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Everything posted by kyoselflove

  1. Got an inch of snow so far -.-

    1. kyoisKILLINGME
    2. Biopanda


      You have no idea how jealous I am :( I love snow~

    3. Kawaii_Minpha


      I don't like snow, there's just too much of this during winter. I just like autumn and spring.

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  2. kyoselflove

    Wow, Joker and Chucky lol. I like the other look, they all look good.
  3. kyoselflove

    I really wanted to like Jupiter but I think maybe just a few songs are enjoyable other wise they sound boring and generic. I know people probably hate to hear this, but I really miss Versailles and Kamijo is seriously the shit right now, I hope he continues to kick ass. Zin's voice does always sound weird and off, I've noticed, probably why I'm beginning to not enjoy them as much. Anyways, great review!
  4. kyoselflove

    Brand-x, closetchild and puresound are both really good to me. Brand-x always packages things nicely, always uses a box even for a small cd, I have noticed and even tape it down so it doesn't slide around. I order from puresound through fromjapan because it easier for me lol. I don't like email ordering for things, so I can't really say how they would pack it for overseas. Closetchild is also good but like Brand-x just has ems shipping which can be expensive. Every order I have done through all three I have received flyers and free magazines, which is pretty cool. And delivery time has always been a week or less.
  5. kyoselflove

    I watched it last night, it was kind of boring for me but others on here enjoyed it I think.
  6. Fuck North Carolina's legal system and all of its useless lawyers in it.

    1. sai


      US law is really complicated considering there are no legal books as in the continental law systems, so all laws are explained from court rulings (which have to be found on the internet).

    2. sai


      So I think that if lawyers don't even bother looking into that stuff on the internet then they're probably not very good lawyers tbqh

    3. kyoselflove


      But those were the only lawyers around a 100 miles radius from that handle cases 'like this'. I even tried one over the internet that is on the other side of the state but she tried to do it as a name change, like seriously. I'm so exhausted over this T____T

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  7. My house is under attack by chipmunks.

    1. Owl


      You should capture some of them, then train to sing. In the end you'll create first vk chipmunk band and gonna be their manager. Don't waste your chance, capture now!

    2. Shir0
    3. kyoselflove
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  8. kyoselflove

    I love this movie! At first the beginning was so cheesy I almost turned it off lol. But wow, it really did scare me a bit! I usually don't get scared easily...okay maybe a little bit but, I thought this movie was almost perfection in the horror genre. I don't know, it was one of the best 'handcam' horrors I've seen. It just seemed real and not cliche which was really refreshing! The second one sadly was not as good in my opinion.
  9. kyoselflove

    I'm tired of being sick all the time.
  10. Nooooooo. I can't find my VITA charger T____T

    1. kyoselflove


      I found it under the couch lol. I know I suck. BUT I found a usb mic xD

    2. Tetora


      Finally some good news.

    3. kyoselflove


      But now I'm addicted to playing freedom wars.

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  11. kyoselflove

    I'm about to play it, super excited
  12. kyoselflove

    Banned for being awesome.
  13. kyoselflove

    I've been addicted to Alien: Isolation. It's so fucking intense, I jump when my dog makes a sound lol. Oh my god, on the part when the alien is stalking you, the objective is literally 100 feet away and it took me 3 hours to get to and from it. I managed to not die, but spent a lot of time in lockers and under desks lol. Seriously gets my heart racing. I love this game, just when I thought it was over when I got to a new area, the alien was back hahaha. I can't even talk when playing it because I have to concentrate on not dying.
  14. kyoselflove

    Yes! Uruha is gorgeous.
  15. Met the alien, super scurred now.

  16. Been sick and anti-social :(

  17. kyoselflove

    Time to piss myself.
  18. kyoselflove

    Well nostalgia uploaded it yesterday lol. I mean me personally seeing it haha, I've been waiting for my copy but I don't need to anymore!
  19. My PS4 is deleting games all by itself. Not cool.

    1. Tetora


      That sucks. E-mail them and complain, even if you can redownload, it means you waste another of your limited downloads of a file, and are using your bandwidth for nothing.

    2. kyoselflove


      I didn't even know there were limits to a download. That's messed up.

  20. kyoselflove

    I've been playing Dust: An Elysian Tail, have to say it is kind of addicting. I don't usually like these kind of games but it's so pretty haha.
  21. kyoselflove

    I've been nicotine free for three years xD I could never get into the whole 'vaping' thing, I loved real cigarettes too much haha.
  22. kyoselflove

    Toshiya does look really beefed up lol.
  23. kyoselflove

    I still listen to bang me everyday, and then when we get the full pv we need to talk all about it here xD
  24. kyoselflove

    I think my right click on my laptop is dying lol. I guess I right click too much haha.
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