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Everything posted by Yukimoto

  1. Yukimoto

    @colorfuljinsei I was also telling myself that too. It sounds like he tries to incorporate any and everything he can into one song and I totally love the violin aspects and piano but I think all of the instruments seem to be crowding the song. Maybe like a song here with more violin and a song there with more piano would be better I wonder.
  2. @-NOVA- this sounds really fun too
  3. Yukimoto

    LOL am I the only one that found that quite cool lol. At least they made it there own with a signature D sound to it ❤️
  4. Yukimoto

    @-NOVA- Did you hear this yet?
  5. Yukimoto

    This sounds really good and hes dancing??? Interesting
  6. @-NOVA- Haha I like this lol! It reminds me of play an Nes game lol
  7. Yukimoto

  8. @-NOVA- This sounds really beautiful too
  9. Yukimoto

    @colorfuljinseiit sounds amazing!!!
  10. Yukimoto

    @-NOVA- Yeah this sounded and looked beautiful!
  11. Yukimoto

  12. Yukimoto

    @-NOVA- this sounds so beautiful!!!! Love it!!!
  13. Yukimoto

    This is really good!
  14. Yukimoto

    @-NOVA- Yes I did! Sounds good
  15. Yukimoto

    @-NOVA- I like this toooo!
  16. @-NOVA- I'm like falling in love with this band lol
  17. @-NOVA- This sounds good!
  18. Yukimoto

    This look looks really dope!
  19. I actually really like the sound of this and I never got into Marco before
  20. @-NOVA- I had to play it a few times but Yes I like it!. Found myself dancing to the song real quick haha!
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