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Owl last won the day on May 29 2014

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About Owl

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    Kisaki's Errand Boy

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  1. Has anyone ever bought eBooks from cdjapan?

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    2. Owl


      Translated into english eBooks of course, cuz I'm not epic enough to read japanese books without knowing japanese. But I can't buy for some reason. So I'm asking if anyone tried to.

    3. Tetora


      You're using the right e-book reader according to the icon?

    4. Owl


      The problem starts here. I can't buy it. Is the reader neccesary to BUY? I would like to use android version, but it doesn't let me log in, the pc version is in japanese only. This is madness. I wrote to support already and they told me that their reader uses bookwalker viewer, so I can't use my mail if I've registered at bookwalker. But I didn't! Still nothing works.

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