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Kiyoharu is God

Reddit hosts a Yoshiki IAmA... New album aiming for March 3rd 2017 (yeah ok)

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Yoshiki participated in one of reddit's IamA events.  During these events users at the site can directly ask celebrities etc. questions. He was promoting the documentary and other crap. He didn't answer many questions.




Anyway, some highlights:



Fan: Hello Yoshiki. First, I want to say that I got tickets for both nights at the Carnegie Hall, I'm going to New York all the way from South America (Colombia) just to see you! :))

Ok, now the question:

When is We Are X being released on DVD? I really want to see it.

Is the Violet UK album ever coming out or is that a done deal?

Why don't you play older songs, like Alive , anymore? Or even things like Longing (not acoustic). I'm sure a lot of fans would be glad if you did.

P.S: You helped me get over some rough patches I had this year. Thank you for all the inspiration!


Yoshiki: We don't have a date yet, but why don't you check it out in theaters first and see it twice?

Believe it or not it's almost done. I'm still working on it. I will release it after X Japan's album is done. Unbelievable.

If you keep requesting, I will play. No songs are dead.




Fan3: sooo never?


Yoshiki: believe it or not, it will happen.





Fan: When do you plan to release the new album?

Yoshiki: Aiming for March 3rd. Day before our Wembley Arena show.



Fan: Hi there Yoshiki! Straight to it haha. Do you have any regrets in life? Things that you didn't do and you should have done, and things that you shouldn't have done but you did them anyway?

Yoshiki: Regrets... why couldn't I be there right before HIDE passed away? Why couldn't I be there right before my father took his own life? Why couldn't I be there when TAIJI took his own life? Why couldn't I be there when TOSHI got swept into the brainwashing?


So dramatic @_@



Fan: Hi Yoshiki! Hope you're doing well! Just wanted to ask, what's a day in life of Yoshiki like (if you don't mind sharing)? And/Or what's your music creating process like? Thank you! Love from Los Angeles! :)

Yoshiki: A week of my life... 3 days I'm on the plane, then another 3 days working straight through... recording, performing or doing interviews. One day of straight drinking (or sleeping).


Is he serious here? I don't follow Yoshiki closely so I'm not sure, but does he really perform and record a lot outside X-Japan?



Fan: Hi yoshiki would you ever come back to canada to play concerts again?

Yoshiki: I would love to come back. You have great maple syrup and poutine.

Yoshiki replies again: I used to date Miss Canada


Edited by Kiyoharu is God

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How is this fucking album not done? I don't understand. How much was left to be done when it was delayed a month before it was supposed to be released? This absolutely boggles my mind. 

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The aim released date is on 03rd of March? It was expected but still disappointed. (laughs)

The question is, did they get a record label for that release? It seems that is the other problem.

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Seems like this documentary is doing pretty well. I was never a fan of this band, so I couldn't bother watching it.


Do they even mention VK or try to promote it in any way or it just all about X and YOSHIKI whinning ?

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