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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. MAJOR UPDATE!: I'M CURRENTLY WORKING ON 3 OF MY FAVORITE NEGA PIECES , NEO DESTRUCTION(Demo), Haunted Jealousy(Demo),Guilt Trip (Demo). They will be up soon!
  2. "Jesus Phobia" Im laughing at this way harder than I should. Inb4 Chizuru caught former "DEATH TO GOD CAUSE HE IS TOTT" Syndrome. lmao
  3. Aferni

  4. Aferni

    The song is so intense. DADAROMA IS THE FUTURE
  5. Aferni

    These guys are fucking nuts
  6. Aferni

  7. Aferni

    Shiro is always Awesome
  8. Aferni

    Integrity..I'm so preordering just for TBS,Sel'm and Gigamous fuckin sign me up!
  9. Aferni

    I want to die today. Jesus, Stuff sucks.
  10. Aferni

    You are fucking awesome omg
  11. Aferni

    what does Taira hate about Sunday, is he anti religious like akane used to be?
  12. Aferni

    My fucking sides. His voice is so sour..
  13. Aferni

    IMPORTANT WARNING: If you don't like harsh/ignorant attempted humor at the band in question do not read this review, and if you do don't get your jimmies in a bunch because no one has the same God Complex about the group in question. Thanks and have a nice day. Members: Vo.勇企(yuuki) (ex-COЯE THE CHILD-->UnsraW) Gt.暁(satoshi) (ex-フィズ(fizz)-->レトルト(retort)-->Para:noir-->D.I.D.) Ba.IORI (ex-オルガ(ORGE), Créateur(support)) Dr.和春(kazuharu) (ex-Sephiro-->MiD DERACINE-->AMARANYX, PSYCHE-プシュケ-, now UNLIMITED RULEBOOK(support)) OHP: http://www.doak-official.com/ DOAK (f.k.a ERIZA) is Yuuki of ex-UnsraW's new band that started out as ERIZA featuring one of VK's most other familiar faces. Satoshi of ex-D.I.D. Why Satoshi left D.I.D. remains unknown to me, there are many different rumors but I fail to grasp any of them anyway onto reviewing this single. 揚羽-ageha- __________________ I really enjoyed how the track began to start out but soon after I began disliking it for the absolutely horrendous use of autotune in VK I've heard. I wish Yuuki's clean vocals were as good as they used to be, his harsh vocals on the other hand are pretty okay..I guess? Meh not too much I can say about Ageha because it really wasn't that memorable nor interesting. 2 out of 5 パラサイト _____________ Not much I can say about this track honestly other than it has decent composition, it sounds like it could be in Shadow The Hedgehog(2005). Which isn't bad per se, the vocals are just terrible in this song, the instruments are good though, generic but good. In that kind of way when you're one of those fans that can't accept that your fave member sucks now so you have to lie to yourself to not loose faith in that said member lol. 3 out of 5 LICKER ____________ This track was packed full of so much shit I could've sworn it was a babies dirty diaper. I'm sorry if you're the jolly camper that enjoys this song because you enjoy generic garbage. They were better off not including this song, Yuuki's vocals are off here, the instrumentals need work, the guitar solo is satisfactory and the bass work is also ametuerish. Another Generic VK song to add to the list. 1 out of 5 eris __________________ Now this track was 20 % enjoyment for me because it reminded me of UnsraW, generic as it may be this is the track I enjoyed the most out of the whole single. The further you get its like a train wreck, I'd say like when the constant chugging kicks in, this has the potential to be a MEJIBRAY song and i think it'd fit them because of Tsu's pig squealing, I just feel like they could do it better. While I enjoy Yuuki, I dont think DOAK will do anything for me to enjoy them honestly. I hate to be that way but thats just the way I am, I honestly think Satoshi should also return to D.I.D. if that's possibru. Why he left the better vocalist beats me in a boxing match with a fuckin cinder block. 3 out of 5 This release gets a 2 out of 5 as I reallly didn't enjoy it as a whole. it just isn't that good i'm sorry not sorry it's generic. VERY. GENERIC. and I listen to some generic shit lol.
  14. Aferni

    Please have my babies
  15. Aferni

    blackdoll's panties.
  16. THIS KILLS THE MAN [9832374932u94890328203989043890243]
  17. Aferni

    Youtube to mp3in this shit <3
  18. Aferni

    Ignore me and it's all good but when I don't respond to the message you sent me about wanting to fuck I'M the bad guy? PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE proceed to literally attempt to fit an entire wasp's nest in your anal cavity, thank you so much. <3
  19. Aferni

  20. Thank you nullmoon <3 Here's a short Remix of Green Hill Zone!
  21. Here is a remix of my favorite track by hide "DICE".
  22. Here's my remix of Dir En Grey's Raison detre. Enjoy!
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