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Status Updates posted by Owl

  1. Has anyone ever bought eBooks from cdjapan?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Owl


      But I couldn't find restrictions for english ebooks. Isn't that unfair?

    3. Tetora


      Can you buy anything? Like Japanese mags? If not then you aren't doing it right. If you can buy mags but not the English manga then it's not licensed in Mother Russia.

    4. Owl


      I can "buy" free sample books without any apps installed. Anyway I've asked them about restrictions.

  2. Jupiter banner is the one that appears most for me. Am I doomed?

    1. Tetora


      Since you don't believe in Astrology... Yes. I get Charisma.com most btw.

    2. beni


      xD Also get Jupiter the most. We're both doomed.

  3. Haven't visited forum for a while and wow it was updated.

    Any hope it will look like it used to?

    1. Zeus


      not likely

    2. Tetora


      In this world.... you either evolve, or you PERISH. 

  4. Mondays are boooooriiiiiing.

    1. Metoichi


      I know, I know ...

  5. TGIF

    1. Tetora


      Hoot Hoot. Can't wait for the weekend.

  6. I didn't know it existed

    How did I miss that?
  7. You don't wanna work because holidays are ahead, after holidays you don't wanna works because holidays have passed. Life is tough.

    1. freesia


      That's why we need to precious our holidays time!

  8. What's the purpose of cdjapan mobile app if the checkout opens up in a browser? Lol.

    I mean I could shop in browser from the start.

    1. Tetora


      Good point.

  9. The And -Eccentric Agent-'s song that I could not remember and find for years turned out to be Suzaku's song actually. Dem brain, why did I think it was by And?

  10. Am I in batcave? Where's Batman anyway?

  11. Listening to i.Rias latest album and omg what the hell did they do with DRIVE? Sounds so dissonant comparing to single version.

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