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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. I was wondering how much these artists and bands are making? And how it compares to other countries.


    I think Babymetal is rich cause they have views and toured with gaga also きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ since her views are up there too and had her spot with pon pon pon. But compared top Brazil's annita and big kpop it doesn't compare. Is it because Japan MV's aren't sexual?


    Visual kei guys wear makeup like k-pop. is it because of the weird costumes, and sometime make up choices? But they do go to EU and anime conventions? Why have some bands been able to kinda make it big and other not? do they care about money or are do they just want to make a unique kind of music, but plenty of people say vk is generic.


    is it as simple as a countries population or discrimination?


    I know you might like that it as a small scene but them being the musicians you love don't they deserve a lot of money? or they could dream themselves about being a global star?

    1. FAR EAST DIZAIN is the most disappointment of the year to me
    2. I like Leda and Sujk in DELUHI. I like them in UNDIVIDE and Sujk solo project too. These two musicians have potential, for sure !
    3. But here... TONICK DIZAIN sound like the the album of a band of newcomers. We can't expect this with these members.
    4. I also like Keita in CodeRebirht, here he sounds more annoying.
    5.  Especially, I think LAST SCENE is the worst song on this album. It sounds like a Royz's song.
    1. It's more disapointing that people think that, including you since you liked some and not NONE. disappointing to me would be arlequin's first album
    2. Please Leda, Sujk, DELUHI, and UNDIVIDE are a hot over rated mess full of weakness and genericness. If they didn't have groupies i bet people wouldnt be overreacting like this
    3. they are new comers unlike -OZ- and arlequin. They sound like Purple Stone meets djent which is a nice mix
    4. at least it not super genric like Misanthropist with over use annoying vocals
    5. great logic lmfao that totally makes sense.

    btw do you listen to royz a lot since you know how they sound?

  2. im really confused but the super melodic direction eve is pushing them in

    Murufufu adds a point to post Royal order Lycaon since people kept saying Lycaon needed Eve and Eve was everything. Maybe they should hire Satoshi or Zero?


    but minus a point for modern vk.


    The song sounds nice like a easier yuriko from their best release or like id with out the sift. karma was cute looking too

  3. Yeah R&b is perfect for chair dancing or songs like lady gaga paparazzi, but omg guy dont dry with one with a plastic seat, almost slipped.


    sidenote: adding Jenifer Lopez - get right too good American shit. and ughhh I was doing good with Cheetah - star wars, i used to hate her, but that song and the Lyrics that were subbed. 

    1. Yes that is the trend with other genres. I wouldn't get off topic by involving movies.
    2. Yes ReS is great, but so were other bands of that time. This applies to other genres as well.
    3. People are just getting worked up because you're comparing two opposites, and claiming they're the similar to almost the exact same.
    4. My vote has been placed. Excuse me if I offended you at all.
    1. they are both forms as entertainment, pleasure requiring hard work to be good 
    2. i can think of a few, and they did end when lycaon started. and what if they kept going till now?
    3. i said common ground and possible inspiration/motivation. I see it as the same as

      comparing this choreography vid

      to this choreography vid

    4. why would you have offend me? lol

  4. I don't think you can convince anyone about these apparent similarities you see between these two completely different bands. And like Shaolan mentioned; Rentrer en Soi will still be remembered ten years from now.

    Like i said i dont expect anyone too

    and I'll remember Lycaon forever.

    I understand your craziness about lycaon but please, don't push it too far, that's annoying.

    lmao you under the craziness, well your all alone alone, cause my mind is sound. As for annoying i dont get that since there is nothing forcing you to read this while all im doing is replying to post and making them. and i've said it a couple of time do whatever


    1. Lol, the first thing I knew when this thread popped up and saw blackdoll being the OP was that there would be a huge fucking ass discussion about Lycaon.Seriously,
    2. both bands are different and trying to cherry pick for similiarities is like comparing apples to windows.
    3. For there are practically not many things in common.
    4. The only thing I see is OP being salty that most people like RES more and admit their negative bias towards Lycaon.
    5. Seriously blackdoll, how about you just get over other people not sharing your delusional fixation on your fav band.
    6. People are biased and have different tastes; others showing their strong dislike of one band is no reason to write huge cryptic posts about it.
    7.  (both eras) does appeal more to me.
    1. most of the post are about RES, no one but me and others bothered talking about Lycaon
    2. didn't cherry pick, really gave it a thought. and i think compare kind of Canines like i said before. btw did you check out the comparisons, maybe saying why they are not will do something to me
    3. Yay they have things in common
    4. where is the salt? said i was cool, and it was a new experience listening to both side by side
    5. there has nothing to be get over, as i am fine and have gone threw enough years to know people think differently, just replying
    6. not sure what you mean? but thanks for thinking about it
    7. For Lycaon


    In all honesty I don't go shouting about any particular bands, regardless of my liking to them. The GazettE have my loyalty forever, but I keep my giddyness to myself.


    I don't hate Lycaon, but the vocalist just makes me cringe at times. Some tracks compliment his vocal ranges, and others make me want to shoot those who thought this track was worth creating haha.


    RES is long gone and people don't bring them up for the same reason other past bands aren't mentioned. They're distant memories of greatness.


    You will hear PLENTY of people on MH talking about how late 90's/early 2000's were the best years for VK.


    It's as simple as that. NOTHING will compare to the bands of that time.

    Cool do you, though isnt that the trend with all music like hip hop old being the preferred? I think its like that with movies too. hmmmmm


    But glad to get everyone back into RES they were #1 with of my favorite at a point, and they deserve it since it's been forever.

