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Everything posted by acbpn

  1. 汚染区域 Deveived you all We felt the bomb Nuked by your own You can't wake up to a hell The fear... Too complacent to the fear inside us Tame livestock leading fake and happy Hunter! We're onto all your shady tactics Watch out, everyone will know Wake up 嘲り笑い覗く深淵の闇の向こう側 unmask 吊るされた幕が落とす首を濡らす猛毒の雨 叫ぶ事で俺が少しでもsing it out loud Not elites, government, art rules the world coverups everywhere you look 絡みつく欲にまみれた醜い残骸の塔 Wake up 曝け出した黒い贓物を喰らう掌 unmask 繰り返される殺戮触れかけた明日は戻らない 憧れていたえ描き続けたい え描く程に底なしの地獄知るだろう? ただ ただ 愛したいこの世界
  2. 青空ギロチン 教えてよ穏やかな太陽と空の下 もうすぐ終わるんだ 最期まで笑えてるのだろうか ギロチンに抱かれながら 嗚呼 この人生は素晴らしいものだったかと問われても 最期まで答えは出ない 書き直してやり直して誰もが皆描くだろう? 落書き帳のように見えるかもしれない地図 けど誰の真似でもないさ 限りなく続くこの空にはまだ僕等の知らない世界があった このまま消えても 地図は残るだろう 描いた絵もっと見せてよ見せてよもっと どうせ終わるなら… 暴きたい事がたくさんあるんだ 壊れてく世界に殺やられたとしても この星の想い出歌にして逝くよ 光る刃は 今振り下ろされる これで帰れるんだ… 悲しみと安堵で涙溢れ痛みを受け入れた 嗚呼 限りなく続くこの宇宙では 正しさなど微塵もないと知った 神などいないと信じる僕はただ 下手な絵最後まで描いて描いて残すよ どうせ終わるなら…
  3. 1. DELUHI 2. Lustknot 3. Delacroix 4. Cocklobin 5. Deadman 6. GHOSE 7. CodeRebirth 7 is my lucky number.
  4. I took a little time listening to this, then I vote for "they suck". I was a fan of DgR in the past, then caught by Aki's voice, and imagine if he could do some unclean vocals, then Arlequin give him the chance, I feel excited about their 1st demo. ahh, just others said, they become more and more generic after this beginning...... I'm just such a fan of metal, don't like too much electronics and pop melodies, but I still like hard songs with beautiful clean vocals. this album covered Aki's advantage totally I think, they need some time to think about how to let Aki's voice sound more interesting and making a difference, standing out of the circle of pop rock...... the score: 5/10 (I'm a fan of -core music as you know, but I don't think it's a good idea that Arlequin make some breakdowns......) I've got to go back to work for a while listening to God Macabre's The Winterlong and sleep......bye again.
  5. acbpn

    since I have very little time now (because of under hard working) and only rest for a while now, I really need some great sounds in order to give myself a relief. I have a 40G mp3 player so far and I never pick up single track from separated albums. for VK, D.I.D. and Para:noir for sure, lynch (2013-now), Deathgaze (2012-now), AvelCain, XodiacK, Lustknot (2012-2013), Dir en Grey (2009-2012), xTRiPx (2013-now), Girugamesh (2012-now), GHOSE, CodeRebirth, Cocklobin (2012-2014), AWOI (2013-2014), OZ (2009-2013), 12012 (2012-2014) for others, Breakdown Of Sanity, Asking Alexandria (2007-2011), Woe Is Me, Buried In Verona, Allay The Sea, With One Last Breath, Of Mice & Men (2009-2012), Miss May I (2009-2011), The Word Alive, The New Age, Time Traveller, Dayshell, and more...... source: seeing my mp3 player and writing this.
  6. acbpn

    I'm happy you're here, OS-kun.
  7. acbpn

    thank you Tetora.
  8. acbpn

    おやおや、珍しいな、こんにちは~ 僕も中国で働いていて、東北地方のある市にいる。今は教師の助手として臨時にやっている。よろしくな~ でもさ、長期に日本語喋らなかったのに、「だんだん忘れっぽくなちゃった」って気がして、残念だな。 英語の使用って一番だ、仕事のは主な原因だ。次は中国語。 *sigh* やっぱり故郷に帰りたい。
  9. I'll go for an evection for a month or more, so I won't be here since tomorrow afternoon. goodbye my friends~ I'll be back soon. I'll miss you~
  10. I'm watching Digimon series from 1st to 6th season now, and then I'm happy to know there'll be a 7th one, 15th anniversary, to be on air!

    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      I was thinking about doing this as well in preparation for the new series next year.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I am so exciteddddddddddd. I hope they keep it similar to the first 3 seasons in terms of evolution: from 4 on wards they kind of made up family lines and what the mechanics of evolution were which made them see super disjointed.

    3. acbpn


      @Peace Heavy mk II wow, that'll be great.

      for me, about details, I just hope many main characters from 1-6 seasons get together and do something meaningful for digital world.

      about revolutions, I hope the forms of evolution will be mixed, eg. two armor evoluted digimons to be jogress evoluted or mega burst mode, like this.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  11. acbpn

    b/w shines, and title track is a little suck for me. in a word, average overall but track 2 rules the aura of this single. nice debut review bro.
  12. acbpn

    this single is plain for me, it only deserves 7/10 for me. nothing special. anyway, cool review~
  13. acbpn

    music = 5/10 emotion = 5/10 quality = 0.5/10 that's all.
  14. I'm happy to get 真相 from REIGN, Unravel from TK(凛??????時雨) and The Wall from NAINE(crap quality) today!~~~

  15. ena-sama (xTRiPx) happy birthday!!!

  16. acbpn

  17. Kamijo-sama and L-sama (T3B), happy birthday!!!~~~

  18. Arch Enemy's limited vinyl is great!

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Arch enemy new album is great (maybe because I like so much the new vocal)

    2. acbpn


      @-ryuujii- yeah, the new female vocalist does give me new feeling, just like the first time I ever listened to IWABO. female unclean vocalists are god-like cool!

  19. R.I.P. Virginhate 2010-2014

  20. R.I.P LOCUS, wish Ayame-kun will have a new project in the near future......

  21. is there anything called "grungecore" as grunge plus post-hardcore or metalcore??? well, just using strongly distorted guitar riffs from grunge in -core music. I wonder how it'd be like...

    1. acbpn


      @Tokage well, just like you said, maybe it'll goes to noise rock side. thanks for recommendation \^o^/

    2. Tokage


      might want to look into bands like Shellac, Big Black and such as well. Maybe Future of the Left too, altho there's some dance punk in there as well

    3. acbpn


      @Tokage dance punk? that would be interesting... btw, what do you think of crust punk?

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  22. after downloading so many discographies of metalcore bands, I have to buy another mobile disk...ToT maybe this time I should buy a 4T one...

  23. acbpn

    Undead Corporation - Seven Colors pretty good song of their typical technical melodeath style.
  24. just got the discography of Mayhem, I'd like to see how black metal appeared and developed.

    1. acbpn


      @Bear I have discography of Venom and Slayer, I'll try them. And other bands you recommended too, thank you very much!

    2. acbpn


      Huh, I just think Mayhem is more popular so I chose them.

    3. Bear


      There's a metal thread on this board if you'e interested in closer recommendations such as album recommendations and stuff.

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