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Posts posted by CloudyTree

  1. twitcasting.tv was so kind to upload full live-footage of Purple Stones Live on the 14th of july at americamura drop. The video quality is like shit, but the sound is quite ok. And they played パニックパニック , so it's our first chance to listen to the whole song and I'm really hyped now. It's quiet a beast live and they caught me completely off-guard with the rap part. Never imagined I would see all three of them singing on a song, haha. 










  2. Would love to hear the recorded versions, because what they delivered on their free one-man was quite promising. It's a shame that it's live-limited again, but I still wonder how long they will last or if there is ever a not live-limited release coming up. Both, 白日ノ夢 and 黒姫の夢遊病, are giving me the impression of being around only for a limited period of time. Hopefully I just got it wrong one, would love to hear a "real" release at some point.

  3. Didn't post something in a long time, but I went to their free One-Man in Osaka and thought you guys could be interested in some impressions of their sound and their overall performance, since there aren't any previews yet.


    Many melodies are peerless Shounenki-ish but with more consistency this time, whereas Shounenki suffered a lot of not finding their own trademark sound. Overall more on the heavy and rocky side. I really liked -あと少し-, -お祈り- and -策略-, which were certainly the most remarkable. The first two have that typical Shounenki-feeling and -お祈り- reminded me strongly of Weakness my Blood, but in a more balladish way and without the rap-parts. The chorus was a killer one.  -策略- was their heaviest track  and started with that bounzy riff, which appeared strongly influenced by the Gazettes Rage. Maybe their best live-song yet. On the other hand I didn't like -ナイン-, because the songs was so weak compared to the rest. Can't understand why they selected it as their first single and as last song for the live.


    Their live-performance was surprisingly good, especially Seras vocals were better than expected. But all growls and backing vocals were from tape and that was a little bit underwhelming. Just let the things out, which you can't deliver in the live situation.



  4. I don't hear Master Passion Greed, but I see your point with Dark Chest of Wonders. I think there is also a little bit of Storytime.

    And i have to admit that I really like the song. It's nothing new, but it's a typical Nightwish song and that's enough for me :D

  5. I didn't listen to Sagan yet, but Elan was pretty cool and I'm excited to hear it in the context of the whole album. I really expected something more heavy, with more punch, like the riff in the beginning of Storytime, and so I was suprised and thought it as brave to choose Elan as a Single. But after a few spins the song grew on me and now I love it. In my opinion it flows very well, Holopainens lyrics are marvellous as always. And Jansens voice fits the song perfectly! 

  6. It would be much more interesting if they would put an old leftover on the CD, like they did with Suna no Izumi 2011. 

    But since Deluhi were kind of dead it's better than nothing. Yeah it's money-making and yes it's playing with emotions, but nevertheless I like to hear something of them and I'm kinda interested how the remasterd versions of Frontier and Departure will sound.

  7. Ich klinke mich hier einfach mal kurz ein.

    Ich würde unglaublich gerne mal Alice Nine oder vistlip in Deutschland erleben, aber irgendwie hab ich da gerade nich viel Hoffnung...



    Wo hier vor Wochen von München gesprochen wurde: Wie ist die Konzertlage generell bzgl. japanische Bands in München? War die letzten Jahre net mehr so aktiv im asiatischen Bereich unterwegs und bin selbst gerade ins Umland von München gezogen.

    Ich glaube mit München hast du relativ gute Chancen was japanische Bands angeht. Viele stoppen da wenn sie eine EU-Tournee machen wie z.B. zuletzt the GazettE oder Born/Lycaon. Also ich bin jedenfalls neidisch auf euch, in die Nähe von Stuttgart kommt praktisch keine einzige Band...

  8. First: Great review paradoxal!!

    After the announcement of their new single and seeing their new look and website, I feared they would turn into one of these countless "Let's-throw-as-many-electronics-as-possible-in-our-music"-bands. But after hearing the first preview my doubts were blown away!

    Yes, 甘酸っぱいマンゴー is full of electronics, but GAK did a great job here. His programming pushs the song to a whole new level and harmonice great with the guitar riffs. Together with Keiyas great voice, an amazing song is created, which could be the trademark of this young band. 5/5

    Hysteric Lady sounds more like a left-over of their Nexus-Era and reminds me of Dark Insanity. Nevertheless it's a cool song. It is much harder than the A-Side and a song which is live a lot of fun. 4/5

    Just try this single, it's absolutly worth it!

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