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Everything posted by acbpn

  1. acbpn

    Is it the time that I should say something cuz I'm the original uploader? again, I mentioned that this upload is only for mch do not spread it, but someone just ignore it and first, to vk.com after one hour, and then notorious v3 blxgspxt. even someone said the spread can't be prevented cuz this is the INTERNET. well, I think we should not only repect the band members' wishes but also the original uploaders. I know it's hard to manage the people who promote the music they love, but if this can't be solved, I'm afraid there won't be more rarez of in-active bands to share, cuz it'll give pressure to original uploaders, this includes me and my friends. nokubura did that one or two years ago, now The Time Has Come...... I'm neutral about the debate. First, I'm not so rich so I take many rips of others too. Second, I just wanna satisfy those who are dying to hear sth. Third, I could understand those HATERS' UNION cuz they LOVE the bands they love and don't want the bands to be hurt. in a result, should we make some rules about this? and also, the rules of promisers to secret uploaders. plus, I hold many other rips of good quality rarez too, but sth. I just don't wanna share. Thoughts of Japanese bands are totally different from western and other asian countries. sometime we ought to respect their thoughts. Do as the Romans do though we aren't Romans.
  2. acbpn

    Nocturnal Bloodlust - Desperate
  3. acbpn

    haha, nope, Benea Reach is a Norweign extreme metal/metalcore/math metal band which is regarded one of the origin of djent. the other one is Meshuggah you know. Dadaroma is not a pure metalcore band but just has some elements. nokubura is deathcore/metalcore/post-hardcore actually, but very early works are deathcore only. my fav deathcore bands are something like My Autumn (RUS), Chelsea Grin (USA) and etc.
  4. acbpn

    thx for the welcome! one year ago I was on business and the circumstance was poor, even had little time using the computer though you could see me sometime. but now ya'll meet me more often ^v^ also hope you'll have great days!
  5. acbpn

    unfortunately, I never have time doing reviews and recommendations about -core bands, sorry...... well, half an hour later, another class will begin, see you.
  6. acbpn

    greetings, a late greeting like me haha. but my taste tends to -core (post-hardcore, metalcore, deathcore, etc.), I love djent too and Benea Reach is my fav. for visual kei, mine is the same as yours, fav are D.I.D., Lustknot, Deathgaze, lynch., DELUHI, DIAURA, MEJIBRAY, 12012 and other Taira Kazuhiro related bands and etc...
  7. great, finally an album out
  8. acbpn

    mmm, I'm partial active. what a long evection...... and luckily, I changed the job and now,...... I'm busier...... but being a teacher doesn't need an evection, great choice. It's summer holiday time here, and students are around finding somewhere to improve their learning skills. anyway, I'm back.
  10. Vendetta 陰と陽、善と悪 表裏一体の憎しみと成り 心が擦り切れてく感覚に溺れる blood feud 耐え難く終わりの無い苦痛を与え 暗い暗い暗いこの部屋で 血の涙を流す 欲望に身を売り奪った代償 肉片も心も残さず苦しめてあげたい 運命を憎む程に 赦されぬ罪の数だけ指を切り取って 暗い暗い暗いこの部屋で その眼球を抉り出す 死よりも深い痛みを刻みつけたい
  11. Avenger's Dead Dirge 過去の純情、現在の失望で作り上げた自分も 幻想の中を生きていたんだ 切り裂いたメロディ 生み出すのは まだ息をしてた心だけ 小さく身を潜めていた壊れそうな歌 誰の運命も変えられない 描いてくimagination 何度もつめずういては過ちを重ね 現実と向き合う事が怖くなってた 流れてるメロディ 抜け殻の様で 生きてる心地もしなかった 弱い自分を受け入れる事が出来たら 誰の運命も変えられない 絞り出せimagination 生を授かる意味を 残していく意志を 歌い続ける意味を 意志も無く流される事は 死んでるのと一緒なんだ 届けたい想いは胸に眠ってるから あの雲を裂いて響き渡れ 限りないimagination 真っ白なキャンパスに願いを込めて 僕らが描く明日を
  12. acbpn

