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Yeah I still kinda don't understand why it's coming out on ps3 and not ps4... Maybe there will be a ps4 version later on, or something i don't know. But hey the new need for speed on ps4 is pretty good, and looks amazing graphics wise.

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Yeah. I played the crap out of GT5 (or at least the modes I liked) and I want to grab 6 when it comes out, but I have heard the rumours about it coming out for PS4 as well...but I really don't want to buy it in PS3 and be like "fuuuuuck" later.


All I know is that Forza 5 look just plain amazing...I really want to play it >.<

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Just like many said, I'm going to wait for a 2nd generation where most of the issues are resolved. I did that with my Xbox 360 and I'm glad I did, lol. Didn't want to spend tons of cash on repairing it just to play the new Final Fantasy.


Also I'm not buying one until 1. it has dropped in price, 2. KH3 and FFXV have a release date. FFXV has been promised to be on PS3 since 2006 and I'm not going to wait around for SONY to announce it for PS5 in a couple of years while having spent 400 euros (approximately 460 dollars) on a PS4. The PS4 is more expensive here than it is in the US, so yeah.

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From what I hear, Polyphony Digital had been working on both Gran Turismo 6 (PS3) and Gran Turismo 7 (PS4) simultaneously, with 7 having a possible release next year (2014).


Just Google it and you'll get a ton of interviews/articles about it.

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Can't be bother or care about buying PS4 at the moment ,
the products that they sold right now are not yet finish ,
it is still on a testing period and lucky , Americans are the 1st experiment ,
result : I've read some cases from game forums about the New PS4 overheat and switch it off itself , blah blah blah !
Then the EU will be their 2nd wave experiment , but I'm sure there will be a better result than America ,
Not a majority issue as I believe SONY just wanted to sell as much as they can before X'mas ,
SONY says there are a lot of improvement in the future includes software update ,
in-gaming graphic not yet confirmed the exact output (720/1080) ,
due to the display hardware they use on PS4 are not perfectly work with current TV's screen output system ,
there is still a lot of adjustment before JAPAN release PS4 until next year February comprehensibly ,
and it is SONY , I am sure they will have an upgrade version , cheaper version , slimmer version ,
better version , faster version in the future in late 2014 , I am not desperate to get one right now ,
as PS3 still releasing some great big titles in 2014 , possibly be can last for another 1.5 - 2 years !
You can see the evolution of PlayStation business plan ,
PlayStation a Big Old Stone Classic  >> PSOne a tiny easy-carry mini version
PS2 a Big Black Box with slow reading system >> PS2 Slim , a much thinner console with a faster disc reading version
PS3 the Huge Odd Body Guard with little storage >> PS3 Slim , a higher RAM version / faster loading , bigger Storage and a Cheaper price >> PS Super slim , even smaller , lighter , bigger storage , faster RAM , better cooling ...
I am gonna wait and see what can PS4 improve in a year time and decide to have it .

DualShock 4
I've got a chance to hold it on my hand once , as a friend of mine bought the PS4 ,
it is unexpected comfy on the new handle , but at the same time ,
it is horrifying of the design ...it just doesn't look like the signature classic PlayStation style ,
other than that , it's not a bad design , as multi-function all in one , just like the XBOX360 one !

First , I have to say there is no games that I am really 'THAT' interest on PS4 upcoming list ,
I'm not into those boring First-person shooting games (except for Destiny) ,
Racing / Sports are nuts , because they release every year ,
western-RPG style like DragonAge , or Assassin's Creed series , money-raper Fighting games ,
and some says big titles like Watch Dogs , GTA , or Thief are not as excited as it seems ,
my opinion , most games nowadays are just trying to be a cool , but they 'F' up a lot of the big famous titles !

What I really looking forward are
- FF15 , new action style RPG of the FF History , as always as a FF fan.
Destiny , the only First-person shooting game that I'm interest as the characters seems to be a magically shooter , more importantly ,
it seems like can support more than 4 co-op story missions which is very exciting .
- Deep Down , capcom big production RPG game , bring the future us back to medieval fight dragons and stuffs .
The Evil Within (a.k.a. PsychoBreak in Japan) , new age horror game , just about the right time to replace those recent boring Resident Evil titles.
I HATE how they turn third-person horror adventure action game into shooting game , all they care about is shoot shoot shoot ,
shoot the hell out the enemy's brain , like Honestly , Why do I play Resident evil in a Call of Duty or Killzone style ,
I personally just HATE these shooting games so much ! Sorry for those who likes these kind of games.

They should make more games like Beyond Two Souls , a third-person version of Dead Island , The Witcher ,
a pair or group co-op story games like DarkSoul , Dead Rising 3 .

*in additional , I really want a NEW Marvel Heroes action game , it should be interesting if the gameplay is like Dynasty Warriors style , can choose from hundreds of Marvel Heroes , smashing , slashing , co-operating with players *

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there's a new promo video out for Final Fantasy XV, It's pretty much alot of stuff we've already seen but towards the end there's a few new gameplay scenes and stuff.



god why does this game look so good? like i seriously get a boner while watching this trailer XD

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