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    Tetora got a reaction from Silverhawk33 in Sadie new album "GANGSTA" release   
    Going to buy this album. I never listened to their last one that much but this one seems more uptempo and hopefully more push and play, as their last was more atmospheric and was more of a sit down and listen kind of experience to me.
    Really like the album covers, and the juxtaposition with the title, band look, sound, and presentation.
    The use of the word Gangsta as a marketing ploy obviously worked very well, as I see crowds gather to bump threads on different sites, and everyone just has to see the video and hear the song, even if just to criticize. As a VK band it is small-scale, but it develops a crowd of outsiders who love to hate them, and are exposed to their music, and gives fans a mentality that there are naysayers and the band is underrated, etc... Though obv. It only keeps the band on the mind of those already in the VK bubble, and wont translate to any visible increase in foreign sales, esp. when it is mostly serious fans and or collectors who buy much, and purchase of this album is being discouraged in its News thread.
    Anyway, just rambling here, but I see Sadie is in the same boat as BORN, where it is cool to make fun of them, and that makes everyone follow them over other bands. I expect this to continue for a while, just like MuCC's following, where they changed their approach to.music years and years ago but people still post in every thread about how they used to be better, yet these people still follow every single release regardless.
    (Dont take this post as a negative judgement, just a neutral observation).
  2. Like
    Tetora reacted to BrenGun in ADAMS - Akisame   
    Finally after a while we hear finally something from ADAMS again. Well their last album was also released this year around their European tour. However didn't like the album. Somehow it just sounded boring to me. So yes I was happy to hear the news about the new single "Akisame". Because ADAMS is the best in releasing singles!

    Akisame means something like "Autumn Rain" or maybe "Rainy Autumn"?

    The song Akisame start with ADAM singing and it has a happy tune. It reminds me a lot of "ONE AND ONLY" it doesn't remind me of "boku no sei" or "seseragi" at all. Even if the song has a "happy tune" it doesn't tell you a happy story, the story is about broken love. That you have loved someone so deeply that even RAIN cannot help you to get rid of the pain. It continues to tell the story where it stopped at Seseragi. The melody is a mix of typical pop and a bit of rock elements, it also reminds me to some older anime music tracks. it has guitar elements but also keyboard aka computer made melodies inside. which made this song not really a sad song. ADAMS voice is good as always but he could make this song even more sad with singing with real broken love feelings. However because of singing this way it makes me feel that he simply sings happy to get rid of those sad feelings. But I don't get the image of a rainy dark Autumn day when I listen to this song, because this song really make you feel to go out dancing. (dancing in the rain maybe?) After all this song is really enjoying and that makes this song good. I really like it.

    NUDE start with a church clock. Which remembers me actually of a church clock sound if someone has died. (lol) But it's not a depressive lyric at all...(hahaha) Somehow because of this clock it let me feel as it is a sad love song too. But after reading the lyric the ringing bell reminds me of a xxx movie. The first xxx movie. Who also had such ringing bell at the end of the movie... yes I'm talking about "Deep Throat" xxx movie. (lol) The lyrics of this song doesn't make that much sense. The lyric of this song isn't that important. The lyric is really filled with sexual thinking. A good song to play when you are with your lover in bed doing xxx things. The melody let you also think of nude things... eh nude? naughty nude things. It's a melody which you can easy enjoy.

    Both melodies are actually typical catchy pop songs. It aren't really rock songs but they have also a little taste of rock. In the next works of ADAMS I surly gonna miss the sound of the guitar since they totally going industrial in their new works. But I guess the pop industrial way?! so more the electronic way... but industrial is also electronic.
    There wont be any ADAMS fan who won't like this single. It's impossible to not like this. However I really think that it is really important to read the "translations" of both songs. because it makes it more easy to feel the music more deeply and to understand the songs better.

    However I still got one tip for ADAMS. put more feelings inside the vocal. ADAM is a great vocalist but yet I cannot clearly hear if he sings a sad, sexual or happy song without reading the lyric.
    And I also wonder how a pure dark rocking ADAMS would sound like. (lol)

    My rating for this single.
    MELODY: simply because you like it at the first play
    FEELING: because while listen to it you won't understand the real content of the lyrics.
    Akisame perfect written lyric. really beautiful.
    NUDE could be written more deeply, words are simply way to random and sentences simply doesn't make that much sense.
    OVER ALL: Its a nice single which you won't regret buying.
    So what are you thinking?

