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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. blackdoll

    is that kaya? damm that's hot
  2. blackdoll

  3. blackdoll

    no luck with pvs but some other stuff kyoki doesnt look that bad in the first. and 2nd one ive seen that hair style and kind of look before hmmm
  4. blackdoll

    I tried blue eye contacts this time to enhance my natural color. v___v great look for work!
  5. blackdoll

    ppl get annoyed having to fucking make new accounts every fucking 1-3 weeks. with deathmetal, the bands be like "thanks for sharing are stuff," so that's why it's cool. and k-pop has twerking soo yeahh.
  6. blackdoll

    those ghoul hunters really get on my nerves with their shitty logic.
  7. yes The Awesomes is back, 2nd best non children cartoon. ehhh maybe 3rd or 4th (havent watch the new eps yet). archer and chozen are really good too.

    1. blackdoll


      not so good this time

  8. blackdoll

    lol people
  9. ha us 100 them 00. they really were not needed.

  10. ha Glam Grammar's dubstep breakdown was better than Arlequin, similar too. anyway the 2 songs i like by them so far are really good.

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ec-TDePTauQ
  12. blackdoll

    i think he sings like that on purpose which is why i like it. you can tell it's him. i think they should go dio tho
  13. blackdoll

    ^nicely put. i'll just add their voices are very different too.
  14. blackdoll

    can you share? or was it on a release that was shared?
  15. blackdoll

    oooo i like
  16. blackdoll

    ha one of people in my house is blasting Seether - Like Suicide and im like weak, lame.
  17. Is it wrong that i think http://youtu.be/Pp0QWdvHQW8?t=11s should tour with Lycaon and preform with them on stage and not Born? (that video doesn't represent them btw)

    1. blackdoll


      @shiro i guess your ringt most of the fans are girls. @elaznus they could just dance, and they have thousands of fans. it would be kinda like this live they already did

    2. shiroihana
    3. blackdoll


      So it would be like Lycaon plays, after a while waveya comes on stage and Lycaon plays the songs the girls practiced have dances too, then Lycaon exits and the girls do their thing to the their playlist. Flyer would say "Sexy Asia!!! Rock & Dance" who knows Lycaon could gain more fans. p.s. ari (str8 black hair), could give yuuki a run for his money when it comes to looks.

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  18. blackdoll

    the vocals are not working for me. maybe with time.
  19. blackdoll

    waiting for them to beat neo destruction and utsu
  20. blackdoll

    whats their genres or sound? and influence?
  21. blackdoll

    I'm a Sick Man - Lycaon
  22. blackdoll

    so according to the people crimson nail is the only good song, the rest are mehh and blehh. so i ask did anyone else climax when he started using harsh in the mental breakdown?
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