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Status Updates posted by lollipopmonstar

  1. CLØWD will be great! ♥

  2. Coldrain's new album is damn good <3

    1. freesia


      i was disappointed. </3

  3. Come on 2016! Bring me Yo-shiT back in a band too!

  4. DILEMMA from Arlequin is sooo good! ♥

    1. Elazmus


      sing it, brotherrr

  5. DIV's new single is perfect, perfect! <3

  6. Don't go xTRiPx

    1. beni


      Thank you for the link. Can't believe they'd disband! I think I'm going to get too upset. ><

    2. chemicalpictures


      completely heartbroken...

    3. lollipopmonstar


      I'm really sad, still crying =\ Hoping they get new bands soon...

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  7. Door-Zaki Ma-Die is awesome <3 My favorite track on this single <3

  8. DuelJewel knew how to say goodbye! The mini is amazing!


  10. FED's first album is just PERFECT <3 Each song is damn good! 10/10

  11. Finally a new release of UNiTE. that gets me excited! The new single is very good!

    1. Tetora


      I was wondering if they should have made Wonder f∞l the leading track and Marble the B-side. Wonder is such a show stealer and I find it way more catchy. LiN : Love.

    2. fitear1590


      "YA SMELL ME? LACK OF ABILITY", lol, amazing random English lyrics as usual, LiN. I really like the chorus. It's so cleanly poppy, almost shibuya-kei-ish. I just think that "omae mo omae mo baka baka" part is a bit grating and the final repeat at the end of the song was unnecessary, imo. Otherwise, pretty solid single! I hope we hear more from Sana on the album!

    3. ricchubunny


      He said he's working hard on compositions for this album!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  12. Finally my copy of "Planetary Secret" has arrived! So beautiful and perfect ♥

  13. Finally, finally, finally! A new single from XENON !!!!! <333333333

  14. FIXER's new single is awesome!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

    1. Shir0


      Yes (: it's surprisingly better than I previously expected from the samples

    2. ChaoticEnding
    3. Elazmus


      I just had a realization of what an improvement it is like 20 minutes ago

  15. FROST by HORA ♪♥

  16. Fucking Jesus, now ZORO? I'll be without bands in a little while =\

  17. GAGA's first single is incredible! Super recommend!

  18. GnD first live today! Someone take me to Japan ;---;

  19. GOTCHAROCKA's "Emotion" is the best ♥

    1. Spectralion


      Seriously, I'm curious with everything you ever listened to.

    2. Tetora


      Yeah they listen to a lot of good stuff.

  20. Happy 9 years LM.C! <3

    1. Tetora


      One of my favorites.

    2. plastic_rainbow


      wow, has it really been that long?? congrats to them~

  21. Happy Heavy Positive Rock Day ♥

    1. DOGharu



  22. Happy New Year! (^ ▽ ^ )

  23. HeaRt is back! I can't contain my happiness! <3

    1. Yuuya Miyagi

      Yuuya Miyagi

      me too ! i miss jun's voice

  24. Here in Brazil we lack 3 hours to midnight, so, merry christmas to all and I hope you are very happy this day ♥

  25. How much costs people who compare bands? :v

    1. Des


      Much bands compare costs people. :3

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