    You can listen to the single OVER HERE
    and again my review is a bit vague... but somehow this single doesn't let me write a good review. Maybe because it's to much pop for me?
  3. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from usuxorz in Show Yourself (again)   
    Lol, Ricchu's pic is so funny.
    I was supposed to go out tonight but fell asleep and am looking through my photo albums, gonna post some pics of me and my crew to share.
    Think I may have to cut hair and change weight soon so I was documenting current appearance:

    Annoying cat I take care of always lays in my clothes, including underwear and socks, if he isnt there he is in the bathtub.

    My true cat, found in the wild, but dont live with her anymore. The black and white one. I love her more than anything. Here she is cleaning another cat from the wild she helped raise pic taken at the house she stays at.

  4. Like
    Tetora reacted to tetsu_sama69 in コドモドラゴン(codomo dragon) new maxi single "SODOM" release   
    Holy fuck my body is ready. 
  5. Like
    Tetora reacted to paradoxal in コドモドラゴン(codomo dragon) new maxi single "SODOM" release   
    Oooh yeaaahh!! Super cool, can't wait!
  6. Like
    Tetora reacted to nullmoon in raison detre (Dir En Grey) - Bass Cover   
    Way more mistakes on this one but I hope you enjoy

  7. Like
    Tetora reacted to zerodrive in Show Yourself (again)   
    i think i like grey color

  8. Like
    Tetora reacted to beni in Show Yourself (again)   
    Too many attractive people here, and then.. there's me.
    First time with selfie/make-up and showing myself on here, outcome = fail. xD (Super blurred too, sorry and hair isn't done at all >.<)
  9. Like
    Tetora reacted to ShanethVarosa in VAMPS new album "BLOODSUCKERS" release   
    Brb sobbing with joy.
    I've loved every single they've released so far and the new one sounds excellent so as long as this isn't an amalgamation of all those singles with one new song I will obsess over this album. I cannot wait for this for fucking real.
  10. Like
    Tetora reacted to Flame-X in Your thoughts on the Ghost in the Shell adaptation?   
    I suppose you haven't seen Edge of Tomorrow which is adapted from All You Need is Kill.
  11. Like
    Tetora reacted to hitsuji-hime in Femme Fatale new album "ARCANA" release & Dr.Chargeeeeee will depart   
    This better be good.
  12. Like
    Tetora reacted to ricchubunny in Show Yourself (again)   
    Wearing something

  13. Like
    Tetora reacted to jon_jonz in VAMPS new single "VAMPIRE'S LOVE" release   
  14. Like
    Tetora reacted to beni in If you didn`t have Japanese Music, what would you be listening to now?   
    I remember reading this thread a while back and wanted to reply, even if I am a bit late. So, here I go:


    As the title inquires, if you didn`t have Japanese music (VK, Indie, Pop, Idol, Electronic, or whatever you like / love) what would you be listening to, and how would your life be different?


    I really believe I'd still be listening to the small amount of British/Rock pop and rock I had listened to about 2 or 3 years ago. It doesn't seem like such a long time, and I don't exactly want to be called a 'weebo' since I read somewhere that only listening to Japanese music would make you be labelled one but having listened to it, I just can't feel anything special for the bands I used to listen to in America/Britain. I can't even hear the English anymore in English speaking songs now. xD I feel like if I didn't enter into the VK scene, I wouldn't dress in the way I am. I don't dress that out there, but I purposely and unsubconciously (sometimes, I guess) dress differently compared to those around me because I want to feel individual in a way. If I didn't see the way VK musicians dressed, I feel like I wouldn't try doing anything different with my style. I only hope to dress even more out there, and end up looking like Meto or something. xD


    How much does Japanese music add to your life?


    I don't want to sound neutural or negative at this part, but trying to face and answer this sounds a bit tricky. I feel like I enjoy Japanese music on a whole much more than anything else I've ever listened to. It's made me even more interested in Japan, looking up things like even artists/painters or smaller areas of the country. I've always thought, without music, I'll literally be wasting my day doing nothing at all. I feel at peace listening to music, and even better being able to talk to others about it now after having joined. I feel A LOT more confident about myself because, like I said above, about dressing up, I think of a few VK artists as my role models. And I want to continue being more confident in being the person I want to be through this. I want to try more things like my favourite musicians do and, eventually, accept that not everyone are bad like I've been afraid of thinking and believing.


