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Posts posted by kasupaa

  1. This was predictable but still, why 2014....... Has anyone heard about Garo's plans after this disbandment? Maybe he's preparing for the live now but still...... I wanna hear from him ;;__;; plus they've sure had plenty of time between going on hiatus and this :D and Meku? What's he up to now?

  2. well.... blaaaah :// the trailer does not sound that promising... although THOG might have the same effect as Classical Element, because that album has slowly grown on me even though I hated it first (I still don't think it's that great of an album, but it's ok). I'll try to keep from being dissapointed until I hear the whole thing though.


    Zetsubou Labyrinth sounded very cool, as did Shining and The History of Genesis, so there is hope. I back it being weird that Sacred Altar closes the regular edition, I guess it's a bonus?


    EDIT: and their look is so boring......

  3. KICM-91555.jpg


    摩天楼オペラ - 致命傷


    Now, what would a good old self-respecting major VK-band be without releasing an anime-opening track? Most likely nothing, and it's surprising that 摩天楼オペラ hasn't done this until now. Although their sound perhaps isn't the most commercial of major visual key -bands, their songs contain great hooks that do suit an opening. And, in my opinion, 致命傷 is a good, solid anime opening containing those hooks, but not only that, it is actually a very good 摩天楼オペラ song too. My favorit aspects of this song is by far Sono's astonising vocals. Although he doesn't present any huge new tricks, this track showcases how great of vocalist he actually is. Altogether, the sound is very 摩天楼オペラ if you listen to the instrumental too, and the overall composition of the track is solid. There is something missing to make this a genuinely awesome 摩天楼オペラ track though. Something that most likely contribute to this feeling is the fact that the release is a one-coin single, aimed only to promote the anime-series, not 摩天楼オペラ at all, which is very sad. Also, the release was weirdly timed, 摩天楼オペラ had just come out with their great new album, AVALON, when they announced 致命傷, which makes it kinda weird and the single itself feels like it doesn't belong anywhere, which is bizarre by 摩天楼オペラ. It contributes to the feeling that the single was perhaps wrapped in a hurry to promote the series. Who knows.



  4. I would also state Kassai to Gekijou no Gloria as their best album to date, but if I was to convert someone I would prolly make them listen Abyss, it's a great mini-album. I really didn't come to think to that before I just got the mini-album myself as a hard copy, but it really is a compact representation of MO

  5. just listened to the free single on their website, this could have been something quite good, because the quality of this recording is so shitty that even fixing that would make this single really good.... well too bad 

  6. I really love CORE, and didn't think I would! I remember listening to Royz's first single ever like ages ago, thinkin it was okay, quite good, then forgot the band totally. Paradoxal started to feed me LILIA this year, and I have to say, I wasn't that impressed... Nor when I heard EGOIST was I that overwhelmed, but a few days ago I got CORE and decided that I would give it a try, and it was so worth it.


    The album is just very solid as a whole, with songs that make it stand out from a body of very generic VK -yaay/pop/rock/sparkle -bands, but first and foremost it is just so well made, so coherent as an album and the songs function so well as individual tracks and compositions that it makes me think that Royz is one of the leading bands in this category of VK music.


    REVELATION, 疾風迅雷 and answer are my favourites, with answer lying on top, I just loove that track it's insane.


    Definetly got me interested in Royz again!

  7. I understand that it is interesting when a band that is held as somewhat of a pacemaker disbands to see how the musicians continue to do their works, and what happens to their sound etc. However, Versailles was MUCH more than Kamijo and Hizaki alone, let it be that they most likely were the "leaders" and had the most experience (even perhaps talent) under their belt when forming that band. Furthermore, I do not think (or at least hope) that Kamijo or Hizaki thought at the disbandment that "now I'm just gonna do what I did in Versailles, but better!!111". After all, Hizaki played for Kamijo, which could hint at them being still in good terms, and that the disbandment was just a result of musical differences (and therefore a very sane decision). So I personally don't want to compare these two acts or see who "wins" but just see where this new road takes all of these very talented artists. Hoping to see the other part fail miserably just I dunno, it seems harsh, even if you couldn't care less for them.

  8. Arcadia is the release which now convinces me of Jupiter, at last.


    I do agree that there was, and still is, a confusion for what Jupiter actually stands for. A continuation for Versailles? I have been following Versailles' work since The Revenant Choir, and was a fan, but as Fin Paulux said, something started to fall apart even before the seize of their activities. Apparently it was something between Kamijo and the rest of the members, I assume this because of what happened. I was at first very surprised to see Jupiter forming out of the ashes of Versailles, but now I'm quite happy, because the members do play music very well together.


    Blessing of the future and Classical Element were mediocre at best. I couldn't get thrilled even if I wanted to, the quality of the compositions were bad in my opinion, nothing spectacular, and the album seems just be a presentation of the band's technical skills as well as their new singer that did not sink in at all. Zin's voice seems somehow off, perhaps because they tried to do Versailles' music with a new singer. Then I heard Last Moment, which was good, really good in my opinion. There the pieces started to fall into place, and particularly Zin's voice started to go with the band's music, maybe there was something different with the composition, I dunno. The rest of the tracks on that single are again quite ok, slipping to the same category as Classical Element, but Last Moment shines bright.


