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Vitne Eveille

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Everything posted by Vitne Eveille

  1. Vitne Eveille

    I bought a ticket just in case Still not sure if I can actually go, but it's not expensive to fly from here. That makes it a little more possible
  2. Vitne Eveille

    Welcome! MH is a good place
  3. Vitne Eveille

    oh crap, a new SaGa game? Too bad it's for Vita, considering how Sony pretty much dropped it from the west. I'm guessing this game won't get an English localization. guess I need to get cookin' on learning more Japanese
  4. I haven't explored that much I guess since high school and college. In high school, I searched for any punk, pop punk, or ska band that resonated with me. In college, it was hair metal. Now, It's more here and there, and maybe recommendations from people, or overseeing something on MH or another forum or YouTube.
  5. Super excited about this! I overall really enjoy the album format to singles, and it's been forever since he made a full album. Awesome! Yes the price was pretty hefty, but that's the special edition pre-order. I imagine a regular version will come too.
  6. Vitne Eveille

    Now I'm officially on Final Fantasy XIV and I think its awesome. AND Fallout 4. Totally awesome
  7. Vitne Eveille

    Bear, I agree, I was really pleasantly surprised at how good Jurassic World was. I like how they tied it into Jurassic Park, but I still wish some of the old cast, primarily Jeff Goldfblum and Sam Neil, would have made at least cameos.
  8. Vitne Eveille

    I saw it a few times last time I was back in the States. Not bad! Kinda strange but not bad!
  9. Vitne Eveille

    KAGOME! That's all.
  10. Vitne Eveille

    On the flights to and from the US recently I watched a few movies! I saw Terminator Genesys, a Chinese movie called Wolf Warrior, Furious 7, Argo (second time seeing it) and some Japanese movie called Solomon's Perjury. I liked them all. Arnold is always fun to see on screen, the Chinese movie was actually pretty cool. I'm not so familiar with Chinese film, but it was entertaining and funny. Furious 7 was really good, always a good time with lots of action. Argo is just awesome, and the Japanese movie was really creative. A little slow but very creative, thought-provoking, and interesting.
  11. Vitne Eveille

    I'm pretty excited about the new Star Ocean. FF7 remake has my attention too, I just hope they do it well and don't throw in some BS new fighting system. I wasn't a fan of FF12 or FF13's fighting systems. But you know what? Whatever, it's gonna be cool because I liked FF7 a lot
  12. Vitne Eveille

    I really need to play Dead Space 3. I loved the first one, absolutely loved it. 2 was good too, but the first was so different at the time, so cool. I'm still playing FFX HD Remaster, but I just picked up a PS4 and Final Fantasy 14. I'm actually pretty excited to try it, I'm not a big fan of MMOs but I like how you can do a lot solo in this one. But it'll just be cool in general to try, as I played FFXI a decent amount (really didn't like how party-necessary it was though). Really though, super pumped about Fallout 4. That's gonna be a black hole for a little while for me
  13. Vitne Eveille

    I'm really enjoying this one, and the orchestral version is also really outstanding. Very pleased with this!
  14. Vitne Eveille

    Anyone here going to see them at Wembley Statium in London next year? I might be able to!
  15. Vitne Eveille

    Last night I slept very poorly and was dreaming heavily about the Power Rangers. I also dreamed that I had witnessed a murder in some secluded, abandoned gas station. And then Rocky and I (from Power Rangers) had to move out (of the gas station/now house) and escape from whoever was looking for us. It was a weird mixture of stuff, lol.
  16. Vitne Eveille

    Bob's Burgers I found out recently it was made by a co-creator of Home Movies (I loved that show). Not Brendon, someone else. And H. Jon Benjamin is always great, though he'll always be Coach McGurk to me.
  17. Vitne Eveille

    I'm not big into horror films, but one of my favorites is Event Horizon.
  18. Vitne Eveille

    I've really been enjoying FFX-HD, though I'm playing it on the Vita because I have extremely limited time at home to play on the big screen. Its awesome on Vita though. Also been re-playing Phantasy Star IV for Genesis. Basically, I'm really just waiting for Fallout 4, because I will MAKE time to sit at home on the big screen and disappear into Fallout
  19. Vitne Eveille

    I don't know much about it, they might have a free option or a trial, but Crunchyroll. I've been meaning to check it out at some point.
  20. Vitne Eveille

    I watched "True Story" the other day. Good movie! Beat, I actually really liked the new RoboCop. I was skeptical by the screenshots and stuff, but actually seeing it for real, I was quite pleased.
  21. This is a cool comp, Bear. Gonna rock it at work
  22. Vitne Eveille

    Welcome back! We all have our breaks
  23. Vitne Eveille

    There's mine! Haha, I like how Social is 5%. I'm really not into online games that much, unless I'm playing with one of my friends. I could care less about leaderboards. This looks pretty accurate.
  24. Vitne Eveille

    Was all Macross about a rock band? I had no idea. I have never watched any Macross, though it was everywhere anime was when I was growing up. I was more into other stuff like Ranma, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Mermaid's Scar. And Gundam. I'll have to watch it, looks a little retro, I like that
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