    Living In This Moment This place is my whereabouts found finally I make no more take it away Even if you do my obstruction It's wasteful, get out 聾える壁見上げ 越えると誓う 奏でる想い 此処に確かなものを残せたなら 途切れぬように ずっと変わらないように 不安に駆けられる 孤独な夜 一人きりでもうでいて 叫び続けた 先の見えぬ暗闇に怯えて I could not trust any of them But at this place… 命在る意味 胸に刻んで この瞬間を生きる 奏でる想い 此処に確かなものを残せたなら 途切れぬように ずっと離れないように 奏でる想い 永久に変わらぬものを残せたなら Until becoming an ash… I don't know what is a correct answer But I can't stop steps Because I won't be alone anymore
  13. acbpn

    碧き黙示 憐れみ刻んだ瓦礫の中で 朽ちてゆく儚き美俗 見失った生き抜く意味を この身揭げ全てに捧げる 混在する種は争い 絶える事の無い不条理 苦悩抱えてゆく 荒廃する大地に ただ凛として咲き誇る花の様にずっと 「枯れない強さを」 聡明なる喜劇の園 能書き並べ這う蛆 御立派な身分さ 創造は支配を叫び 祈りは消え崩れる理想 涙埋めてゆく 吐き気に惑う 我欲に目覚めた嘆きの中へ 鏤めた僅かな美徳 剝がれ落ちた脆い理性と 喪失抱いて眠れ I'll tell you the only way to relieve you If you'd like to get wealth, the left If you'd like to get fame, the right Well which do you choose? Anyway only death is in store for you
  14. acbpn

    Under The Shit People deceive each other And meddle in other people's lives "Lost Freedom" 強欲に犯された脳 繰り返す醜態晒し 富者に媚を売る猿 愛すべきunder the shit Even if I believe others I'm betrayed again 腐敗蔓延る世間 夢追い人を嘲笑う 無能が産出す無能 知恵が癒した退化 Mad humankind Say no more cry The others aren't worth believing Show your face from which you suffer Be stabbed and die An inexpiable lie changed me 望まれぬ眠りと無常の風 厭世主義に溺れる後悔 疑い無く投げた此の身を 受け止める優しさは無い 思い出と 君が描いた夢の中へ もう何かを失くす事が怖くて Say no more cry 君が描く夢の続き 素直になって愛せば良かった もう届かない 何処にも…
  15. acbpn

    that's all, just a small gift for new year. I could upload the original scans of both types if anyone wants. the source is "some site", not my credit.
  16. acbpn

    After The Daytime One day I thought suddenly Future does not exist In this place there is no hope I knew from a long time ago 何が大切なのか 何が必要なのか 見えてないものを見ようとして 背伸びしてたんだ でも大丈夫だって言えそうだから If you live with me I will continue to live together Someboday up there loves me この運命に抗い 辿り着いた先に光は無くても 掴みとった奇跡は脆く儚くとも 足跡は確かに 誰かの胸に残っていくんだ 例え陽が落ちても Will not die To deep sleep… 目映い陽射しの中で 振る返る事さえ忘れた もう戻れはしない Someboday up there loves me この運命に抗い 胸の奥の記憶が問い掛けてくる 風が運ぶ奇跡に心奪われてた 足跡は確かに 君の胸に残っていたんだ 例え朝が来なくても Will not die One day I thought suddenly Future does not exist In this place there is no hope I knew from a long time ago But a little light is…
  17. acbpn

    蟒蛇 Symbol of greed 貪る肉体 本能のままに 体液を啜り 能無しの豚が這いずり回る刻を待っている 暴食と強欲の塊 空っぽの知恵を絞って考えろ 冒涜に快感を覚え 背徳に身を染める 人の皮を被って 愛なんてものを語る 批判の雨に濡れ 被害者気取り 独りよがり 世間知らずも恥を捨てれば愛されるものか 暴食と強欲の塊 お前は毒牙を剝き出し 滴る愛液を欲してるんだ 害虫以下の蟲が 人の皮を被って 未来なんてものを語る 快楽の麻薬が脳天ぶち抜き 色欲に飲み込まれる 極上の餌が涎を垂らしたら 剝き出しのお前はまた疼く (...this song is hard to recognize the lyric, so this would be the most useful work I think...)
  18. acbpn

    Irony 錆付く鼓動を感じた 今更解り合う事は出来ない What is the matter with you? There is no need to lie for yourself Flatter the other=a hypocrite Remember your place Need I ask? 例えば僕がもう終わりを望み この暗い部屋で生きる意味さえも見出せないとしたら? What is the matter with you? There is no need to lie for yourself Flatter the other=a hypocrite Remember your place Need I ask? 心から僕はもう終わりを望み 流されるままに生きる価値なんか見出せない あの場所に行けば 君が愛した日溜りの唄が聴こえてくる 温かな陽が差し込む日々 もう戻れない事は解ってた 終わりに向かい歩き続けて 優しさに触れて立ち止まって 疲れたんだろう 安らぐ方へそっと身を寄せ綴る「さよなら」
  19. acbpn

