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Status Updates posted by blackdoll

  1. Ha! Queen KyoselfLove just murdered this whole website

  2. haha suck it you traitorous whores, 麻薬(mayaku) views surpassed plug into the socket's. (sorry for name calling)

    1. Elazmus


      *goes to repeatedly watch PITS*

    2. blackdoll
  3. Haifa Wehbe techno like stuff, it goes great with her high voice

  4. happy bday sexy daddy

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TETORA will be giving you a lap dance at your bday party... ps nice wall paper

    1. Tetora


      You know what I like! Thanks and thanks!

    2. blackdoll


      No problem :) have fun

  6. have to return to The Abyss of Despair soon so i'm drowning my self in food and Spike-sama.

  7. Hell yeah, the white queen is back on tv (my show). Hail Britain!

  8. hello Dorian Gray, penny dreadful ver of course

  9. hello umbral horror. anyway FML!

  10. hey, now matter were you go, the soul boys are Lycaon, ah ha, you know, i know, their good, their hot, their fresh, their fly, real sound. (their = their music) meow. reference:

  11. hips do lie when either versions of hello venus' i'm ill comes on. of course aferni sneak ups and gets behind me. gonna have to teach him how to twerk to the black swan so i can get some pay back

    1. Aferni


      Papi has a surprise for you tonight~

    2. blackdoll


      papi that was great, again tonighr please

  12. ho ho ho oo oooo ho ho ho oo oo neva eva

  13. hold the phonem shameless and the musketeers are about to come back on.

    1. eiheartx


      yay for the musk, can't wait to see le Comte de la Sass again!! <33

  14. holding out on lycaon i see

    1. Tetora


      Save da best 4 last.

    2. blackdoll


      i was thinking that ha

  15. HOLy FUCKING BALLS, NBC BALLS HAVE DROPPED BIG TIME. Aquarius is just omg everything, ughh first salem split me open and now this. It's like fuck grimm fuck hanibal fuck the following fuck the 100 fuck game of thrones. All thats missing is the soft porn but since it that channel. ugh netflix should have grabbed this

    1. blackdoll


      lol i hope i haven't spoken too early

  16. Holy fucking shit i almost thought yuuki-sama met his match vocally with

    but one whiff of Love song sent that idea packing (checked other songs too). i think i found yuuki's dancing partner though per say.
  17. HOLY FUCKING SHIT, OH FUCK ME waveya is covering Bangtan next, uhhhhhh i wanted this for so long, the big 2 clashing. Ari better have her make good, cause at the bodyroll part i want to be climaxing

  18. Holy fucking shit, woke up with a killer lower back pain --- i can take it but its annoying. i guess i wont work out today. I hate my body!

  19. hope this yeast isnt too old

  20. hope shadow gets upped this week because i really need a hit.

  21. how kyos' bad bitch party went down

    wooooooo that was hard, and the sadness is because the loss of are beloved.
  22. I always thought anime was better then real tv shows, but the tv shows ive been watching have been giving me orgasm that i havnt really got from anime. might have to rethink that thought. hmmm

    1. Sakura Seven
    2. blackdoll


      mindf*cks, like with the plots and character developments, basically tv show are have been more enjoyable then anime.

  23. I am listening to Lycaon liss liss Listening to Lycaon, just the kind of music that will make your toes pop. Lycaon mode activated, all day this album and no other music

    . 2 more listening dirty dancing then 2 for a good listen.
    1. blackdoll


      writing a reveiw now going to be a while

  24. i could totally see Yuuki as a high fashion super model, fuck tyra banks!

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II


    2. beni


      The only model I'd pay good money to see walk a cat walk. x'D

    3. blackdoll


      @nekkichi not high fashion i think.

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