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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. Aferni

    CAT5 bby, didn't I tell you I was scared of Zeus?
  2. Aferni

    This thread has officially turned into a grudge match. This looks a bit nasty. [insert abandon thread gif] EDIT: Lmao everyone needs to chill, I know it sucks having Lycaon disband and all and you have the right to feel a bit blue because of that. As well as having the ability to ignore those who want to make a joke out of it, just ignore them. I cant say its easy for everyone but still, try at least not to feed into it, it eggs them on. I'm not choosing sides or anything, I'm just saying how I feel about this (NOT THAT WHAT I SAY IS RELEVANT LMFAO BUT WHAT EVER FLOATS ON WATER OR IN AIR). Seriously guys, just chill. But then everyone always has to remember, This is the internet, there are people who are gonna screw with you no matter where you go. lol
  3. Aferni

    you look pretty cool
  4. Aferni

    THE BLACK SWAN - 失愛と依存、その感触 5 Joints of Kush A pair of pajama pants and a new bed spread
  5. 「嗚咽」is fucking amazing, aswell as that breakdown.
  6. Aferni

    Lmao are those guys in drag?
  7. Aferni

  8. Aferni

    Will you hate me all night?
  9. Aferni

    Kisaki is 39? I always thought he was older. Lol
  10. Aferni

    Got something tasty coming for you guys in the download section tomorrow. A tasty bowl of SHIT NOODLE... <3 And holy shit there's a shit storm in this thread no pun intended.
  11. Do you laugh? The origin of the nightmare This evening. Teddy bear I dance. I can't sleep by myself. Teddy bear Please stay by my side. It wont be separated during a dream. Return it. Please do pass, a bent right arm. The face, mincing. Please sew on a mouth. Its form will gather. Teddy bear, I'm sorry. Teddy bear, no longer exists. Teddy bear, I love you. Teddy bear ,Please permit it. Right now, it isn't permitted. Romanji _________________ Anata ga warau no Akumu no hajimari Koyoi mo Tedibea odorimasho Hitoride wa nemurenai Tedibea-gawa ni ite Yumenouchi hanasanai O kaeshi Migiude o heshi magete Sono kao o kirikizami Kuchimoto wa nui tsukete Sono sugata o soroi Tedibea gomen'nasai Tedibea mō shinai Tedibea aishi teru Tedibea yurushite Imasarada ne yurusanai
  12. Aferni

    作詞 千吊 作曲 拓 僕が描く未来図に 何故?自分が映らない 飛べぬ鳥が居ることなど 知りたくもなかった 湿った煙草を加えて 縁取る悲しみの影 言い訳さえ声にならず 大袈裟なプロローグ 僕は窓から見る 景色の数ミリ 誰かのせいにして 逃げてた 聞こえないフリで 生きてきた 大人ぶって 非情ぶって 自分を殺してた 貴女が綺麗に笑うから 少しだけ明日に夢みよう もう明日が怖い今日を 終わらせよう 誰かが生きられずにいた 今がこんなに辛くて 泣いて 泣いて 声に溺れ 疲れて眠る 居場所は何処? やっぱり未来図には 僕なんて 居ないね 最後に見た景色はきっと 「一番嫌い」な僕でした 大人ぶって 非情ぶって こうして逃げてきた 靴紐が解けちゃったから 僕は此処で「降参します。」 まだ17ページ程の エピローグ
  13. Aferni

    作詞 千吊 作曲 拓 満ちた月 霞む理性 薬指 日焼けの 跡 ほら また 他の誰かを映す 目障り ソノヒトミガ キライ ゼンブ ウケイレテ エゴの快楽と 真っ赤なドレスに 溺れましょう 仕上げは 白を添えて 独り占め Fatima 揺れる Fatima 群がる鴉 恋 焦がれ 殺しました。お気に入り PSYCHOプロポーズ フカクウケイレテ 月明かり照らす 真っ暗な此処で 愛し会おう 動かない 可哀想な シンデレラ Fatima 揺れる Fatima 群がる鴉 恋 焦がれ 殺しました。 僕のこと 覚えていますか? Fatima 笑う Fatima 遮る 貴女 恋 焦がれ 殺しました。サプライズ PSYCHOプロポーズ
  14. アナタが笑うの 悪夢の始まり 今宵も テディベア 踊りましょ 一人では眠れない テディベア 側に居て 夢の中 離さない 御返し 右腕を へし曲げて その顔を切り刻み 口元は縫い付けて その姿 お揃い テディベア ごめんなさい テディベア もうしない テディベア 愛してる テディベア 許して 今更だね 許さない
  15. This doesn't seem real. I hope they come back, I'm going to miss them tremendously . I always thought that if all my favorites would disband I'd still have lycaon....seems like that cannot be. Rest In Peace Lycaon, ferni will always love you.
  16. you mean like most members from previous with new members?
  17. ex-MEMBER Bassist yakihiko will be a support bassist for モノクロ地獄
  18. Akujou No Hohemi while smoking with friends
  19. Respect album to be postponed because of blackdoll leaving the band, vo. Aferni is devastated.
  20. I honestly had no Ideas on an title. So i used your name.
  21. It was announced on Vo. Aferni's blog that モノクロ地獄 will be releasing a Dir En Grey/GACKT Cover/Respect Album. There will be a limited edition given to those who attend plug with one of the band members from now between the 1st of april at 12:00 am est. Tracklist: ___________ 1.) Saku (DEG) 2.) Zan (DEG) 3.) Obscure (DEG) 4.) I'll (DEG) 5.) Jessica (DEG) 6.) Another World (GACKT) 7.) Sekiray (GACKT) 8.) secret (GACKT) The limited edition's tracklist is a secret for now. THE PLANNED RELEASE DATE WOULD BE MARCH 20th.
  22. I'm thinking of doing THE BLACK SWAN but, that'd take all of my time about a year. Most of the song's I've made are Vk covers I have like atleast 90 unpublished song's. I have, Dir En Grey, Hyde and GACKT. So far atleast. I'm looking for someone to make a Midi file of THE BLACK SWAN's THE HOPELESS or atleast TRIPPER So I can go about remixing it right.
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