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サウイフモノ (souiumono)

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LMFAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHA He used to watch some of my broadcasts and comment stuff like "kawaiiiiii" a lot of times (i'm a guy), that was weird hahaha


Oh, damn god, i wanna listen it :( i was looking for it here but seems like no one uploaded

lololol sounds like something SACCI would do. Probably because you're a guy he'll be less likely to distance himself from you (with girl fans of course more..distance). I would freaking love to see his reaction to you at an in store hahaha.


Brand X and Closet Child offer international shipping. Though I'm bet it's also probably on CDJapan? I prefer satsujinki to tarantula and daikiraina but I do like them both as well...

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lololol sounds like something SACCI would do. Probably because you're a guy he'll be less likely to distance himself from you (with girl fans of course more..distance). I would freaking love to see his reaction to you at an in store hahaha.


Brand X and Closet Child offer international shipping. Though I'm bet it's also probably on CDJapan? I prefer satsujinki to tarantula and daikiraina but I do like them both as well...


I usually buy it on CDJapan, but yeah, i gonna move this month and i have to buy UNiTE CD's too so i dont think i gonna get it soon. I wish Sacci could send it me as a gift like he did with their first single bwahahaha

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I usually buy it on CDJapan, but yeah, i gonna move this month and i have to buy UNiTE CD's too so i dont think i gonna get it soon. I wish Sacci could send it me as a gift like he did with their first single bwahahaha

ah yeah I understand that.

well if you're waiting I assume at least tarantula and kumorizora will be on the album when it comes out. Speaking of, I am getting impatient waiting to find out about the in store schedule for March... 

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ah yeah I understand that.

well if you're waiting I assume at least tarantula and kumorizora will be on the album when it comes out. Speaking of, I am getting impatient waiting to find out about the in store schedule for March... 


haha hope u can go to each instore ordering just one type

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haha hope u can go to each instore ordering just one type


I assume I will be able to go to an Osaka in store at least, if they do it the weekend of the oneman (which would be smart). I'm also hoping for an in store at the beginning of April in Tokyo since a friend and I want to go together. I'll probably buy multiples for in store privileges (more pictures with them etc). But nothing close to the amount the jouren buy, I can't afford it.


I'll definitely update on how the in stores (if I can go) and the lives are though. For now, I just have to impatiently wait until then..

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Thanks for all your posts, anakuro!

Glad to see a fellow fan of songs like 殺人鬼の棲む街, 魔物大行進, 毒メスシリンダー, and 公開自虐チャンネル.

It's really interesting to read about your Souiumono experiences in Japan :D
I've never seen your live reports (link please?), but I would also definitely read them!

That's a bit of a shame that the album will only feature 5 new songs...  Do you know if they will be re-recording the 13 "old" songs?  Otherwise, it'd be more of just a singles compilation, right?

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I definitely like their heavier songs the most :D i think a lot of people find them more enjoyable live as well!

I too am wondering if they're rerecord--i assume they did rerecord but I'm not entirely sure and given vk anything is possible. the only real details i saw were on the OHP (besides them saying things like "recording today" on twitter).

as for my live reports they are on my tumblr and I'll have to provide a link later! i write something about every live i go to (not just souiumono) but it's more for my benefit as a memory of that time, but i make them public in case people are interested(^-^*) i'm mobile right now so i cant grab links easily at the moment. I'll do it later :)

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@stylelover: Thank you :) I actually have seen that before but from what I recall, if I'm not mistaken, you need to register as a member with a credit card (one time fee+monthly fee, I assume you can cancel your membership) at genka market which is why I haven't ordered from there. Also, I don't know if this is the case for them but a lot of Japanese stores only accept Japanese credit and I don't have a Japanese credit card. But thank you !

@fitear1590 here's the links to the live reports + in stores. A couple in stores were only getting photographs. I threw in when I met them distributing flyers too. Sorry if there are any typos. And of course these are all casual (and a bit fangirly at times) reports. Enjoy?!

I'll be seeing them March 9th and March 30th as well :) And, if all works out, on the oneman on August 24th.
Hopefully I'll make it to an in store for the new album too~

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Whoa, thanks for all your reports!!!  I lol'd at Bucky requesting that girl's number after the show and then tweeting later that he didn't get it!

They seem really fun live.  If they ever randomly show up in the US (or Europe while I'm still here), I'd absolutely go see them!

By the way, have you seen their new look for Ragnarok?  It's... unique!

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No problem! Glad you enjoyed them.
Oh my god, it was hilarious to begin with that he even asked for the number..and then when he tweeted that he didn't get it, it just got better.



I definitely recommend for anyone who gets a chance to see them, to do it. I would really like to see them in America; it'd be nice to see them on my turf for once. I really hope they'll be able to go abroad--I'm sure they're interested.


Yeah, Nuppe posted it on his blog first while SACCI was on ViSULOG TV so I saw it there then it updated on the OHP a few mins later... But....yeaaaah, I'm not big on the new look. Anyway, I hope they don't actually wear the headdress things at the lives, but who knows. Then again, because the title is "ragnarok" a friend and I were hoping for vikings, which would have been pretty awesome. 


