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Everything posted by Aferni

  1. Aferni

    A 4am Sketch. Lmao i was half asleep you can tell by the sloppiness. ♪ THE BLACK SWAN - THE HOPELESS
  2. This is why i fucking love them.
  3. LMAO THAT PREVIEW. MY SIDES HAVE BEEN DESTROYED, gg Mejibray will try this Mini. Alubum tho.....
  4. These bands are better in studio than live.
  5. Aferni

    "What can you bring to the company?" "These Nuts" "YOU'RE HIRED!"
  6. Aferni

    Adults are known to do nothing within these situations, that's why I started online classes because I got tired of getting into fights because someone wants to pick on me. Everyone I ended up befriending used and lied to me. I fought my so called "Best Friend" a week before I left school because apparently he never liked me. I tried to make friends as best as I could but it really didn't work seeing as how I'm a shy person. The few ones I made were two faced liars who ended up spreading rumors about me being gay or being a thief ect. None of the lies really added up but people believed them and avoided me like the plague. It hurt a lot for a while but I became numb to it. Surprisingly I had befriended a new female student and we talked for a while and we became really close but it was another ruse. For half of the school year we talked and hung out and we dated for a short while but that's when I found out she was seeing another guy while with me. It honestly hit me hard because I assumed she was the only person at the school that I could trust, on top of that she talked about me behind my back, she stole from me, and acted like she didn't even know me when she was around her friends. I couldn't get the counselor to help me because it seemed like what I said to them went in one ear and out of the other, the Principal just told me he'd get to it but he never did anything. When someone else needed a problem fixed He'd hop right on it but whenever I went to him nothing happened. I honestly never understood. From then on it became stressful even waking up in the morning, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat and my blood pressure heightened often. As a result I have an enlarged heart and was diagnosed with Depression, I became so down to the point where I'd stay home for a week from school every other week. It's hard to trust people because most of them are snakes. Back biting, two faced snakes.
  7. While I don't live with my parent's (currently living with my aunt) she really doesn't notice, well either that or she doesnt give a shit.
  8. Praying for this to be like silver's.exe or nepenthes
  9. I second this. atleast make him no.4 Trombe is like Fresh Water, Essential to your everything.
  10. Didn't think I'd make it. Thank you omg.
  11. Aferni

    Just got DBZ Xenoverse so gonna be on that for a while now.
  12. Aferni

    Got caught in a storm while walking today and got fucking soaked Lmao. My phones damaged
  13. Aferni

  14. Aferni

    The "my wrong opinion" is a joke if you hadn't noticed already. :/
  15. Aferni

    Guess who's back with vengeance?! You guessed it, グリーヴァ! After being on hiatus for i don't know how long they've returned! Good ol' グリーヴァ. With the saddening loss of their old drummer Rui they were forced to take some time off, then they announced 3 new singles and a mini album exhilarating right? Yes. They released previews for these singles which made waiting all that more hellish. But thank's to Jigsaw & Peace Heavy~ (thank you jiggy and pissu) We were able to listen to these three singles. today I will be reviewing one of the singles, my personal favorite, 絶望ノ朝 . I'll start with (SE), The production quality on this SE, is a bit eh but when you can get past that it's quite cool. A nice opener for the single,I dig the piano and it's one of my favorite aspects about the SE. I also like how it ends with the WOOOOOOOOOSH sound, it's pretty impressive imo. ☆☆☆☆☆ out of ☆☆☆☆☆ 絶望ノ朝 ______________ Instantly when I heard the preview I knew this was going to be my favorite out of all 3 singles. While very depressing this tune is a short moment of greatness. The chorus is catchy, Kyouki's vocals are the same as ever along with his sometimes annoying kote kote kei scream. you know the one the YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA. SEI YA YA YA YA YA YA. Anyway this song is very emotional and relate-able i guess. The piano really sells it for me, along with the violin. that melody is just so harmonic and melancholy it's simply amazing and I can't get enough of it. Just like blackdoll, i keep going back for more. I want to hear more Grieva tracks like this, keep it goin guys. Can't wait for the mini album.' ☆☆☆☆☆ out of ☆☆☆☆☆ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_p3jDaltMN8 Didn't think I scored it correctly? Gimmie your thoughts, I'd love to see your pov. AND IF YOU DIDN'T ALREADY, CHECK OUT THE THREE SINGLES! theyre in the download forum, you cant miss 'em .-.
  16. Aferni

    Tsuzuku's vocals worsened throughout Mejibray. He went from top to bottom in an instant and I don't understand why. He sound's like he's trying too hard and straining himself, I mean you can tell by the notes he hits. It's a really high pitched whine and it's not like the instrumental's make up for it either. They don't match his ranges and they themselves are bland and un-inspired. The harsh vocal's need work as well. A comparison would be Thinker, an amazing Mejibray song where everything compliments one another, as well as Tsuzuku not sounding strained as hell with his clean vocals. The harsh vocals aren't incomprehensible pig squealing either. Tsuzuku needs to go back to his early Mejibray roots vocal wise, and some of their old style would be icing on the cake, but I'm asking too much. Right? I wouldn't mind something in the esque of Shuuei or even Avalon for Christ's sake. come on Mejibray.
  17. Aferni

    y u gotta do dat
  18. Aferni

    XD noted
  19. Aferni

    You read what I'm gonna do to blackdoll later.
  20. Aferni

    I'm going to punish you in the kitchen first~
  21. Aferni

    It's best you wear nothing at all, that way it's nothing to ruin~
  22. Aferni

    You're right, I can just give you a nice little bite~ I could also lick cream off your delicate body <3
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