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Found 38 results

  1. warumonokurenai

    Hello there! So, I have been stalking this forum for a few years now but I never actually created an account, I guess it's not too late to do so lol so here I am! please feel free to check my "About me" section to... obviously know about me lol ('cause I already typed a lot there and I don't wanna type the same here or even copypaste it lol sorry). I hope I can meet some nice people here! Yoroshiku onegaishimaaaaaasu /weeaboo EDIT: My favorite bands are Dir en grey, Girugamesh, D'espairRay, Mejibray, Dadaroma, Vidoll, exist+trace, lynch, Byakura, OZ, Malice Mizer, sukekiyo, Sadie, Diaura, Juliadoll... Just to name a few, 'cause the list of bands I like/regularly listen to is literally endless. I came to find out about Visual Kei because of 2 things; one, Dance Dance Revolution and two, anime (I swear it makes sense once I explain how that lead me to it). So back in 2001 I used to hang out in the mall at the arcades and spend a lot of time playing DDR; I eventually made friends with a few kids that went every weekend to play as well, some were just a bit older than me, like 12 or 13, and they watched anime on cable TV all the time, it was like, "the cool version" of cartoons. I did get to watch anime sometimes but only whenever the local channels aired anything and that wasn't too often. But anyways, I loved Sailor Moon and so I kinda knew what anime was (didn't know it was called anime or anything about it but whatever, you get the point) and I wanted to watch more so I started hanging out with some of the kids at their places. So after a while I knew what anime was and I became more interested in Japanese stuff aside from Sailor Moon, like Hello Kitty or Pokemon cards or Street Fighter games. So far I haven't explained shit but the point in that was that the DDR made me meet anime fans who sort of exposed me to Japanese pop culture or whatever, so that built a foundation. At that time I had bought a Limp Bizkit CD because the guy I liked listened to Limp Bizkit's Chocolate Starfish all the time and laughed at me in his birthday 'cause I didn't know who Limp Bizkit were. I actually liked their music but didn't know how to find a CD! Anyways, I managed to buy a pirate CD that summer and that took me to trying to find more "heavy music" CDs. I asked the guy that sold the pirated CDs for something "heavy and loud" and that's how I started listening to Marilyn Manson and Metallica (yeah, WTF right? Amazing combination). I loved Manson's look and of course my parents couldn't believe the kind of music I was digging. They didn't oppose too much though, so I kept buying CDs that summer, some I liked, some I didn't (I hate ACDC but I got them, HATE Bon Jovi too but got one of his too... I did enjoy Korn and Aerosmith sometimes, both recommended by the pirated CDs people in Chuy). So there I got the liking for weird clothing, I'd see Manson and think "guys wearing make up? well that is ok and looks cool actually", I liked "dark" styles and loud music. And then, it finally happened. In 2003, I made a friend named Pablo (who I am eternally grateful for showing me the way) who was hardcore into Japanese stuff. Including music. I had never heard of a Japanese rock/metal band. Only anime openings and DDR songs in Japanese were "Japanese music" for me. He was one of the few lucky people to actually have internet access at home that you could use to download shit. He had found Japanese bands in a sharing program named ARES, maybe some of you remember or even used that thing... it was amazing! So anyways, at the time I was hardcore into Lacrimosa and Rammstein, so he shared the video for "Beast of Blood" with me and I was like "WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?! ARE THEY REAL???? LIKE, OMG THEIR LOOKS AND THE MUSIC IS THE SHIT". And then a few days later he comes and gives me a burned CD with the tag "jrock and visual kei" and that had some songs by X and Larc en ciel (Endless Rain and Stay Away), another Malice Mizer song (Bel Air), a song from another band I can't remember and 2 songs from THE BAND THAT CHANGED EVERYTHING lol; Macabre (the song, not even the album, JUST THE ONE SONG and the actual PV for Cage in THE MOST extreme shit quality ever seen by my eyes. I would play these songs on repeat ALL FUCKING DAY, no kidding. My dad even confiscated my DISCMAN (oh shit) more than once because I would be plugged into it ALL DAY LONG. Pablo, being the best person ever, actually found and downloaded Gauze and Macabre for me and then I begged my parents so much for internet that they actually got us internet and I searched for more music constantly in Ares and the then using torrent sites. Fast forward to 2005 on, I became addicted to anything Visual Kei I could find. By 2007 I had cut my hair Vk style, would do my make up Vk style, would worship bandomen and receive criticism from my boyfriend's goth friends 'cause "my idols were just copying goth bands and it was lame" and basically facing the issues of a South American Visual Kei fan; you have no access to nothing, nobody likes or even knows about Vk, you parents don't understand why the people on your screen look like ladies but are all men and you keep saying they're not trans they're just "VISUAL KEI" and nobody gets what the fuck that is anyways. on 2008 I had managed to either meet a few other people that liked Vk or meet people that still didn't and after showing them they were like "yeah I dig this", and so the forum jmusicuruguay.tk was created. 2009 I attended my first concert and that was Dir en grey in Santiago, Chile, probably one of the happiest days in my life (like, it's hand on hand with their 2011 concert in Buenos Aires). I have a huge poster on my wall and I don't get tired of staring at it and reading over and over again "All Visible Things Tour". Fast forward to today, I'm close to being 30 fucking years old and I enjoy Vk more than ever I think? I like other styles, I am a big fan of Lacrimosa, Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, The Strokes, The Black Keys, Deftones, Silversun Pickups... But there's nothing like watching some hot dudes with their faces covered in makeup that's always on point no matter what and their hair is perfect and their costumes/clothes are always the shit and on top of that they can play instruments and (sometimes) sing and some are actually very fucking good and it's all so ridiculous that Japanese people out of everyone in the world created this shit out of some other shit some mad English people passed on to the Americans for them to make some updates to it and at some point the weirded out version got spread to Japan and it all ended up in this. On the other side, only in Japan you get the kind of things you get so it makes perfect sense, right? Whatever, that's my story. Sorry for the long post.
  2. Mephistopheles

