sweet deals. I just love it when he goes "Wooooahh~" dear god he has a unique voice and I love him for it, and you should too ........LONG LIVE TAIRA KAZUHIRO...LONG LIVE MBHI. ☆☆☆☆☆ out of ☆☆☆☆☆ In final This Mini Gets from me a ☆☆☆☆☆ out of ☆☆☆☆☆, Why you may ask~? Because this mini turned out better than I thought it would, being as how I wasn't too big on MBHI before this has fully thrown me into their arms to be embraced by the arms that is their dynamic sound. didn't think I scored it correctly? Give me your thoughts <3
  17. Aferni

  18. We're going to play a game, where I post two pairs of vocalist's and you have to choose a pair and explain why you chose them, and then you post two pairs and the person under you will do the same. TenTen( MY BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND) & JIN ( THE BLACK SWAN) Yuuki (Lycaon) & Karma (AvelCain)
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