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A City in Tennessee Has The Big Cable Companies Terrified

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The southern city of Chattanooga, Tennessee, with a population of about 170,000, boasts internet speeds up to a whopping gigabit per second, thanks to a local municipal fiber internet network, and has since last year. That's the same speed as Google Fiber, only there's no legacy tech giant pumping technology into the project.




The FCC recently said it would help small communities get past these laws if it meant faster internet for them. This was in June.

Earlier this month, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee) proposed an amendment that would make the FCC's move illegal. Almost every House Republican voted yes. Now the amendment is in the largely Democratic Senate where it's not likely to pass but still could, perhaps with a little help from big cable companies.

We finally do something right and then our representatives want to take the options away from us? We are the country that developed the Internet yet it seems that at every turn corporations and the government will do anything possible to curb it's progress. Reading this article made me very angry.

And not to shit on anyone's political affiliations but of course it's the Republicans that voted for this. Most of those representatives are toxic.

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I understand big corporations want to make money. But why do they have to do it at the expensive of being fucking assholes.


It's like they are some bully on the playground that goes around breaking people's shit and offering to sell them a slightly shittier version for way more money.

I hope that more town run internet stuff like this starts happening though...because god know's that the corporations aren't going to make things better.

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Capitalism is disgusting and utterly ruthless...

Yeah, Republicans are quite the comedy troupe. They claim to be against "big government", yet they allow all these major corporations to run amok, stifling both prospective competition and beneficial legislation - the irony here being that these corporations have essentially become "big government".

Democrats aren't any better, though...They won't challenge anything that remotely threatens to pilfer a few coins from their pockets either.

At any rate, I think this is amazing and I really do hope this takes off somehow. Having an alternative to the major ISPs here (with their shitty service and all) would be a beautiful thing.

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