    Good day, It has been many years since I have been active in the Jrock/Visual Kei scene. I was provided this forum name as a suggestion from a friend when I inquired about certain music I was searching for. I am a little hesitant to emerge again in the community after being absent for so many years, but I wished to at least say hello while I am here. Thank you for having me.
  3. Hi everyone! I've never posted on a forum before so here goes! I go by ghata, I'm a 25-year-old guy from California. I work in the family business as an ISP. I got into Japanese music when I started watching anime when I was 13 listening to all the intro and closing songs! I like just about any genre of music but VK is definitely my favourite. My favourite bands are Versailles, Girugamesh, Dir en Grey, The Gazette, and many more! If I'm not listening to music I'm trying to play it on guitar (and hopefully piano and violin one day) I also practice Wing Chun(kung fu) when i can. I play lots of video games and watch any anime I can get my hands on. I always wanted to find a community of other people who liked Japanese music as much as I did that I could talk to, and I'm really excited about this forum! Thanks for reading! Please feel free to message me anytime
  4. Waru Chibi

    Hei guys, I am new to the board but not to the VK and J-rock scene. I listen to that kind of music for over 12 years now and I thought it would be nice to meet new people who also enjoy the same taste ^^ Well I really don't like introductions but here are some facts of me: I speak English, German and I am currently learing Japanese in my 3rd year, I also started to learn finish but I am not very good at it my hobbies are collecting CDs, Music DVDs and Artist books. My collecion of CDs/DVDs/Tapes and so on is currently around 750, but I try to be at 800 by the end of the year I love my Ball-Jointed-Dolls. At the moment I own 32. Six of them are inspired by musicians. So two of them are Dir en Grey Kyo and Kaoru minimees, which means they are made to look like the real one. The other 4 are the guys of The 3rd Birthday. Eru and Tomoya are in Balalaika now, so I will continue to create the dolls like their real self. (The real guys know and love their little ones, that makes me for sure continue). Folie and Yu-chi will be like they were in The 3rd Birthday. I also don't plan to get Yuudai and Kei to complete Balalaika. I love going to concerts I work at an online radio named Radio Diabolos and we are airing a J-rock show every two weeks on friday from 2.00-4.00p.m. C.E.T. I am a Student I love sewing And on the end I should name some of my favourit bands. Mostly I love indie Bands. I think I will go with my top 10 active bands: Balalaika [The 3rd Bithday/Amber Bullet (same Vocal so my number one xD)] Dir en Grey Avanchick Fixer Sukekiyo Killaneth Nocturnal Bloodlust Rides in Revellion D Deviloof And for disbanded: Unsraw, Kagrra, OZ, Tokami, Kagerou, varyl/Gossip, Cardia and many more Feel free to ask questions if you like to know something ^^ よろしくお願いします。
  5. SethItari

