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Urban Legends

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Here we'll discuss urban legends and our opinions about them, even find out about ones we haven't heard of yet.



The killer in the back seat:

Basically you have a woman who's driving and she's alerted by another car or truck driver but pushes off the warning. She drives home only to find out that the reason the other driver was flashing his lights towards her was to ward off the passenger/killer in the back seat. 


There aren't many American urban legends that are interesting. 


Urban legends in Asia:


Tomino's Hell (Japan) -


This legend comes from the book, The Heart is Like a Rolling Stone (心は転がる石のように), written by Yomota Inuhiko. Supposedly, anyone who reads the poem aloud and not in their mind will suffer a horrible fate from death to inexplicable actions. The poem is also said to be excruciating, painful, dreadful and hard to read due to the sheer intensity of the imagery that one develops from the read.

Some websites and users say that it's best to read in Japanese as opposed to the translation for various reasons. 


Teke Teke (Japan) -


A young school girl, sometimes called Kashima Reiko, was bullied by her schoolmates. One day, near the train station tracks, a friend decided to put a cicada on her in which she frightened and fell on to the oncoming train tracks. Unaware of the shinkansen (the world's fastest train), her body split in half resulting in death, all due to a cruel joke done by her friends.

Now her upper torso roams the train tracks late at night, praying on victims and using a scythe to kill those who aimlessly walk throughout the location of the tracks, slicing them in to the same shape that her body was in on the day her "accident" happened. 
Various websites/blog authors have stated that her speed is equivalent to the train that killed her. 


*A movie was also made to accompany the urban legend. (2009)


 Sesame Seed Skin Cream (Korea) -


A woman was worried about her skin since it was noticeably getting wrinklier as she was aging and desperate to try any method to get her skin back to the natural. The woman had heard from a friend that if you are to bathe in sesame seeds,they'd help your skin convert back or at least reduce the aging process. When she had tried the process, it took a turn for the worse as she didn't come out of the bathroom for a long period of time. Worried, her mother attempted to check on her but was constantly told, "just a minute," after waiting long enough, the mother had entered the bathroom to be shocked by what she had seen.

The sight was her own daughter picking at her skin with a sharp toothpick as she tried to remove said seeds that attached themselves deep into her skin. 


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This is sort of related to the topic. I moved to my parents place in the country for the summer and was reminded of a particular one just recently through my a decade younger brother.

The story goes that there's an accomplished child murderer & rapist Jammu setä ( uncle Jammu ) in the woods near the school who abducts children to his cabin, which comes equipped with the whole nine yards of child molesting like a torture rack and steel bars reinforcing the windows. After having been here for two weeks the story has grown and grown from initially there having been just a rickety cabin in the woods, to this unbelievable extent of absurdity that its approaching Wonka's chocolate factory of murder . The children at the school know where the said cabin is located in the woods, but none dare venture to find out despite the fact that I don't think any children actually believe the story 100%.

The thing is that we had this exact same story down to the name and the details 15 years ago and a 6 hour drive apart. The name is derived from a local case http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jammu_Siltavuoriand he is very etched in the national conscious as the quintessential pedo. My experienced differs from my dumb brother somewhat because us brave city children did eventually go to the woods to find out if there was actually something there, and it turned out there was.

Not too deep in the woods in exact spot the story had had pointed it, there was an abandoned bed and a drawer with porn magazine or two ( we found more of these in the woods back then than you can find in the shops now. How times have changed ). It was a rather underwhelming end to all the tall tales, but I do remember the place not really being pleasant enough to warrant a return for further investigation.

I don't think there's much in the way of supernatural urban legends here, but the satanist moral panic of the 90's was about as bad as it was the states a decade before. I was too young to experience it so I had to settle for child molesters, but those did live through it remember rumours of satanic cult rituals in the woods, priests coming to lecture frequently in schools, banning of metal band shirts and harassment from local pigs if you were suspected of being into music of dubious moral character.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridgewater_Triangle https://news.google.com/newspapers?id=kp4rAAAAIBAJ&sjid=N_wFAAAAIBAJ&pg=4387,3805984&hl=en In the classic american way to go along with satanist murders it has UFO's, Bigfoot, disturbed injin' spirits and whatever else.

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