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It was really foolish of me to write what I wrote without elaborating, but there's no need for an explanation. Because it doesn't matter. Life gets in the way. I may be on here from time to time, but most likely just moving on.



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the more you're trying to escape from visual kei, the harder it will be. leaving the scene should be natural, not forced.


see ya in a month or two bai

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Maybe you won't get to read this, but know that it's a very fine line between an "unhealthy obsession" and a passionate interest. And from the very fact that you've always been creating and deleting your accounts, it's seems to me that you still aren't quite sure on which side of the line vk falls for you.


It's sad to hear that vk brings back painful memories for you. I just wanna say that purging something that obviously means a lot to you out of your life entirely can be an unhealthy repression more than anything else. Perhaps one day you can finally recuperate your relationship with vk and find in it something meaningful for you :)


We'll be here if you decide to come back! Take care ^^

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If you want some attention - go and get it, but all you said here is a betrayal of all that you loved.

Humans are awful in this.

"Money", "wasted time", what are you talking about? I wish you are just drunk or have problems with your mood or something like this.

Most of all are graduated from school, colleges or universities, some of us are successful persons, but we are all parts of it.

Go away without explains or goodbyes if you have reasons, but all I see is silly excuses to yourself, not for us.

I have never read such entries but I wanted to write here.


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What I want to know is how obsessed to VK does some one have to be for it to be affecting their life to a degree that they have to force themselves to leave a online community to suppress their urges? Jesus Christ it's music not the end all be all of all music either, it's fucking crossdressing dudes that play mediocre to semi-average tunes with the occasional gem that's above average.

If you don't have the time to frequent the site anymore due to real life things then just don't come on as much and take care of what you need to take care of. You don't need to make a thread about it and make a big deal out of it all. One thing I've noticed over the years is people who make these sort of threads always end up coming back eventually.

basically why can't people just use the forum normally? login once every day or two check shit out, join a conversation or two if your bored, and then go about your lives. It's not something that should take over you lives or should warrant a goodbye post stating that it's ruining your life so you have to call it quits. The forum is just here come hang out when you have the time.

/my 2 cents

but anyways I hope you can get your shit together i guess, we'll be here when you decide to come back and all that jazz. Words of encouragement; Don't let VK ruin your life I guess... if that's possible.

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Sometimes it's good to take a break from online life and get your real life business taken care of.


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Well, while I agree with what the majority of people here said, I won't bother adding to it. I'm sure everyone gets the hint now that it is rather pointless to do something like this, so no need for more. 


With that said, good luck to you I guess? Hopefully you'll get things all worked out. 

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I personally don`t agree with a good-bye thread being turned into an attack on someone.


You are leaving for the personal reasons, and I understand that you have to try and do what you think you need to do, if anyone agrees or not.


Hopefully you are successful, and you come back either when you need your VK fix, or when you are successful and balling out of your mind buying all sorts of cds and cheki like a boss.


And pardon me but I just gotta say, VK is just as good as any other kind of music. It can move people in the same way, and for some people it moves them the most. It doesn`t matter if they are the most skilled (some are), or not, because even the guitarist that many people say is the best of all time played in the same scale literally every time, and the progressions in many masterpieces of music are not very complex at all. Music just is what it is, and if Mitsu really loves VK, they shouldn`t be shy to come back one day, despite what some people say. I`ll be waiting... Ehehehe.

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I personally don't think there's anything wrong with letting music take you to another world, and "escaping reality". Sometimes, we do need a break from this reality, to just pause for a moment and take a breath from the massive rat race, and the burdens of "life". That's the beauty of music isn't it? To be able to take you to another world. I'm sure that despite pain that VK might have brought you, it must have also brought you some happiness. To give up VK would make you lose both. Think about it. Perhaps that's why you keep coming back?


I hope that perhaps one day you can come to terms with VK being part of your life and learn to live with it, without it being an "unhealthy obsession".


Good luck.

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