    Hello everyone, My name, or at least the one I go by, is Seth. I'm a student and musician from Ontario, Canada. I love all sorts of Japanese music, but particularly J-Rock hence my interest in joining this community to hopefully stay current and discuss the music I love with other fans. While I study computer science in school, with a minor in Japanese, my dream is to become a musician or composer, particularly, as unrealistic a dream as that may be for a Canadian, in the realm of J-Rock / J-Pop. I play sing, play guitar, drums, Saxophone, and a bit of violin which I may or may not have picked up as a result of my infatuation with TK's use of strings in tracks like Unravel. Though I am more familiar with what I would consider "mainstream" J-Rock, I do enjoy Visual Kei bands such as The GazettE, DIV and MEJIBRAY. I get the impression a lot of you are particularly Visual Kei savvy, which is fine as I'd love to improve my knowledge of the genre, though I like that all the same I do see a lot of variety around the site and hope that you'll accept my musical openness. (I'll try not to profess my love for Nishino Kana and FLOWER as openly to stay on topic with the rock music. Can't make any promises for Eir Aoi and LiSA though. They rock hard enough for me.)
  6. raine

    Well hello! I'm Raine, short for "Lorraine", and that's my middle name and what I go by. I'm not really good at typing these things, so I'll just tell you whatever. I'm 14, born on January 17th, 2002. I like anime, I have many favorites since it's impossible to pick a favorite, ya know. (but if I had to pick, it would be either Death Note or Tokyo Ghoul). My favorite genres of music is Punk, Rock, Alternative, Indie, and Visual Kei. My favorite Visual Kei band is DADAROMA, just in case you wanted to know aha. I can be shy sometimes, but it depends on who I'm talking to, and what my mood is. I like playing the guitar and the ukulele, although I wish I could play the violin and the piano. I'm mixed race, you could say. Half white, half black. My favorite color is red, and I like manatees. So I hope to meet new friends on here, and thank you for reading.
  7. Hello everyone! Some people have known me for a while, and some others might have never heard from me. Either way, I'm Dopefish and I've hung around in the plug.dj room back when that was still a thing. I don't know a lot of jrock , however I do enjoy Midori, Ling Tosite Sigure and Envy. Other bands/artists that I enjoy are: Electronic: Autechre Aphex Twin Squarepusher Carbon Based Lifeforms Solar Fields Hiphop: Aesop Rock Nujabes Cyne MF DOOM Nas Rock: Radiohead Drive Like Jehu Botch Converge Dance Gavin Dance GY!BE And many more to count.
  8. well, hello, I'm new here to this forum, and now I'm gonna introduce myself in this topic o: I have a lot of names, so call me how you want to call me ^.^ I'm turning 18 this december and I am half german, half russian and live in germany ^^" I had my first contact with music when I was 3, there was this Bon Jovi guy with his It's My Life, and then I got addicted to rock and metal 0= because of this, I started playing guitar at the age of 7 ^~^ I'm playing the acoustic and the electric guitar, and I also want to play in a band one day =o I already found another amazing person who wants to play in a band with me, so we are 2 guitarists now I started writing instrumentals more than 3 years ago, and I started writing lyrics for these almost a half year ago c: I post these lyrics in my JPopAsia-acc entitled Hazukikun if you want to read em my first contact with visual kei was in january 2010 when I had this stupid german pink facebook entitled SchülerVZ xD there was a group called the GazettE best band ever.. I googled the GazettE, listened to Filth In The Beauty.... fell in love with japanese rock/metal music <3 since then, I'm a fan of more than 90 japanese bands o= some of my favorites are DEATHGAZE, Dir En Grey, D'espairsRay, the GazettE, ScReW, MUCC, Diaura, (old) Girugamesh, GHOSE, ALSDEAD... and of course my alltime favorite band: lynch. *.* <3 <3 <3 and now I joined this page because well... I saw some bad reviews about lynch. so I can fangirl you all to death that lynch. is the best band ever D:< xDDD oh yea I often tend to do bad jokes well I also joined because I hope to meet some new friends with the same interests as me ^~^ ok now I don't know what to write anymore... thank you very much for reading greetings, Me
  9. Ehhh... yahooo ^ - ^ I am new here :33 obviously I have no idea what I'm doing or how this website works but that's okay I'ma fast learner XP I just figured I'd try this site out <.< >.> A good friend of mine is on here somewhere so might as well give it a shot :'D Hmm.. something about me... WELL, I am a HUGE Japanophile, Japan is my haven of happiness and the only place where I feel like I belong. My love for Japan is super legit and engraved in my whole being. No kidding. Extreme serious mode. I lived in Osaka a few months for studying abroad and will be going to Tokyo soon, for 4 months, for my graduation internship (at Sony Corp. fxck yeah!). I can't wait XD *dances* I aaaam 22 atm, born July 20th 1992 ^ - ^ like TenTen from MBHI ;D awesome people are born on this day ;D I am from a tiny country called the Netherlands <.< I don't like it here, AT ALL XD love Amsterdam tho oh man <3 Uhmm.. what else.. I ADOOOORE CATS :DDDD I love animals in general but I'm a huge cat lover (∩˃o˂∩)♡ I obviously LOVE Visual Kei ヴィジュアル系 (♥ω♥ ) ~♪ it's my biggest passion, I can rant about it for hours and hours and days and nights and yeah (♥ω♥ ) ~♪ I am single as fxck if that matters XD and if you wanna know more just ask, I won't bite well depends on who you are, and I won't do it immediately or anything ;D probably maybe here is a pic of me or something, my profile picture is more recent tho :'))) k bye XD
  10. monstershade