    Would there be any benefits to not having it, like a heavier wallet or bigger bank account? Or is it just plain worth it?


    I used to purchase as many records I could on iTunes, but the recent ones I want and have found over here are so expensive, my mother will ban me from her account after I purchase just one. I MUCH prefer having a physical copy of an album, and I know their are websites that you can order from overseas, but I'm not lying when I say my mother is very strict with money, and she always says buying from somewhere else would be far too expensive. So I just get tracks from YouTube or different sites I can find, since I want to join in and understand when someone talks about a particular band/singer. I really do believe, if you're also a fan, then you're sure to say it's plain worth it. It's the same with every hobby/love, I believe doing the thing you enjoy most is just worth your time and money and enjoyment.


    Do you have irreplaceable friends you found through Japanese music?


    Having started on here, Tumblr and Last.fm, I feel like I am able to make friends who enjoy the same music I do finally. I know no one in real life who likes Japanese music. I only had a friend who knew about Korea's pop groups, that was the closest I got to having a friend who enjoyed Asian music. But I feel like I might be able to have irreplaceable friends on here, hopefully. I just want to chat about Asian music and learn more about it from others.


    Has it opened up your life more? Gave you an interest in Japanese culture? How would your interests change if you didn`t have this music?


    Like I answered in the second quesiton, it certainly has! After speaking with a career advicer, she told me if I have an interest in Japanese music, I should expand on it to help me out with my CV and future job hunting. So I now enjoy reading books by Japanese authors, trying to learn a bit of Japanese, and look at the culture and art. I definitely wouldn't have ventured into this in a wider way if I didn't start listening to it, that's for sure.


    Note: beware of the typos.. ><

  15. Like
    Tetora reacted to Mihenno in Royz new maxi single "Supernova" release   
    SOUNDS LIKE A JAM. I'm into it
  16. Like
    Tetora reacted to jon_jonz in Lament. new one-coin singles release   
    Hmm, they're kind boring live but I still like them. That's a nice program, because they invite VK bands there every now and then. Otogadead also plays in the video above and they have another one with VK bands featuring SaTaN & VABeL. Check it out:

