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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/13 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    New VK vs. Old VK

    What makes the argument so dumb is that not everyone will be able to agree on what defines old and new VK. Most of the people that seem to get their panties in a twist are usually referring to the gawffy Matina/Soleil era bands. Yet they tend to conveniently overlook a lot of the more popular bands from those eras that were considered VK by Japanese standards. Since those bands didn't use the overly gothic aesthetics these people usually just overlook them like they didn't exist at all or weren't tr00 kvlt vKKK. Then they get this skewed idea that VK was the howling BDSM outfit indie bandmen when Fanatic Crisis, Sophia and Wyse where around during that time and also considered to be very VK.
  2. 1 point


    okay, i promised to linh-san 'not good review' of this mini, so here it is when i listened it for the first time i was like wtf.. but after couple more listening i've realized that it's pretty decent for nowadays vk releases. anyway, it's weaker than their other albums. there is no song, that i can put on couple-hours-replay. messiah could be great song if they didn't used solo that sounds like killing me solo. i hate autotune in song with a lot of hieroglyphs and don't like that electronic sound. it's not 'their' sound, seriously. if it was just an experiment - okay, i can accept that. but if they'll continue to do that way, next release will be such *hit like gazette's last album. and that thing i can't accept, because i consider these guys as very promising band with a lot of potential. total: 3/5 anyway, it's just my opinion and you don't need to care about it =)
  3. 1 point

    New VK vs. Old VK

    In my opinion there is no better or worse, there are just different personal tastes. Personally, I find myself drawn towards more old-schoolish sounds on most occasions but there's also a number of newer bands I equally like. I also like that old sound because it resembles older Western music I love listening to (post-punk, new wave, goth rock, etc)... so eventhough there are lots of similar sounding bands even in that era, I don't mind them that much.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Peace Heavy mk II

    Megaromania will disband

    Props for at least attempting to read someone, I guess. I'm fairly certain Altermalice uses his own hair and that he (hopefully) washes it regularly. Unless, of course, he's started wearing powdered wigs recently. Now there's a different between hating on someone and making an observation and a prediction based on said observation. Based on past examples, i.e. "君ヲ乗セテ…," "Rain Fall in Solitude," "誓言の刻 -Holy Calling-," "Crystal Float," and "Eden," Sui does not do all too well in songs with hyper exposed vocal lines (that's right, I even went so far as to pick Metis Gretel deep cuts). While his voice does take some getting used to (in addition to regular visual-kei stockholm syndrome needed to even enjoy this scene), it has shown to do best in tracks with a ton going on: be it lively tempo, layers of synthesizer, shredding brah guitar, or some sort of distortion filter of questionable taste level, for example. Even though the Kisaki Project is supposed to be the solo works of a bassist, everything I've heard from each subsequent rendition (Kisaki, Kisaki feat Jui, Kisaki feat. Riku + Riku's friend, Kisaki feat. Satsuki's remains) all have produced slow ballad-y songs with minimal layers for the vocals to hide in (save Kisaki Project feat. What'sHisFace with the Lareine cover), also with vocalists whom naturally have a vocal range that is much higher than Sui would like to believe he has. So I don't believe this is a matter of hate, so much as grave concern. I suppose it is better than doing some sort of Sui x ReaLIES x Cindy Kate crossover, but he honestly would do best in a half-assed Lamina or Mar'Derayla revival session. inb4 the vkkk takes excepts of this and attempts to hold it against me. Don't be mad because I'm right.
  7. 1 point
    Sakura Seven

    Megaromania will disband

    haters are about as dusty as aftermalice's wigs (very fyi)
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