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Status Updates posted by blackdoll

  1. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh at home alone, some what blasting Lycaon, I feel so free, I feel so right, letting Yuuki guide me.

  2. All hail Queen kyoselflove! All hail Queen kyoselflove!

  3. All hail the half incubus princes of light Yuuki-sama, Satoshi-sama, Zero-sama, Hiyuu-sama, and Ichiro-sama and their glorious victory. Lands they have conquered/destroyed: Arlequin, femme fatale, megaromnia, malice mizer, the gazette, and their kind. Finally Rentrer en soi name is in the dust. (incubus breed

  4. Andrew Scott >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  5. angelina jolie vs tsuzuku

  6. another all nighter with coffe -__-, fucking high functioning procrastinator right here!

  7. anyone else have on demand and know what the showwith the wings was? Also should i try vikings? I loved s1-3 of game of thrones. I defintly prefer the tudors and more recent reign. Other news Avelcain's ga came on and it was nice.

    1. Tetora


      I know people like Vikings, to me it seemed alright from what I saw (I don't watch many shows though).

    2. blackdoll
    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Vinking is a realy nice tv show, even if I was expected more blood. One of my fav show.

  8. Anyone else's firefox been acting shitty for a couple of weeks?

    1. blackdoll


      googled it, refreshed it from the help button. works much better now.

    2. Show next comments  9 more
  9. Arb-pop great music with bad MVs (or uninteresting MVs). For a change, i love ballads (in general for this scene). I love the beat and vocal changes (be like "oh shit, get it get it"). bad things per say is when the singers/vocalist halfass it, when you know they can do better. also sometimes they try different things and it's not working. Haven't gotten that far with the scene since it's awkward in the house, but Nancy Ajram is my Yuuki (fucking love her).

  10. Archer is back, so ready. They better have gave Jessica good lines.

  11. ari in shinny black shorts, black top, black high knee high healed boots, is there anyone hotter. still "<<<<<" that song though

  12. Arlequin vocalist does those inhales (a bunch of vk bands are doing) best. Zou is the proof.

  13. artema came just in time, was about to update my ipod. on a side note i sense a poser.

    1. Tokage


      *dancing alphabet gifs*

    2. blackdoll


      really liking his clean vocals too its so sweet, and harsh is yummy. they got the whole package artema > FALILV & ROACH!

    3. Sakura Seven
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  14. artema has gotten me over fear in lothing in las vegas

  15. Asians can be so rude, like who told you to come out the house looking sexy as fuck. dammmm im dying over here, help.

  16. awww that fucking suck old Nancy Ajram is dry and unpolished. well her new stuff makes up for it anyway, still queen

  17. baby touch like that touch like that

  18. babygirl is so badass

    , fucked that song up. Didn't know sailor was heavy tho.
  19. Bangtan Boys <3 DARK&WILD VOL.1 is such a good album. I even liked the slow (nothing going on with beat) songs. I still can't tell who's doing what, but love the vocals. sucks the summer is over, i wanna learn the dances and really get familiar with em.

  20. banished got me wet next up vikings, doubleteam thursday

  21. been a week and i'm still stuck on shadow. can't be bothered with anything else here. #feedMyAddiction. anyway im down with Lycaon continuing with with the redoing old tracks (redrum[not the best], plug into, suckin on, 1st degree). all knew would be best but id choose alejandro or the end of, chain of collar or enslavement, lily, jesus, or rose.

  22. been blasting

    all day thanks to orphan black. but the fact that it blended with shadow and i haven't dance like that since CO proves Prince Yuuki-sama should at least try this type of music
  23. before the devil knows you are dead and kangaz korva could have taken Lycaon down if they didn't die. Tamer hosny and The Juliet Massacre still have a chance. Runner ups reload and I drink my coffee alone.

  24. Best reaction ever

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