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Status Replies posted by Tetora

  1. that "fishing for attention or we'll disband" thing's gotta stop seriously.


  3. I'm leaving for Hamar in an hour now. Then to Oslo for a double dose of Goblin on saturday, before I go back to Hamar for a few days and go to Sweden to buy a shitload of cheap beer, and then Inferno festival a few days later. Four days of heavy drinking, great music and awesome people. My body is ready!

  4. Finally got my new phone finally

  5. Welcoming myself back?!

  6. Shoutout to everyone that uploads new stuff, higher quality versions of old stuff, lossless rips of classics, live distributions, etc...

  7. I have less than 20 days to come up with money for Kra's new mini-album. ;_;

  8. ARRG, BLITZBAAAAALLL!!!!! ::shakes fists::

  9. Making my first upload on MH now... be here in 30mins to an hour for two exclusives.

  10. be thankful

  11. be thankful

  12. I'm not the most mature person in the world, but sometimes I gotta smh at people who make me look like a mature adult in comparison XD

  13. Bay's Ninja Turtles movie looks pretty cool. http://youtu.be/nCjsWpM9zFU

  14. Tomorrow is ganna be a very sad day for me , I have no choice but to rehome my beloved husky baby dog , I rather have myself sorrow for a few months than have him upset all his life <3

  15. Once again Lycaon makes music its bitch, now i really know what the whip&chain are for. Long may they reign.

  16. I'm stubborn and keep using winmap but it's starting to irritate me and I can't think of anything else to use that I can tolerate

  17. Happy birthday do UNiTE.!!

  18. Horror movies, They Live and The Thing, streams tonight by ShinStation. Join in if you can! http://new.livestream.com/ShinStation/NAMN012

  19. I want the whole MH to know how sweet Zess is. He's helping me with my programming exercises atm <3

  20. ugh no, my macbook battery is dying after only two years. Argh DX

  21. Nocturnal Bloodlust Gears of Omega full live : http://youtu.be/owdMn1g3E9c

  22. do you know any good megamasso songs? will prob. see them tommorow lol

  23. I'm not too fond about fackbook buying Oculus VR.

  24. I'm not too fond about fackbook buying Oculus VR.

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