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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. okay sine you two wanna do that



    Since1889 for though because i was just using unsraw for the harsh and hard beat, and hated when he sung. With since 1889 im not using them and i can rock out to their hardness. Their songs are more fun to and interesting. and  unsraw wasnt as flexible to me. Also since 1889 has alot of followers doing his harsh vocals, selm, div and some others


  2. its been about a week or 2, i think it's about time i stop hiding. I am


    a narto shippuden fan, i thought it sucked but 400 to now was really good story wise even if saske is a rip off of vegeta  and narto of goku. and seeing how i always dont count the bad (excluding Lycaon, cause they have non) and count all of orochimaru and sharingan/rinnigan i like the anime. also reverse herome justu on the big bad women, respect. also enjoy movie 7.


    conclusion visul powers got me


  3. CDs:


    • Chain of Collar type A (a crack on front case), (track-list: 1. SE 2. Chain of collar 3. Insanity)
    • Gypsy cd+dvd (track-list: 1. Gypse 2. Ballad, DVD 1. Gypse pv + PV making of/off shot)

    [not big] posters:

    • shedia,
    • mix speakers inc,
    • sibilebashir,
    • Oneness



    Chain of Collar












    oneness back


    DM me offers or buy it all for 40 USD + shipping.


    For the thread if you have a few items i don't think its necessary to have you own thread. just use spoilers for pictures if ur posting them

  4. 4 hours ago, nekkichi said:

    do you think this is problematic enough to trigger @blackdoll?

    I'm concerned


    nope because all he said was it, sucked which his opinion. It was like he said something that sound like he was stating facts, like they are only capable of hard songs, or whatever. And other words, there is nothing to clap back. like with the other people. not that they are saying anything in the first place or in a position to even open up their mouths. hehehe

  5. 2 hours ago, Original Saku said:


    Idk I stopped watching the anime whenever this bullshit filler started around episode 430.... really what's the point? I've already finished the manga, so I know what happens and the anime is shit compared to it, plus I have to sit through 30 episodes of low budget filler.. fuck that. Studio Pierrot is just milking fans at this point, they have no reason to drag out this shit even more when the manga been completed for over a year now.

    im skimming it  and skippin. Its funny watching saske and other dumbasses. And even if the naruto series belongs in fictional hell Orochimaru is a still great and he pops up from time to time, another reason for me to skim. Anyway still wondering  if anyone has info behind that filler.

  6. So i started to catch up with Naruto S because i watched one piece, and the website says it still airing. Im at 440's and i'm wondering does anyone no if the anime story writers are serious about this filler or if they are trolling? like how does saske still fuck up so hard even though the same shit didnt happen to him? Is the anime trying to say something about human nature?



    Did a search and couldnt find a thread. what some more mostly rapping rock/metal songs? spoilers please. Giru has one or two, same for LM.C and that tokeyo. Also who has the best flow and bars? discussion is welcome too.

  8. 10 hours ago, Elazmus said:

    This look interests me so much actually more so than their recent officials.

    Different to his usual aesthetic, more uniform length hair and the... what is this, like a Moroccan print button shirt? it looks choice with the necklace.

    spot on! but his cruella de vil look/cosplay will always be my fav

  9. 11 hours ago, Original Saku said:


    Well technically it's filler, but relevant filler since it has to do with the new movie that just came out in Japan, also there was a 2 hour special that just aired last week that was sorta a prequel to the new movie. It's called One Piece: Heart of Gold and it's not bad, check it out if your interested... it's pretty much a movie on it's own.


    At least the One Piece manga is amazing compared to the latest bleach manga chapters.... that shit is so bad it's really getting hard to continue it.

    i saw it on the website, but ima skip it.


    good thing i dont read manga :-P.. I geuss i should look up on wika to see if they are fight kido yett, geuss he is definatly going to need laws help with him..... 


  10. This anime has finally been able to return to it's former glory after all that yuckiness. While i can say i enjoyed catching up, i would rank it with or under bleach. I learn to not get angry and pissed off at this potential good time you need to have at least 50 episodes to catch up on.


    That way you can skip like crazy and still get the story... Like half or more of the fucking ep is of the stupid fakeass towns people and the stupind town getting cut up? like the fuck, then they waste even more time cutting to the current character to get a reaction. Which is a total waste since the animation is cappy as a dog's ass. Like the person is cut then not cut. No blood but they insist on putting blood anyway? Rebecca is still a lil bitch and after all the crap is still cry, along with her dad at the end (she should have died). They repeat the same movements over and over just in different spots like with bellemy crying like a bitch, bouncing around like he could win. troll


    And what the hell is up with a supposed dead character coming back only to be the biggest troll ever? Sabo such at fight in the sense he puts to sleep, his personality cheesy and cheep, you no wanna be that cool guy with a heart. the fuck? shit was ace this dry? at least he had that ripoff attack from cooler, supernova. I hope they just brought him back to die later to awaken luffy's next level haki or something


    Zoro still needs to die thinking he privileged, and the crew and luffy have to be a in his image when he begged mihawk to help him. show trolled the fuck outta his "fight" with pica


    cavandesh isnt an annoying fuck, but an okay ripoff off of ichigo and his hollow. This was when i first got into the show, even if it been done and robin stopped him was good.


    sai and baby five was suprising a  good love thing,


    bartoromeo somehow i dont hate him.


    Don he is good but his attacks are useless and leave no blood tf? The awaking thing is cool, he was haki on the srings right?


    luffy gain backed my repect after gear 4th, but does he really need to have the air jet feet. When he jumps he stays in the air forever? and also so robotish. vut finally he is winning. But they trolled with him bouncing, that why don didn't get finish off his 1st use. 


    AND YESSSSSS law, i knew he didnt die. and that gamma knife, lookin like ulquiorra's lanza del relampago, was nice. i love him and his fuck personality. the only good character.


    The anime lied, the kido guy never tried drowning himself therefor he probly die. And how is luffy going to beat him?


    Anyway this al leaves me with a x-men thing, like how can you tell who's weak and who can beat who? at least on there is Dark phoenix who eats all.  I mean i guessing law, don and mihawk are the only strong warlords. and don could have killed everyone at the whitebeard fight? yet he didnt. just trollin ehh? And the biggest example would be skypiea big bad guy? who could he beat? luffy only won because he is rubber. why the fuck didnt they bring him back to be luffies bicth, like turning over a new leaf. what a waste. instead he gets a whole bunch of competitors that would get their ass beat.


    also is it now on filler? and why does luffy need G2 on weaklins(train guy) when sanji and zoro are fast with out doing anything


    Final decian less then bleach even though it not much better with fights, and i hate ichigo so much! but it has bankai and stuff

  11. On 7/29/2016 at 3:06 AM, Carmelzors said:

    Let's not forget the chain of "Because":



    Original (2001):






    you almost had me, but as soon as i refreshed my memory, and they are different. It can be posted in the "Inspiration" - where does music find it?

    if you wanted to get them the song pierrot used&upgraded would have been a tiny bit of a better choice because the songs dont travel far apart and keep that beat




    Gear 4th luffy (or what end up being his strongest)


    normal luffy from first meeting zoro (orginal)

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