    1.  RES were around longer
    2. and Satsuki has the voice of an angel.

    Bulleted you post to save time and to make use of options the staff has given us

    1. 2001-2008 = 8 years 2008-2015 =8 years, same time
    2. I used to think so too, before listening to tamer hosny + Yuuki does too but he does need to flaunt it and brings it out when he feel like it

    The only thing they've got is that they made it to the USA, but considering how they failed too do it again on the year they disbanded cause of some visa issue kinda canceled that out.


    In Lycaon's Offensive


    they have murdered every original of the songs they've birthing it like a new baby out of a mothers womb

    I meant bad in a good way. That's just how I see take in his voice. I love his voice because it's so distinctive. 

    Oh ok i think i get it. Like "dolly is the baddest bitch on m-h?" and right


    1. Oh man I was sparing OP from this comparison. but I see we have some savages here haha. Lycaon's latest album was alright, but left too much to be desired for the listener.
    2. Tell me, what kind of similarities are you referring to?
    3. Also, Why of all of these songs, did you choose THESE specific ones to represent the bands' "similarities" that you notice?
    4. Now i'm not judging what could be, your personal favorites of RES/Lycaon
    5. IMO I don't hear, feel, or even visualize any similarities. You're talking about two different bands, from 2 different points of time in the VK scene.
    6. Each with a vocalist that either beautifully expresses an invitation to the listener with that silver-tongue of theirs, or doesn't.
    7. If you were to compare RES to either 12012 or D'espairs Ray, then I'd agree that there are some similarities.

    Okay i see what you guys are trying to do, make me work and listen to RES again cause i kinda catching what saku got.


    but back to what you quote above


      refer to my status from may 25 2014

    2. They both are complex and above good, They both "changed" from soft to hard doing a lot (in Lycaons case more), they both have a that way of approaching music. both are vocal based, riffage here and there
    3. the non spoiler songs to avoid the "oh well satsuki has better vocal techniqe so he is better" with non familiars and old school. spoiler first set: both dark and have something going in the instrumental (or maybe 雨音の輪舞曲 would have been a better choice), 2nd set: both go hard songs with harsh driven and leading, 3rd set: both are weird but include soulful singing (chaoticness) too
    4. Nope not the reason and all of of Lycaon is basically my favorite. RES i have no idea anymore what are my favorites anymore
    5. If you read my "only remix" in the writing thread i address this - i think different and reason as such. Another thing is i dont really belive in "genres," so things blend. Like i had to stop myself from commenting on how i would rather listen to some good Jay park, DΞΔN, and crush songs (implying they are better) which are k-r&b earlier. So what if they were from different time, sub in what was pop back then for what was pop onward. so other songs that i think can be compared i was dammed - Psychedelic jelly,  PROTOPLASM - Kimi o kowasu garasu na shoudou, stigmata - tsuioku, Karasu iro no taiji - bara~rose, Misery loves poisnous blue - shadow, Negative Creep - insanity, Taikyou naru yousei yuugi - misshitsu ni okeru kyouatsuteki (long ass title), vision of you - mayaku, Eyes of Forest - akai ringo, Secret Strawberry Garden -  残像に口紅を~,  Strawberry Oblaat - Ame to muchi, I hate myself and want to die - miss evil inside, Gedoku Magai ni Suicide - your pick, Usubeni Iro - 月は無慈悲な夜の女王. Like damm i deserve a cookie or something after that list- took forever to forever like it even my job to convince you of their common ground
    6. after that processing the list your right totally right
    7. what about baiser and dont people also like diru? but to me none of those band would be right. Shoot after making that list and thinking about Lycaon sudden disbandment i wonder if RES was their secrete inpriration cause i can hear em all over lycaon shadow period, rock and metal era and even in electronic Lycaon & and their goal when they formed was too beat RES in eight years and Last Dance is just a smack in the face. Maybe get pass some of yuuki's vocals and the guitar tuning and listen?


    So where was all this RES love before, no one talks about them anymore, but when i put em in with Lycaon, whom i have said repeated are Royality y'all remember them, kinda shady to me. Aldo how come know one mentioned harsh vocals (i slipped it in before)?

  5. Does anybody listen to old visual kei, like early 90's kind of stuff? I'm not shure if this "old school visual" label really exists,

    Well it probably does exist depending of the person you ask.


    But as for thought i would say the reason why it's not around anymore Probably because the musicians thought they couldnt do anymore with that sound or wanted to try something new as the vocalist of Aliene Ma'riage and La:Sadie new band dont sound like it at all and have change their sound.


    It's can be said that time period is noticed and influential as their are songs like Lycaon's dalhia and bands like Grieva, avelcain, crucifixion, cell, Crimson Shiva

    and dezert, but like to stay modern and maybe put their own input on it.


    then there is the issue, is their a market for it?


    what i would recommend, Aliene Ma'riage's cyber album jigsaw posted, and baiser


    And A question, what would you think about old school vocaloid?

  6.  Sorry for double posting but it updated after i posted again

    blackdoll its not said enough but I LOVE YOU.

    u make me so HAPPY

    thank you, and you have your cool moments


    I can't help but favor the worst of the worst vocals in any genre.

    is this a joke or is that how you really feel? cause Yuuki has his TECHNICALLY good moments too.


    Interesting choice of bands. I've enjoyed some of Lycaon's output, but Rentrer en soi was my favorite band at one point, so I'm gonna have to go with them.

    Thank you, i was going for a old kings VS new kings theme seeing how Lycaon started the year they ended and stuff. Also i like your word choice. :happy:

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