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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. Aferni

    LOL HAKURAKU ACTUALLY USED THAT TYPE OF AESTHETIC RIGHT LMAO And Tsuzuku didn't sound like he was having uncomfortable anal sex either. :/ BUT HEY MY WRONG OPINION IS WRONG AND I AM HATER
  2. Aferni

    When someone lashes out at Mejibray this is about the majority reaction. I'm not saying I could do better, and attention? Apple please. Like I said I voiced my opinion on what I thought about it, I'm not going to apologize for the way I bashed them about this single because I know they can do better and so they have. It isn't hate, just about everyone here throws around that term like a baseball. If someone doesn't find what someone else's fave did amusing or in the slightest bit decent it's hate when said "Hater" doesn't even hate The group in question. So think before you post, don't go and get all "OMG YOU HATE MEJIBRAY OMFG WHY U DO DIS" because I've written one negative review on them. If it was hate, I wouldn't have reviewed it, meaning I wouldn't have tried it out because fuck logic right? right. But Hey, I'm a hater! A Filthy Mejibray hater that needs Attention!
  3. Aferni

    Racist Imbecile
  4. Aferni

    Don't worry, they'll be plenty of that~ I already have the rope and candles. I've also got clamps~<3
  5. Aferni

    I'm glad we could dissolve that without arguing.
  6. Aferni

    Like I said, this wasn't going to be a positive review. Yes I'm aware that my review was immature, but when dealing with my veiw please don't expect other wise. I gave my view on it like I said, I understand why you don't like it but that doesn't mean I'm sorry for voicing my opinion. If this makes you think less of me then that's fine I understand.
  7. Aferni

    Today I will be reviewing Mejibray's latest Installment, 盈虧. WARNING: THIS IS A DISCLAIMER FOR THOSE WHO ARE EASILY OFFENDED BY HARSH CRITICISM OF MEJIBRAY, SO IF YOU THINK I'M GONNA SAY SOME IGNORANT SHIT, THEN TURN RIGHT BACK AROUND AND GO LISTEN TO KYARY PAMU PAMU OR SOMETHING IDK. MY APOLOGIES IF THIS MAKES YOU HATE ME. lol https://youtu.be/4qfHZ1b7LCw inform me on how wrong my wrong opinion is. Eiki is Mejibray's second and last single in their 2 month single consecutive release. Seeing it's recent reception among the forum I felt it was necessary to write this review. As all my other shitty reveiw's go, post your opinion below and inform me on how wrong my wrong opinion is. lol We'll start with Eiki itself and it's PV. 1.) 盈虧 As being the title track aswell as the PV track eiki is the Second track of this single. (Obviously that much you know, you aren't fucking retarded like me~) This track was uploaded to youtube before it's release just like it's older brother Nepenthes. This track went absolutely nowhere for me and it proves alot of perceptions I have about Mejibray and they way their aesthetic functions. This track although, something new tired by Mejibray impressed me not in the slightest. I was actually quite put off by the blandness and boredom the track gave me. As I said before do not get me wrong I do love Mejibray they just have fallen far from what they used to be, they are such as a roller-coaster, they have high and low points, loop de loops and a part where they pause and do it over and over again. As for the PV all I have to say that it was sprinkled with Mejibray's main spice, the visuals. What with Tsuzuku's pole dancing, to the Enviornment, to the Nicki Minaj looking drag queen's he had by his side. ☆☆☆☆☆ out of ☆☆☆☆☆ 2.)人間 Ningen, being the first track was pretty....pretty ugly. Another one of Mejibray's slow generic track where it sounds like Tsu is trying too hard be to sexual with his ehhhh and ahhhh's. AND THEN THERES TSUZUKU's CHUGGALUG AND THEN IM LIKE LMAO. I'm greeted by a bunch of indistinguishable chugging, and then between it comes Tsu's harmonic voice, the second time around it's stale like old doritos. and then theres that slow "br00741" break down with more chugging to follow. Then Tsu busts in with AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. And it's just at this point where I wanted to tell him to please shut up, but y'know he cant hear me so yeah. This tack was short and bad, like a rabid dog. ☆☆☆☆☆ out of ☆☆☆☆☆ "E FOR EFFORT" 3.) 蜈蚣 LMAO WTF IS THIS? Holy shit Mukade was a side splitter, I couldn't stop laughing while listing to this, it brought me to tears. omg. The Chugging needs serious work,the song is nothing but chugging and whispers, like really mejibray? Really? I know that they could do A WHOLE lot better, just look a At Nepenthes. They have potential they just don't know how to fucking use it. I don't understand why they keep holding back, I dont understand. Like sonic say's "C'MON STEP IT UP". ☆☆☆☆☆ out of ☆☆☆☆☆ But hey if you ain't heard it, here http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php/topic/34904-mejibray-%E7%9B%88%E8%99%A7-eiki-20150506/ If I rated this too harshly for you, or didn't give enough insight on it, tell me below! I'd love you're opinion.
  8. Aferni

    I'll give you my POV para, I go back over and over again to see what scales Mejibray attempts to tip. As it's for me up and down as where they do good with one release and fuck up with the other, don't get me wrong I like Mejibray but alot of recent things they've done have been crud. Not Countin Nepenthes and Half of 420 Roses,Shuuei ect.
  9. Aferni

    Rest Assured blackdoll will be getting whipped and pounded for hours while in my best Yuuki cosplay~
  10. Compared to Yuuki Tsuzuku honestly would be the ugliest man alive. Tsuzuku's already awkward looking enough.
  11. Aferni

    Banned because I'm fuckin Sad
  12. Aferni

    I'm gonna do more than touch you, please rest assured <3
  13. Aferni

    Aint even afraid to die.
  14. Aferni

    i know what i'm gonna think about in bed tonight. [fans self]
  15. Aferni

    Lonely. Lonely. Lonely.
  16. Aferni

    Wrathful Divinity.
  17. Aferni

    Please kill me.
  18. Yea, im gonna stay away from this release. This is worse than A Priori. Good Job Mejibray. This sounds Terrible.
  19. My fave VanessA song but can barely hear shit cause quality.
  20. Thank you! I'll make sure to try harder in the future!
  21. Aferni

    He does look like Kisaki a bit wtf
  22. Aferni

    I want to kill you , I wanna make sure you won't get up, like a old limp dick with no pills.
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