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Everything posted by Yukimoto

  1. They're selling all of their music for like nothing but you can't get any of it ;-;
  2. While listening to Aiolin I realized how similar Hikarito sings to vislip's Tomo. Their singing voices sound so similar but range and vibrato are different ^_^. What do you think @hiroki

    1. hiroki


      @colorfuljinsei we've talked a bit in DM before but it wasn't really about vistlip lol. maybe it's just a bit weird to be talking to a bandman about another bandman haha. he knows i'm a big tomo fan though

    2. hiroki


      ^addendum: actually i talked to shun (astel's vocalist) a lot more about vistlip than i do with hikarito haha. shun's look (even during their 1-day revival live) is like... as tomo as you would ever get 


    3. Yukimoto


      @colorfuljinsei @hiroki I guess I'm the only one that heard it a bit when I listened to their latest album haha. But cool that they all like each other!

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  3. Yukimoto

    UGH They look amazing!!!!!!
  4. Yukimoto

    @-NOVA- I think this also sounds pretty amazing
  5. This sounds beautiful!!! I missed these guys<3
  6. @-NOVA- Did you hear this too?
  7. Yukimoto

    Love the artwork
  8. Nice! I still need to get their other stuff though 0.0
  9. @-NOVA- I'm feeling this song SOOOOOO HARD and I don't even know why LOL
  10. Yukimoto

    Sounds really good!
  11. Yukimoto

    @-NOVA- Did you see this already?
  12. Yukimoto

    SiGH..... WHY them though.... UGH
  13. Sad it's live-limited but yay for something new!
  14. YAY!!! I'm so happy to hear this! They are so amazing and I was waiting forever for something new but I'm glad they took their time. I can't wait to hear sample
  15. I don't think they have ever made anything I don't like and this is just as amazing as the rest of their discography. ❤️ I think they do all phases of them quite well so keep up the good work guys and their live DVDs are amazing ^^
  16. I totally just listened to them and loved them too.....
  17. Can't wait! I loved when this was really a thing ^^
  18. Yukimoto

    Yay! What have they been up to recently? Just touring huh.
  19. Yukimoto

    @-NOVA- I did like that preview they put out and I've just been waiting to see what their first single was like ^^
  20. Yukimoto

    But why was Takeru needed... I felt like he sang for 2 secs and was gone haha.
  21. Yukimoto

    It's been tooooooooo LONG! I've missed you<3
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