    Then came Arcadia, out of the blue. I didn't even know they were releasing a single, but boy was I blown away. First, I listened the clip of the MV from youtube, and then right away got the single from iTunes (I SOOO want it as a hard copy as well, if someone knows how to get one, tell!). As a song, I think Arcadia is just perfect. It certainly has the same feel as Last Moment, just perfected. The hard beginning, the building towards that awesome verse, the solo's just compliment the overall composition and aren't just displays of technical skills. There are a lot of so good pieces to this song that just sink in together seamlessly, making me want to listen it over and over again on repeat. If this song represents Jupiter, I really like what I hear and am a fan.


    I must admit I did listen only to Arcadia at first, the baby screaming in the beginning of Darkness made me go blaaah :D but Darkness is what makes this single The Perfect Single. Something brand new, as has been said, something that Versailles could not have done, proving that Jupiter wants to be a band in their own right, not the continuation of Versailles. The song is just so powerful, melodic and hard at the same time. There even is a melody to Zin's screaming in my opinion, a feature I don't think I have heard before, to many other bands, screaming is just screaming.


    I'm the kind of reviewer who wants to find something to do better every time, but even Zin's english in Darkness is very good. I love Arcadia. 10/10.

  9. Matenrou Opera is my all-time favorite band, love them sooo much. I have been listening to AVALON some times now, and must say that it's not quite as good as Justice or Kassai to Gekijou no Gloria, although it is very good, something just doesn't click like in Gloria, for example, where in my opinion every song is just amazing, but still fits together with the other ones. Actually Tonari ni Suwari Tayou wasn't that good of a single (and what's with the cover art, soo ugly), so my expectations weren't even this high :D anyway my favorite songs so far are Tengoku no Tobira, Kagayaki wa Senkou no Youni and 3 Jikan, oh and Tengoku no Aro Basho, it's just so epic. The first-press fancy-carboard-box-cover for AVALON is very cool in my opinion, and since I ordered it from CDJapan, as a first press bonus I got a photoshoot, and you's, anzi's and Ayame's photos were signed <3<3


    Still hooooooping for an european tour, pleeeease :DDDDD

  10. I discovered Xepher this spring and am so excited about them! As you said, they are generic, but I think they do it soooo well. Their sound is good as well as their looks, my favorite song so far is loveless, although I think ran looks weird in some shots, trying to act a bit too much perhaps? :DDD anyway I'm looking forward to their new single and perhaps an album one day!

  11. I really like Kaya, though I haven't yet got that familiar with his major-stuff. I'm so exited about Schwarz Stein's comeback, as well as Kaya's band, Femme Fatale. My ultimate favorite song is Kaleidoscope, the glitter version. It is just so amazing. All in all, Glitter is a great album! I like almost every song :DDD Hydrangea, so beautiful...... and Gitter Arch!! As I said, I love them all :DD And as someone mentioned, his chanson-ep is amazing! Shows how talented he is :DD I missed him in Finland, I guess a couple of years back he held a fan event (not a concert, so weird imo) in Helsinki.

  12. Hi!


    I'm kasupaa, new to MH! I found my way here trough my friend, Paradoxal, who forced me to sign up haha :DD


    Anyways, I'm 21, living in Helsinki, Finland, hello!


    I've been listening to jrock, more specifically Visual Kei since the end of 2005, so for over 8 years now! It all started with Dir en grey's Kodou, still one of my favourite tracks, even though the band does not inspire me that much anymore, their gig in 2007 in Helsinki was a disapointment. Somewhere in between I had a pause from actively following the VK-scene (during which many of my then-favourite bands disbanded, so sad), and listened mostly k-pop and western pop. My musical taste is a mix of quite everything, all the way from Moi dix Mois to Madonna, so :DD


    I have listened to a lot of different bands, and like a lot, but have actually just a few ultimate favorites. For a loooong time, from 2006 to perhaps 2010, ayabie was my all-time favorite band, but now I would state Matenrou Opera as my favorite, Ayame is my favourite member (as you might figure out from the avatar :D). Please don't ask for a favourite song since I like them all haha, but if you do, it's either Ruriiro de eigaku niji or Hiai to Melancholy. One of my happiest moments ever was when I got my copy of acedia, still the most awesome single ever. The Gazette is a band which I really like, it was a dream come true to see them live in Helsinki last september, but I fear they are becoming very generic, losing their edge or something. Xepher is a new discovery I like very much and look forward to see what they have to offer the scene :DD also, I like Lycaon (paradoxal rubs it in my face :DDD), bakane is a work of art. Really, it is. That modulation comes from above (or something).


    I love love symphonic rock, like Versailles and the like a lot, have a weird craving for kotekote kei (love LOOVE Metis Gretel, Sui is an amazing vocalist), but really enjoy more relaxed styles like oshare as well (is it really bad to like An Cafe? :'D).


    That's what I come up with, feel free to ask me anything!

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