★In stores for ragnarok have been announced here. Exact details on the in stores themselves will be coming later.


3/5(水) 18:00~ little HEARTS.新宿店 (Shinjuku shop)
3/6(木) 18:00~ ピュアサウンド 西新宿店 (Pure Sound, West Shinjuku Shop)
3/8(土) 11:00~ fiveStars (it's in Nagoya)
3/8(土) 18:00~ ピュアサウンドアメリカ村店 (Pure Sound, America-mura Osaka)
3/15(土) 18:00~ 自主盤倶楽部 (Jishubanclub, it's in Shinjuku)
3/29(土) 19:00~ 池袋Brand X (Brand X, Ikebukuro)


I've got plans for both the in stores on the 8th. 


In fact, I'm going to be buying multiple copies (2~4) of the CD for the in stores and if anyone is interested in getting Ragnarok (+ cheki if they so desire) and not paying shipping look at this post on fuckyeahsouiumono for more details.

I am buying type A and B for myself of course, one of the types for a friend, and someone already claimed one of the copies. But I wouldn't mind buying up to two more copies for in store privileges. If you are interested and have no tumblr, of course, you can just contact me here through direct message :)


★They also announced that they will be part of EDGE's Circuit '14-the four seasons- tour (EDGE Circuit '14-春夏秋冬)


5月10日(土)仙台Hook (Sendai)
5月11日(日)新潟GOLDENPIGS (BLACK STAGE) (Niigata)
5月16日(金)名古屋ell.FITS ALL (Nagoya)
5月17日(土)大阪FANJ twice (Osaka)
5月25日(日)EDGE Ikebukuro
Since it's the day before my birthday and in Osaka I'm going to the May 17th live.
Also SACCI was ranking his five favorite songs on his blog
  1. 事後の翼 (song off of tarantula)
  2. prologue (new song)
  3. 大嫌いなこの星に生まれて (title track of daikiraina)
  4. エンブレム (new song; "emblem" in katakana)
  5. 「H」 (new song)

so now we know three of the five new song's titles....

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So, I went to the two in stores this weekend which were hilarious and good fun. I surprised myself with how much I understood (as compared to their previous in stores that had talk sections that I went to). Either way, Nuppe has somehow learned my name in the past 3 months (twitter? christmas card? I don't know I've never said it out loud to him and he hasn't said it before then), which was really nice to hear. But I think he just thinks it's fun making me lose my composure because he also told me "Misha, あいらび" (misha, 'i love it.' airabi is one of his sayings.) during a photo. I think all I managed to do was smile and laugh and shrink in on myself at the time. I seriously can't think around him.


The live was fun (it started off a bit slow tbh) but the energy was a bit off the entire time because there were a lot of troubles. Kamui's equipment malfunctioned, so he was kind of off for the rest of the live. Then nuppe's bass' peg broke off when SACCI spun around and his hand collided with it. SACCI nearly broke his hand in the process too (their manager, kogoe, was super quick with coming to bandage him up though). So after that Nuppe was obviously a bit down but trying his hardest; he was pretty upset but possibly not that many people noticed since he hid it well. 


Near the end the set got a lot heavier so that was really fun. And they had a corner where it was Hirobucky vs. Kogoe and Hirobucky ended up doing the KAZ48 call and response song and Kogoe even danced on stage with everyone during that time. 


At demachi I had bought myself a coke zero but my friend was like "You should give nuppe a drink!!!" And ended up telling him that I bought it for myself and he asked me what it was and I said zero and showed him the label and he looked like he wanted it even though he drinks regular coke. But I kept it lol (I'd already started drinking and have a persistent cold at the moment otherwise I would have probably given it to him and gotten myself another). I definitely could have talked more but like I said I can't think around nuppe. But, I probably should have gone to buy him a coke, it might have cheered him up a bit(・・;) There were a lot of girls assembled for demachi but only a few actually went over to talk to the band?


As for new songs some of them are fun live, especially タンヤオ which has some silly furitsuke that goes with it. I'd say in general the newer songs are not so heavy and I like their heavier songs so I was hoping for more of that. But ガネーシャ is pretty heavy on the bass, I love it. 


I have written reports with more details on my tumblr and can grab links if anyone is interested :)

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That's a shame that the live had some issues (I can't believe SACCI's spinning antics were severe enough to need a bandage!), but it sounds like you had a good time overall!

I'm always down to see your written reports, so I'd be interested in links!

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Well, his middle finger did smash right into a metal peg hard enough to break the peg off (they spent a good bit of time taping it back together). Kogoe rushed on stage and bandaged him up but you could see the blood through the bandage pretty clearly, even from further back than where I was. SACCI bounced back and seems to have laughed it all off (he's made a lot of jokes about it), but Nuppe was shaken up and according to a tweet he apparently cried on his little frog pile while playing video games in the back of the van on the way back to Tokyo.


Anyway, my sense of time and the order that things happen in is pretty bad with lives and I know it so I felt like the peg incident happened earlier but it was like after sister mura. \o/


But here's what I wrote about the in stores+oneman: 

I'll be going on the 30th so you can expect something from that too(^-^*) hopefully it goes off without a hitch !! fingers crossed.

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