  17. Like
    Tetora reacted to visualcrisis in J-rocker quiz   
    I made this quiz ages ago, thought you might like to try it just for fun. I think i'll make a new one sometime.
    Some of you may have done it.
  18. Like
    Tetora reacted to beni in Thought I should say hi   
    So, well, I've wanted to join here for quite a while now, but have never had enough confidence to do it. I've actually, just today, decided to join as many social community things (sig..) as I could to try to socialise with the people I want to talk with more (even though I have no clue how to do ANY of these stuff on the internet....), but seeing as I known no one where I live who likes VK and Japanese music in general. So that's why I've decided now to join up here, in a random moment of feeling both scared and excited... So please go easy on me if I say something dumb or wrong, I just want to join in with you guys. There's too many awesome people here so, even though I'm shaking, I'd like to chat with you all as much as I can and make friends and just chat about what we all love.
    So thanks for reading my pretty dumb introduction, hah, don't let me bore you, run along now or I might just be overwhelmed if anyone replies. xD Anyway, enjoy your day and see you around (love reading comments from everyone so I'll still probably stay on the sidelines still anyway xD) Aha, well, take care and everything.
  19. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from doombox in What songs do you currently hold close to your heart?   
    Hey guys,
    What songs either mean something to you, or bring memories and feelings up to the surface whenever you listen to them?
    Some for me to get the ball rolling:
    BUCK TICK - Dress
    Always a song that feels deep and hopeless, reminds me of sad times.
    Gackt - Secret Garden
    The song that originally made me a huge fan. It resonated with me, and even now when I listen to it, it seems so true.
    Alice-Nine - Cradle to Alpha
    I listened to this track and the album it was on non-stop a short while after it came out. Listening to this reminds me of how distant the me I want to be is, and how hard I have to work to get there, and live out the life I truly want to.
    TM Revolution - Tomorrow Meets Resistance (U:C2 Ver.)
    I remember listening to this while waiting out under the hot sun to meet some dumb girl. Good times, listening to this reminds me of that and cheers me up.
    Abingdon Boys - (The Entire First Album)
    This album seemed so fresh, and so real to me. Still to this day, it seems like the feelings expressed on it are completely bare and true, nothing is hidden.
    Please share some of yours!
  20. Like
    Tetora reacted to ShanethVarosa in 摩天楼オペラ - AVALON   
    Great review Tetora, I mentioned this briefly on my Tumblr and I would have to say I pretty much agree with your review. It definitely is a concept album, a type of album I think they perfected with Gloria and honestly they didn't touch Gloria with this one. Just for perspective: Gloria is one of my all time favorite albums and definitely my favorite MO album. That being said I love MO and they are probably my second favorite band of all time in general so it really is hard for them to disappoint me.
    In any case, I would have to put this album on a lower end of the scale than their other albums... There were a lot of songs that I skip frequently. Some I want to grow on me but mostly I think songs like Tengoku no Tobira and Tengoku no Aru Basho are my favorite types of songs. Really big, theatrical songs where Sono really belts and Anzi focuses more on melody than on rhythm. Additionally, Kagayaki wa Senkou no You ni was a reply great big standout. 
    Then there was Jolly Roger ni Hai wo and 3Jikan which were pretty different from your typical MO song, but they really did an excellent job at branching out and trying some newer (or at least atypical) styles. 
    Otherwise, I don't think much stuck out to me. I really really do not like Tonari ni Suwaru Taiyou and Kumo no Ito. I can't even make it all the way through them. Which has actually never happened with an MO song before.
    However, overall, I appreciate what they did with this album so I would give it a 4/5.
  21. Like
    Tetora reacted to jon_jonz in Blu-BiLLioN new maxi single "Sincerely yours" release   
    Yeah, I agree with Tetora. Resistar Records is doing some pretty good management. Their bands are all becoming kinda famous in Japan, which makes me glad to see that LEZARD joined their sublabel. Too bad they only invest in bands that kind of have the same sound. They should give a try to bands with different styles, other than focusing only on those colorful bands.
    And I really hope Blu-BiLLioN keeps playing in big venues, because they deserve it, unlike most of the VK bands that play in big venues nowadays.
  22. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Silverhawk33 in 摩天楼オペラ - AVALON   
    Matenrou Opera returns with an album that tastes like a concept album, yet leaves the over-all decision on whether it is or isn`t up to your interpretation.
    The term Avalon refers to a place in so-called Arthurian legend, where both the Excalibur was forged, and legendary knights as well as King Arthur himself was buried. Some speculate it to be an island off the coast of Scotland and Wales.
    The album is laden with sounds reminiscent of Medieval times, and song titles refer to heaven or paradise, which Avalon is a gateway to; that is where the concept album feel plays in, yet the songs actually tell varied tales which can not always be played in to the album`s title, and the inclusion of the previous single A-Side Orb further leads us astray.
    Concept album or not, this album is definitely not a collection of different tracks or hits thrown together. It plays more like a film cut into different parts, telling different stories, but almost always fitting a certain feel, and that is the experience you get from this album. It has a common title, but the experience is a unique one. The `Opera` touch of the delivery along with a unique vocalist matched with a hard band delivers a one-of-a-kind experience, and I think that is really what you are getting from this album. It`s not another rock album, not another VK album, it is something of its own, and you need to sample the singles from the album to see if you will enjoy this experience. One key thing to keep in consideration is if you like the vocalist and delivery, as this is a comon point of divergence amongst opinion.
