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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. blackdoll

    Well it probably does exist depending of the person you ask. But as for thought i would say the reason why it's not around anymore Probably because the musicians thought they couldnt do anymore with that sound or wanted to try something new as the vocalist of Aliene Ma'riage and La:Sadie new band dont sound like it at all and have change their sound. It's can be said that time period is noticed and influential as their are songs like Lycaon's dalhia and bands like Grieva, avelcain, crucifixion, cell, Crimson Shiva and dezert, but like to stay modern and maybe put their own input on it. then there is the issue, is their a market for it? what i would recommend, Aliene Ma'riage's cyber album jigsaw posted, and baiser And A question, what would you think about old school vocaloid?
  2. blackdoll

    Hopefully this means good things for Hyuna
  3. blackdoll

    have you read the post in which i said why i made this. and did you listen to the songs in the OP, they have similarities
  4. blackdoll

    Sorry for double posting but it updated after i posted again thank you, and you have your cool moments is this a joke or is that how you really feel? cause Yuuki has his TECHNICALLY good moments too. Thank you, i was going for a old kings VS new kings theme seeing how Lycaon started the year they ended and stuff. Also i like your word choice.
  5. blackdoll

    ROTFL gurl get you music str8 before you typecause it makes it seem like your are trolling or just hear to take jabs a lycaon especially combine with the was you didn't address me directly in that comment about making the poll and your attitude/word choice. You meant Rose not shadow but to address this. Lycaon was going for something smooth and hot, something that popped evident bye their opening featuring Yuuki's own mother, bridges, bassing, chorus, guitar solo, backtracking & mixing, and riffage modification from lynch's riff parts. While Lynch was going for dark and a hard rockout song. also a shout out to their song Alejandro, chizuru, Ruki is going in at the start all "emotional" while Yuuki is laid back and lower vocal tone, Lycaon uses a piano shout out to ambrosia again kessh no hana [結晶華] , TG has a instrumental breakdown/break with highvoice taunting while they had a guitar solo and piano solo, while the hooks maybe both fast but yuuki was more lavish, tg ending was gituar and double bassing while Lycaon's was piano, tg had falsetos while Yuuki whipered and again guitaring choice. conclusion Lycaon was upscale party/club, dark, and fancy with a touch of spooky, and tg a dark ballad. As upgrading yess: Lynch was cute and i do like it, but Lycaon had a lot more going on and more unique or saying/going for something. Chizuru is good but Lycaon just did more and took it places. Far from upgrade would be Screw - glass cage, Blitz - black shadow, and GALEYD - D.Z.I. as they are no where near Lycaon's level in a box in beautiful, Cordyceps Sinensis, and The end of Delusion reminds me of some quotes "this shit aint regular rich" - shanghai and "They diss me, but runnin' and took the same route, Uhn, but no, they not Nicki, Wrist on ice and yes my wrist bricky" - win again Lycaon music is solid, and royal like diamonds and gold, also no one is like them EDIT: refer to my status from may 25 2014
  6. blackdoll

  7. blackdoll

    not tattoo fixers, done with that
  8. blackdoll

    Sorry for double posting but it updated after i posted and to show when it comes to Lycaon i have big balls & dont give a eph you see cay also both bands revival so to speak What do you mean? No one can sound like Lycaon, sure they upgraded peasant marital but they are completely different directions. while RES and baiser are a different story. The DEG story however is bullcrap, i think
  9. blackdoll

    lets do this with spoilers your wife and husband are thinking about me when your doing it voice + soul The real ABYSS OF DESPAIR, yeah i said it Pain & Rage coupled with sadness, fucking genius What ever pain you have felt i will bear it for you need some drugs i got you, and some care too i got your back sex trip dont need to even need to sing let me tell your above my past love ill haunt your dreams Black knight damm daddy like a poet had a voice hold me the lion king i can see sad future Salt in wound Let me put it this way, RES would be the guard dog you keep outside, Lycaon is the Werewolf you keep next to you, in bed. you get it? glad to help
  10. Besides Ghost stories and shaman King Code Geass belongs in hell though
  11. blackdoll

    ROTFL this BUT FOR Lycaon.... everything RES did can fit in 2 boxes, thus only good for a month before you get annoyed. While Lycaon did like idk how many things while at the core it was always them(if you listen right). even when they are in the same area, the feels is different. vocals: Yuuki wins Hands down, no joke Guitaring: Satoshi, rito win Bass: mio, Hiyuu win incorporating other instrumental stuff: Lycaon wins Hyper Evolution and Adaptability + True Soul cant beat that
  12. blackdoll

    I'm pretty sure this is going to be one sided with RES winning, but at this level of connectivity im cool with it. but i made it cause before RES got tiring, i used to to think Lycaon was reincarnation of them.
  13. Rentrer en Soi More songs to compare VS. Lycaon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dw3Ilg1RCrE More songs to compare Feel free to keep it sort but i would love to read some review type of post.
  14. I prefer Knives cause you throw them or slit open and cut open good. Also like the hand stab. enough blood but not overkill. powers are good too, like lelouch and ulqiorra ceroing ichigo in bleach
  15. blackdoll

    loved it so much i free styled to the song
  16. blackdoll

    OMG are they done with that genic metalcore shit that was gravitation that everyone was ball's deep in. This actually sounds like old (one and only truly good giru), So glad he lost that overused garbage harsh and went back to his roots. Yummy - dolly approves of at least the MV song
  17. blackdoll

    whyyyyyyyyyy whyyyyy would you do this to me Britain, you fucking wanker You bloody knew that i loved Hal on Being human U.K. and you brought em back as a bad mouth soon to be groom looking super on Fleek coming for my feels, like i didnt even know it was him on "crashing" at first, and he's gotta another love problem, omg, i just cant, and the show looks really good. I'm calling the copahs cause i cant sort this feeling right know, i just cant. #BritainRules
  18. you might get hit with the reapahh

  19. blackdoll

    Also great inspiration for dirty lyrics
  20. That it only had Lycaon really, then it lost that...
  21. Like the title saysm how to you like it? Also we can discuss do you like it bloody, long, technical, without talking, intelligent? What about that cheap-shot or lucky opening?
  22. blackdoll

    「xxx」is D£AD and Lougenel's unreleased albums
  23. shuuen was gold so, ima check it out. i hope the sound quality isnt sand though lol
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