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ゲスの極み乙女。(gesu no kiwami otome) 川谷絵音(kawatani enon) has divorced

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im ded


To everyone

After watching the broadcast of KinSuma today, I felt that I had to write and I'm bypassing my agency to write this blog.

First of all, the LINE content published by Shukan Bunshun is all true.
And when I first send the FAX out to say that Becky and I were friends, that was a lie, it was a romantic relationship. I am truly sorry for lying. Until the divorce, we said we would be friends. I couldn't see around me, actually I wasn't thinking about how anyone else would feel. I caused sorrow to both of them.

Trampling my wife's feelings and bringing Becky back to my parents' home was also my decision.
I am deeply sorry to my wife and Becky.

Then, the comment I made about 'who I should apologise to'.
That was not meant for my wife, Becky, the fans and the people concerned.

I meant that for the people on the internet who were making cruel remarks. Everyday, thoughtless comments like 'Die' and 'Disappear' appeared on Becky's as well as my SNS. I couldn't stand it anymore.

But there was nowhere for me to say that, and I was not in a position to even say it. In the end, more misunderstanding was caused. I regret my childishness.

And, why did Becky cease all activities while I did not?
There is no other reason besides there are fans waiting. I could not betray the people who came to listen to the music. It may look like I'm just glossing over the matter, but there's nothing more I wanted than singing what my members and I have created. It may be selfish of me but that is the reason.
I was mulling over what I could say when 'Ryouseibai' album came out but there was nothing else for me to do but that. For fans to enjoy themselves, that is the most important, and that thought has not changed.

I had an affair with Becky and tormented my wife with my betrayal. Furthermore, I caused a lot of trouble to the members, staff, the people concerned, my fans and Becky's fans. I am truly sorry.

For what I have written, and in this timing, I am sorry.

From now on, we will face the fans fully with our music, indigo la End, Gesu no Kiwami Otome. Together we will do our best. Thank you.

Kawatani Enon

source: http://unleashthegeeks.blogspot.sg/2016/05/kawatani-enons-blog-post-after-beckys.htm



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