    To me, this more of a sit-down and listen album rather than something you can throw on, although tracks like Orb, 隣に座る太陽 and クロスカウンターを狙え are the tracks I would think you are likely to throw on as stand-alone listens. The album doesn`t use hooks or catches as much as you would expect from a modern album, if you want a comparison, I would say it is more like Versailles from a different era.
    Track Count: 12
    Listens: 15-20
    Production Quality: Great sound, yet my personal preference is for a wider sound stage and more clarity in individual intruments, esp. more of the guitars.Though they seem to specifically like putting emphasis on the vocals.
    Overall Rating: Great album, defined, unique experience, listening on the I will skip some tracks, but if I want to let it play out there are no skip-inducing tracks.
    Worth the Purchase?
    For me, this is definitely worth the purchase. Although it is not an album that will get the most rotation. It is something I will keep in my library and bring out on occasion.
  23. Like
    Tetora reacted to Nyasagi in BORN x Lycaon EU Tour '14 -THE RAMPAGE-   
    I totally loved BORN! Ryoga is a great vocalist. Lycaon weren't bad, butI liked BORN much more, even if I didn't know most of the songs they played. I would love to see them live again.
  24. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Spectralion in 摩天楼オペラ - AVALON   
    Matenrou Opera returns with an album that tastes like a concept album, yet leaves the over-all decision on whether it is or isn`t up to your interpretation.
    The term Avalon refers to a place in so-called Arthurian legend, where both the Excalibur was forged, and legendary knights as well as King Arthur himself was buried. Some speculate it to be an island off the coast of Scotland and Wales.
    The album is laden with sounds reminiscent of Medieval times, and song titles refer to heaven or paradise, which Avalon is a gateway to; that is where the concept album feel plays in, yet the songs actually tell varied tales which can not always be played in to the album`s title, and the inclusion of the previous single A-Side Orb further leads us astray.
    Concept album or not, this album is definitely not a collection of different tracks or hits thrown together. It plays more like a film cut into different parts, telling different stories, but almost always fitting a certain feel, and that is the experience you get from this album. It has a common title, but the experience is a unique one. The `Opera` touch of the delivery along with a unique vocalist matched with a hard band delivers a one-of-a-kind experience, and I think that is really what you are getting from this album. It`s not another rock album, not another VK album, it is something of its own, and you need to sample the singles from the album to see if you will enjoy this experience. One key thing to keep in consideration is if you like the vocalist and delivery, as this is a comon point of divergence amongst opinion.
    To me, this more of a sit-down and listen album rather than something you can throw on, although tracks like Orb, 隣に座る太陽 and クロスカウンターを狙え are the tracks I would think you are likely to throw on as stand-alone listens. The album doesn`t use hooks or catches as much as you would expect from a modern album, if you want a comparison, I would say it is more like Versailles from a different era.
    Track Count: 12
    Listens: 15-20
    Production Quality: Great sound, yet my personal preference is for a wider sound stage and more clarity in individual intruments, esp. more of the guitars.Though they seem to specifically like putting emphasis on the vocals.
    Overall Rating: Great album, defined, unique experience, listening on the I will skip some tracks, but if I want to let it play out there are no skip-inducing tracks.
    Worth the Purchase?
    For me, this is definitely worth the purchase. Although it is not an album that will get the most rotation. It is something I will keep in my library and bring out on occasion.
  25. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Ada Suilen in 摩天楼オペラ - AVALON   
    Matenrou Opera returns with an album that tastes like a concept album, yet leaves the over-all decision on whether it is or isn`t up to your interpretation.
    The term Avalon refers to a place in so-called Arthurian legend, where both the Excalibur was forged, and legendary knights as well as King Arthur himself was buried. Some speculate it to be an island off the coast of Scotland and Wales.
    The album is laden with sounds reminiscent of Medieval times, and song titles refer to heaven or paradise, which Avalon is a gateway to; that is where the concept album feel plays in, yet the songs actually tell varied tales which can not always be played in to the album`s title, and the inclusion of the previous single A-Side Orb further leads us astray.
    Concept album or not, this album is definitely not a collection of different tracks or hits thrown together. It plays more like a film cut into different parts, telling different stories, but almost always fitting a certain feel, and that is the experience you get from this album. It has a common title, but the experience is a unique one. The `Opera` touch of the delivery along with a unique vocalist matched with a hard band delivers a one-of-a-kind experience, and I think that is really what you are getting from this album. It`s not another rock album, not another VK album, it is something of its own, and you need to sample the singles from the album to see if you will enjoy this experience. One key thing to keep in consideration is if you like the vocalist and delivery, as this is a comon point of divergence amongst opinion.
    To me, this more of a sit-down and listen album rather than something you can throw on, although tracks like Orb, 隣に座る太陽 and クロスカウンターを狙え are the tracks I would think you are likely to throw on as stand-alone listens. The album doesn`t use hooks or catches as much as you would expect from a modern album, if you want a comparison, I would say it is more like Versailles from a different era.
    Track Count: 12
    Listens: 15-20
    Production Quality: Great sound, yet my personal preference is for a wider sound stage and more clarity in individual intruments, esp. more of the guitars.Though they seem to specifically like putting emphasis on the vocals.
    Overall Rating: Great album, defined, unique experience, listening on the I will skip some tracks, but if I want to let it play out there are no skip-inducing tracks.
    Worth the Purchase?
    For me, this is definitely worth the purchase. Although it is not an album that will get the most rotation. It is something I will keep in my library and bring out on occasion.
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