    I don't usually do the forum thing, but I really need to talk to more people so here I stand and I'm horrendously awkward so please enjoy and chuckle warmly with me. I wanted to remain semi-anonymous but hell, if anyone knows me they'll figure me out by my list of bands, lulz. I listen to Sadie, mainly. And Alice Nine. In fact, Alice Nine was my first VK band and my vehicle into this ETERNAL MADNESS. Shulla (and anything and everything that Kaito is involved with, currently mourning AUBE), Dir en grey, -OZ-, the GazettE, DIV, MEJIBRAY, 12012 and this one fabulous nutjob who calls himself Gothique Prince Ken. The only KPop I tolerate is FTISLAND because Lee Hong Ki is gold. Like he is literally gold, like he probably weighs a ton because he is made of gold. Gold. Anyways, let's be friends. Especially if you like Sadie or if you like anything or everything about Shulla or Kaito because I need more people to do Kuusou no Hane with.
  11. Hello. I`m from Germany and a great fan of Visual-Kei music and Japan in general. I lurk around on MH for i think two years now, informing myself about new relesases and things like that, but only as a guest or ghost. In this two years i was really impressed by the great atmosphere in this forum and so: Here I am! I`m glad to meet all of you and i think that it will be a great time in this forum^^ So here are my favourite bands: Alice Nine vistlip DELUHI GALEYD So lets go;) Hope to see you all in the forum^^
  12. Hi everyone, I'm bada, I'm 19 years old, I live in the Netherlands, and I'm addicted to japanese visual kei. I listen to a lot of bands, but I can easily tell ya my fav is the GazettE. And I also play the guitar (probably like many of you), and recently started making cover videos I look forward to make a lot of new friends here ! よろしく、みんな!
  13. Umi_Niwa

    What's up everyone? Since I'm a noob here I thought some kind of introduction was in order... I'm a woman (30) from Israel. I've been listening to Jrock for about 8 years. I've discovered plenty of interesting bands and musics, and my tastes regarding Jrock have changed like a thousand times by now but I do have my all-time favorites. Although with some bands like D and BLOOD I only like very particular works. In case of both of these bands I'm in love with their earlier materials and not the recent. Currently my fave bands (and artists) include Adapter, BugLug, Hora, NoGod, Buck-Tick, Cali-Gari, Sugar and Loki's Konig solo project. I hope I'll meet some people who like them as well. Other than J-music I listen to a lot of different music from all over the world. I kind of wish I could play instruments better but I'm pretty bad at it and too lazy to pick it up right now but I do write some poetry when I'm inspired. I came over here from JPA, because I've seen some interesting discussions going on so I hope we'll have some stuff to talk about Anyway that's all I have to say for now. You can also call me Meguru (I'm using it as my screen name almost everywhere).
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