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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. Just realized my inbox was full. So if you were trying to have a little chat with me... Pardin the inconvenience but now you know what to do...

  2. Finally started spinning FALILV's new cd. Really getting into some of the songs.

    1. Tetora


      That's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, the electronic rock band, for anyone unaware.

  3. ViViD's new bandscore is coming out, they have a very good guitarist, only issue I have is I only learn some of their songs as they have some stuff in C-tuning and you need special strings just to go that low. My fav. to play is Winding Road and Explode (in higher pitch).

    1. Tetora


      (explosion not explode)

  4. Still trying to learn harsh vocals. I sound like a homeless ojiisan...

    1. paradoxal


      i don't even dare to try... XD

  5. Meanwhile, I visit a Pawn Shop to gather supplies for my latest 'business' idea: http://youtu.be/XYT5LM_on_I

    1. kyoselflove


      Lol I love that show.

  6. Can't wait until new Girugamesh!

    1. RpgRiser


      Totally,only 4 days left,and 12012's new mini-album drops a week after!

      The hyyyype *-*

  7. Hard work pays off, dreams do come true. Bad times don't last, but BAD BOYS sure do.

  8. Can't wait to see the movie Hibi Rock! Want to see how much they reference Rock music and if they make a movie that Rock fans can appreciate.

    1. doombox


      I just watched the trailer after you posted this and it looks hilarious. I'd definitely be interested in seeing it at some point.

  9. Arghhh... Never any night-crew in the chat these days...

    1. kyoselflove


      Sorry. I've been lazy lol.

  10. New Codomo Dragon is almost upon us...

    1. Spectralion


      Too bad, the legit rip of their last single hast surfaced yet...

  11. Bands that make you realize the VOLUME JUST DOESN'T GO LOUD ENOUGH: Girugamesh.

    1. beni


      Haha, that's totally them!

  12. OMG can't sleep; CM Punk shoot interview on AOW where he goes all out on everything, politics, behind the scenes events, steroids, everything.

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      I know he's retired from wwe, but I listen he can maybe comeback, hope it's true... I miss him, I want the best in the world come back and kick out Seth Rollins ^^

  13. 39GalaxyZ -Rebirth version-

    1. Tetora


      Love this tune.^

  14. Genuinely p!ssed at a boss fight.

    1. beni


      Who doesn't get pissed at boss fights!? Whenever one comes up, I just think 'well, time to have a months break from this.' >.< Good luck!!

  15. Back in Canada. Winter music season has finally hit me.

  16. Sitting here in a restaurant with headphones on because they are blaring Christmas music. #LetMeEatInPeace

    1. beni


      Everywhere now! Stay indoors for the rest of this month haha.

  17. Locking your update cannot prevent the inevitable: http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/723/501/330.gif

    1. Elazmus


      LMAO I'm gonna tip my hat all the way to you.

  18. Can't get over the new SuG. These albums coming out have me sweating. DOG, DIV, SuG; ??陰天照様??。

  19. What the heck kind of cat does Mio have? It looks so much like a Lynx (my spirit animal hehe).

  20. ... And now to wait for my DIV cd.

  21. Just noticed the album covers for the new Codomo Dragon; woooooow, so nice! http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/BPRVD-156

  22. Really love the Promo for BugLug's new album featuring 「猿??。Really feels triumphant, as if to show us how far they made it, all while staying true to themselves. I think the album will be even better than 「G.A.G.?? btw.

    1. Tetora


      Also really hope for new UNiTE album by year's end. Falling back into the deep love I had for them before 「Ai??.

  23. New 「THE TURTLES JAPAN??PV: http://youtu.be/7XL2BkHhjBk I always found they had a kind of VISUAL style. This one reminds me a little of L'arc though. I wonder if I should try the album.

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