    Decayed My Skin The stain on this hands didn't faded away その溝は深く心を閉ざした Shackles of convention in this world 手に入れた物は仮面とlost myself I need a clever backer Don't need a lie 口付けで渇きを潤し 示してみせろお前の愛を 壊れそうなくらい愛したのなら この仮面は脱がれる I don't get out of this bondage Deep, deep bottom 誰も底に辿り着けず 水面に浮かんだ蓮を見ている それだけで… 底に眠る自分すらも 嘘に塗れ見失いかけていたんだ 口付けで渇きを潤し 示してみせろお前の愛を 壊れそうなくらい愛したのなら この仮面をもう… 唇が震える程に 満たしてくれお前の愛で 何もかも捨ててしまいたいから この仮面を壊して 汚れは消えない それでも叫ぶんだ 喉が千切れるまで 腐った世界が色を落としていこうと このまま染まりはしない
  20. acbpn

    Chaos Inside The deep inside which doesn't reach Truth is too cruel, you can't bear Reason is eroded and you'd forget love The deep inside is rotten in pain 封をしたはずの過去に鎚り 眺めていた景色 影を足したのはいつからか 思い出せない See deep inside of my mind The deep inside which doesn't reach Truth is too cruel, you can't bear Reason is eroded and you'd forget love The deep inside is rotten in pain Follow me If you forgive, please give me your heart I want to be loved by you Only it The deep inside which doesn't reach Truth is too cruel, you can't bear Reason is eroded and you'd forget love The deep inside is rotten in pain You are wounded because of me I would break all of you
  21. The Origin Of The Dead There are no correct answers Even if it's called when it's wrong I don't want to deny the way we believed Do you know the meaning to live freely? If you come with me, I will lead you to the answer Let's make a scene that no one has seen yet There are many enemies For them who looks down on me I will treat you to my feces Do you think we need rules? Bound by the rules, our freedom is compromised Do you think this make sense? I don't think will be appreciated from others Over time, my opinion has changed Every time I related to others, my interest was lost If you come with me, I will lead you to the answer Let's make a scene that no one has seen yet There are many enemies For them who looks down on me I will treat you to my feces So you have to be crazy
  22. credit to Jrockdrama's scan. I just spend little time to type them. I'm just a little busy working so I won't post romaji or English translation...
  23. Predator 昼間の世界は上辺の庭で 夜になれば暴かれてくんだろう 闇が闇が迫る程僕等寄り添って 家畜のように怯え夜を待っている what's predator 静かに犯すつもりだろう so please hold on please hold on til the morning comes 夜が空ければ気づくだろう look at all the suits pile up the dead 薬や愛なんかで狂っちまうより たかが金に狂喜乱舞している あんた等まとも じゃないよ 小銭 ポッケ に詰め込んだら 消えてくんだろ? what's predator 静かに犯すつもりだろう so please hold on please hold on til the morning comes 夜が空ければ気づくだろう look at all the suits pile up the dead もう気付かないふりしないで此処は sink down nation what's predator 静かに犯すつもりだろう so please hold on please hold on til the morning comes 夜が空ければ気づくだろう please wake up please wake up oh yeah don't you worry I'm a lamb like you...
  24. 世界はそれを見つめるしかない 悲しい事に僕らは世間に飼われた犬 首に付いたリードは短いよ どうせこのまま 不満吠えるだけの人生でもまぁいいか なんて思ってやしないか? ならばせめて愛しの 君に飼われたいと思う僕等じゃない その首を噛みちぎって生きる事 狙ってる 自由に憧れ何も気付けてないだろう? お前はそれをみつめるしかない ご主人がおこした 小競り合一い なんかでさ 世界は火の海になるかも どうせこのまま人類滅亡になりゃいいよ 寧ろ そう望んでやしないか? 教科書も歴史も 誰も生まれた意味教えてくれない その首を噛みちぎって生きる事忘れないぜ 縛られるな もう時間はないだろう 世界はそれをみつめるしかない 刷り込まれた歴史に縛られ 何故歪みあうのだろう 何も気付けないなら世界はそれを見つめるしかない
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