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Headbanging caused brain bleed in Motorhead fan

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LONDON (AP) — It may not destroy your soul, but it turns out heavy metal music can be hazardous to your brain. At least in some rare cases.


German doctors say they have treated a Motorhead fan whose headbanging habit ultimately led to a brain injury, but that the risk to metal fans in general is so small they don't need to give up the shaking.

Last January, doctors at Hannover Medical School saw a 50-year-old man who complained of constant, worsening headaches. The patient, who was not identified, had no history of head injuries or substance abuse problems but said he had been headbanging regularly for years — most recently at a Motorhead concert he attended with his son.

After a scan, doctors discovered their patient had a brain bleed and needed a hole drilled into his brain to drain the blood. The patient's headaches soon disappeared. In a follow-up scan, the doctors saw he had a benign cyst which might have made the metal aficionado more vulnerable to a brain injury.

"We are not against headbanging," said Dr. Ariyan Pirayesh Islamian, one of the doctors who treated the man. "The risk of injury is very, very low. But I think if (our patient) had (gone) to a classical concert, this would not have happened."

Islamian said the violent shaking of the head in headbanging can sometimes be enough to cause damage as the brain bumps up against the skull and noted a handful of previous injuries, also in heavy metal fans. The latest case was described in a report published online Friday in the journal Lancet.

Motorhead is a British metal band known for helping create the "speed metal" genre, which inspires extremely fast headbanging. Islamian described the band as "one of the most hard-core rock 'n' roll acts on earth."

Doctors said headbangers shouldn't be discouraged from enjoying their favorite bands.

"There are probably other higher risk events going on at rock concerts than headbanging," noted Dr. Colin Shieff, a neurosurgeon and trustee of the British brain injury advocacy group Headway. "Most people who go to music festivals and jump up and down while shaking their heads don't end up in the hands of a neurosurgeon."

Islamian agreed heavy metal fans shouldn't necessarily skip the headbanging.

"Rock 'n' roll will never die," he said. "Heavy metal fans should rock on."


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Will do the 'hands waving left and right above head' move or spin a towel above my head instead of headbanging, just to be safe.

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I feel like sharing one story with you guys.


Last fall we had a small party in our campus where we had to do different funny tasks in groups. Our groups task was to tie a pace counter to our foreheads and then try to headbang as much as we could in 30 seconds. Ofc I really wanted to succeed in that, so after third try I managed to get the pace counter count go around 45-50. 45-50 headbangs per 30 seconds.


Though it wasn't that fun afterwards, and I actually think I might have suffered a small concussion... For 2-3 hours I was feeling really disoriented, nauseous, and I got the worst headache if I even tried something else than laying on the floor. I couldn't walk properly and my brains literally felt like they had gone through a blender. All I was capable of was drinking beer with a straw with my eyes closed...


Moral of the story: Don't try to headbang too much.

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Guest MollyMouse

I know i can only headband a tiny bit before I get a MASSIVE like minute long headache ;w;w;w; lol just sway the head kinda side to side loosely , instead of  like RAWVFUVFHBSUYBUSYKGBSUDGB HEADBANG F YEAHHHHH YBYU

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I know i can only headband a tiny bit before I get a MASSIVE like minute long headache ;w;w;w;

As seen in my avi, only I can headband!

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You guys are weaksauce... ALSDEAD + GALEYD back-to-back == like an hour of constant headbanging. I did it like a champ without any headaches at all :v

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You guys are weaksauce... ALSDEAD + GALEYD back-to-back == like an hour of constant headbanging. I did it like a champ without any headaches at all :v


I don't get any headaches usually, only sore neck muscles if I have headbanged for a long time. Don't you dare call me weak! D;

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Kinda afraid now. I can't listen to some metal/metalcore bands without headbanging ;-; I know the chances are small, but still scared XD

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Will still headbang, that guy was just so metal. \m/

You guys are weaksauce... ALSDEAD + GALEYD back-to-back == like an hour of constant headbanging. I did it like a champ without any headaches at all :v

also can go to concert together because wow someone who can keep up.

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I hate headbanging, because my neck muscles are always sore afterwards and it makes me extremely giddy (to the point I almost feel like throwing up), I'd rather wave my arms, like Japanese people on vk lives do xD

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I do have to admit you need stamina to survive pit stuff and head banging.

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