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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. I fucking hate those stupid dumbass fucking snow plow divers. Like I fucking break my body shoveling the fucking sidewalk with feet of snow then there dumbass comes and  fucks it alll backup. Up to my kneeds in shit again, but this time its heavy mixed with block of ice and wet snow. I swear if i was outside i would have flipped that piece of shit off i was outside. Like i hope some slit there tires and gives em a 2 piece cause those scum deserve it! Im fucking hurting and cant rest. like i should. Like get your bitch ass out the car shovel what you messed up.


    Also fucking headphones fucking broke like really? i swear those bitches were made to break so you would have to keep replacing them over and over... lucky i have a spear though are ass. Dam it i knew i shouldnt have waited to go to best buy and get on a warranty again since radio shake fucking M.I.A.



  2. So im watching shades of blue and it's so obvious that it's symbolism for the world being run by penises. Anyway at first i was looking at the interactions at forplay, but he took it to far with the i can touch you where ever i want, i own you. i'm just like damm had to go fucking things up, though Jlo should have beat on him after.


    Sidenote Jlo is my fucking boo

  3. what the hell, he is having an homosexual affair?????????????? where the hell did this come from? there was no sign at all of this, im rarly shocked my tv shows other than who i end up crushing on, but dam shades of blue got me. why cant more shows be like this.


    also damm it, if it was on hbo, starz or showtimes it could have been a sex scene. FML....... jk 

  4. I dont generally like lives but zankoku no SALOME @ stylish wave countdown '13-'14 [2013.12.31] is hands down my favorite, Yuuki's freaking awesome groove along with his amazing unique voice and the bands shredding energy + hype backtracking synths has not only the crowd getting their life but also the viewers that are watching from their computer screens.



  5. I was just correcting that part because Kpop took from Visual kei; not the other way round.


    I cannot provide a very detailed explanation for your question, but if you want to compare Visual kei and Kpop in the west, I think there are a lot of differences that keep them separate and experiencing different realities.


    Kpop is basically western pop, sung in Korean but the basic melodies are in the western style, a bit of English here and there, a bit of skin from both men and women for the sex appeal factor and that's how they made it. Kpop doesn't want to introduce people to something new, instead it gives people the same thing but a bit refined. Now, I'm not convinced Kpop is THAT popular in the west, I might even dare say it may be declining a little bit because it has become repetitive and too westernised.


    Visual Kei, on the other hand, even in its most mainstream expression is still something that basically appeals to "outsiders", it still retains many attributes that keep it from being totally mainstream such as androgynous looks that basically defy gender roles, thought-provoking lyrics, the melodies themselves are many times an acquired taste, they are not necessarily conceived to appeal to the mainstream, etc.


    Two different uncomparable genres, one is pop and the other rock and rock isn't as massive as pop is.

    i never said that, though n sync was feminine and stuff. modernly they look a better asian justin beiber. 


    but otherwinse nice explanation. though since it was just on Family guy idk if its declining. Psy seems to be giving taylor swift a run too with his veiws 

  6. I said they aren't overrated because we know they are skilled. You like them or not, you can't say they are overrated. I know a lot of bands more overrated than DELUHI and co.

    Even if it's a new band (composed by former musicians of experience) we should not forget what they did in the past.

    They are not beginners. They have all kinds of experience acquired over the years. We should take it in our judgment.

    Musicians compose new music through their experiences too.

    This is a new band, yes, but they are not newcomers. So, Far East Dizain is disappointing. If the band was composed of newcomers (new musicians with no experiences), TONICK DIZAIN could be a decent first album.

    And try diversity doesn't mean quality.

    yeah if they havent done anything worth the hype

    yes forget whats not worth remembering or remember and i say this is a step up


    yeah for black swan

    Well considering how this is a different direction they are new.. also gives room to step up there game


  7. Leda and Sujk are good musicians, really skilled whether you like it or not. They aren't overrated. Especially Leda who was on bass in Galneryus too, long time ago. So, you can't say they are overrated because they have a good musical technique.

    DELUHI was a good band, especially their really first mini-album "Surveillance". UNDIVIDE and Sujk's solo project are more... experimental but they had ideas and tried to do something...else.


    So, they aren't newcomers. They are on the scene for a while now especially Leda. Only Keita and Ryu are really new but Far East Dizain is Leda and Sujk so... it's not their fault if the band is disappointing.


    Keita is annoying because the music doesn't fit his voice. There are a lot of filter and autotune and he sings in English mostly. His voice was more powerful in CodeRebirth for sure !


    and yeah, I'm listening to Royz, I have more than 1k of listening of my last.fm. I said Royz but you know what I mean. LAST SCENE is a basic j-happy-electro-pop-rock song totally out of context.

    they can be skilled and make bad music. yeah think they are overated, haven't done anything that's jaw dropping.

    You say different i say i herd before. and i say this album was good


    by new comers i meant a new band and for a new band this was good,


    mehh it's fine.


    shoking but i asked cause you made it seem like sounding like royz = automatic bad song. They could be looking for diversity

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