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Guest o hai itz will

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I wonder how everyone keep on their diets. :D

as for me,I always take about 500-600 calories a day.

lol wat? how are you ALIVE?

hahaha. I don't know but I always drink water. I guess water helps a lot for making me always shrink and tiny :staru: i'm asian so here in country,we eat rice as main food for lunch and dinner.sometimes prefer rice in breakfast but its bulky to start off morning routines ^___^

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haha ohhhh. well it's good you're getting some carbs in then. that explains why you're not dead yet lol

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I wonder how everyone keep on their diets. :D

as for me,I always take about 500-600 calories a day.

lol wat? how are you ALIVE?

hahaha. I don't know but I always drink water. I guess water helps a lot for making me always shrink and tiny :staru: i'm asian so here in country,we eat rice as main food for lunch and dinner.sometimes prefer rice in breakfast but its bulky to start off morning routines ^___^

M'dear..he meant you eat too little on a daily average. Tis why you are thin. 500-600 calories a day is not right. I'm not sure what is the calorie intake supposed to be on average for a person..but its more than a 1000 I'm sure. The fact that you are eating so little may or may not be actually hurting you. I dunno what your height is though. But its still way to little, rice or no rice.

I'm dieting though..currently in normal weight range for my height, but overall I'm going for feeling good about myself rather than looking like a stick :D.

I go to the gym every week, and I supplement one meal of the day for a protein shake ( HERBALIFE YEAH!) with Vitamins and stuff. Eat regularly ( a lot of vegetables and fruit). Make sure I don't consume anything with too much sodium in it...or sugar...and yeah. I dunno, I can't eat junk food either...it doesn't digest..I get sick XD, so staying off that is fairly easy..I mean who wants to be sick after a meal right?

OH a thing for girls who think that doing some weight training at a gym will make you bulk up, is a total misconception. You need some weight training if you don't want flabby arms or legs. The idea is that unlike GUYS who need to up the weights to gain muscle, girls don't need to lift like 50lbs. You just don't..Take something light like 5lb and work your arms with it. Its not about the weight, so much as HOW you do it. Since I can't really explain this and need to show, its best to ask a trainer at your gym to show you what to do. But don't be afraid of those weights because they can help you achieve a better body. :)

Also push ups are great if done properly. You can tone your arms, and strengthen your core. Its awesome. I also recommend Yoga. It kills. XD

Also I find doing classes that are dance-y is good and fun. You get a good cardio workout and have a blast doing it.

I shall stop..>.>'

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I never count calories. In the long run, I believe people shouldn't either. It's more about the quality of the food you eat then how much of it. You can consume lots of veggies, fruits, healthy meats, and mix it up with some legumes, teas, naturally squeezed juices, and lots of other tasty meals and you shouldn't gain any weight. As long as your eating healthy, and not over gorging.

You can't say the same with unhealthy packaged or canned food, TV dinners, fast food, and crap-in-a-box with tons of added preservatives/synthetic chemicals. Same goes with any liquids. Consume stuff like this on a daily basis and your health will go to hell in like a week. Your metabolism slows down, your immune system weakens, your liver and kidneys go into shock(which is what happens when you drink a single bottle of soda), your entire digestive tracts slows down and gets loaded with toxins from attempting to digest unnatural factory made food with no real nutrition; you gain weight, may get skin rashes, and lots of other horrible stuff. Long term effects of course are really serious issues like diabetes. heart disease, stroke, bone loss, obesity, cancer, damaged brain cells, decline in quality of vision...The list is endless.

I workout everyday, drink filtered water(non of that fluoride or chloride laden tap water for me), and eat natural food. Which is really not easy since I live in the U.S and the food industry here is well...crap. Everything in a regular supermarket or food store has some form of high fructose syrup, preservative, pesticide or is pasteurized and stripped of all its natural minerals and vitamins. I try to eat fruits and vegetable that haven't been irradiated, genetically grown or have pesticides. Same thing with meats. I also take whole food supplements, not vitamins, there a big difference here. And of course gets lots of fiber in my diet.

Needles to say, I stay away from all junk food, soda's, energy drinks, etc, etc... Also it's not a good idea to try and gain weight by eating unhealthy snacks for anyone out there with this in mind. You do want to increase your calorie intake but with healthy protein(fish, legumes, poultry, stay away from pork.) I would also advise to stay away from protein shakes since they'll do long term internal damage to your body despite the added muscle gain. In addition to this, do some form of physical activity. For guys it's usually some weight lifting. Simple, and gets the job done. For females who don't want to look "bodybuilders" you can do some light weight lifting or even some type of aerobic or cardiovascular exercise i. Running, or doing any sport that involves running works wonder. You'll burn unwanted fat, gain toned, not bulky muscle, and hence gain weight. Plus you'll be healthier overall. Stuff like yoga or palette's is also great.

Like losing weight healthy, gaining weight healthy will take a while, and won't happen overnight. Have patience, fun, and just see it through.

And for anyone who hasn't figured it out, Yes, I'm a health freak!!

I was actually considering going into the medical field a while back.

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A standard diet is recommended to be 2000 calories.

and @pandabear: sort of, not really. It's all about input vs. output. if you are intaking too much, and not doing much exercise, you will get fat -- even off of fruits, veggies, and lean meats. They are healthy and good for you, sure, but too much is very bad especially when not being chased with exercise. In a way I find it annoying to count calories (it can be tedious) but I always make sure to watch my portions and control what kind of food i eat.

There is such thing as too much of something good.

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No smoking, only eating crisps in the weekend and intensive exercising three times a week, 1,5 hours a time.

what do you do for exercising?

I play handball, it's not really known in the States unfortunately.

Here's a video with some handball scenes. It gives you a practical idea how the game goes. And it's definitely not for pussies, like some people say. It happens often I come back after game covered in bruises XD


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I've completely cut soda out of my life. I drink mostly water and fruit juice, but anything not full of sugar and caffeine is fine too. I feel good about my decision. Now all I need to do is start running daily or something and I'll be okay. :)

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I've completely cut soda out of my life.

Totally supporting and admire you for that. :)

Walking for 200 steps a day + drink milk daily is also good too,

and help your bones far from osteoporosis when you get older :)

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I've completely cut soda out of my life. I drink mostly water and fruit juice, but anything not full of sugar and caffeine is fine too. I feel good about my decision. Now all I need to do is start running daily or something and I'll be okay. :)

Hehe i got rid of soda too... for a while. Now i just drink light sodas, but slowly replacing them with juices without taste :lol: ( no extra sugars, sweeteners whatnot ).

I used to drink 1.5l of Coke a day. I remained relatively skinny, but high sugar intake really fucks up your definition. When i stopped drinking Coke for a day, i got a fever and a massive headache :lol: . After that period, i moved out to live on my and i started an healthy diet of bread, coffee, liquor and Kebab! But kept loosing weight because there were a lot of days when i ate nothing.

I still eat fairly irregularly, but lunch breaks at work keep me alive. I try to stay away from carbs, but i stopped obsessing over that recently. The Japanese place is my place to eat when at work, so my diet consists of their foods once a day, two-four slices ( Not white ) bread and apples. I have thought of adding more meat to gain more mass because i started working out regularly recently and want to get the most out of it. At the moment i'm pretty much a skeleton.

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