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  1. Like
    paradoxal reacted to emmny in Lycaon   
    I just want to say that yuuki's pink hair onnagata s&m russian hooker wub wub dubstep whip cracking phase was easily the sexiest thing any bandomen has done in recent memory
  2. Like
    paradoxal reacted to doombox in Show Yourself (again)   
    Yes. I live in my car (not really). This is my waiting-for-maps-to-load selfie.

  3. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Biopanda in MH FEATURED POLL #27: What are your favorite decades for music?   
    I only listen to VK from the 1920s, so I voted for that
  4. Like
    paradoxal reacted to hiroki in random thoughts thread   
    I got a friend to help me go to a live on 8/6 to buy some CDs for me. I then emailed the band to ask what's left in stock so I could send her the money in advance.
    The following day the band replied saying that they weren't be performing that day. Yes, wtf. Even though their name is in the lineup and printed on the ticket.
    This is literally one of the most shocking things I've encountered in my years of enlisting the help of proxies and shopping services. So yeah, dunno wtf i'm supposed to do now lol.
  5. Like
    paradoxal reacted to hiroki in How Do You Organize Your Music?   
    i have a 3TB for music i frequently listen to, one 2TB for classical music + stuff music i don't listen to as much, another 2TB for archiving flac rips of my cds, and one 1TB for miscellaneous junk.
    organization-wise, it's like what most people do: VK > Artist > Release title sorted in chronological order > mp3s.
    oh and the best way to guard against hdd failure (which is bound to happen - it's just a matter of time) is to set up a NAS in RAID5 configuration. that way you won't lose any data unless 2 of your hard disks in the array simultaneously fail - and that's highly improbable.
  6. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from NICKT in J-music Albums You Need To Hear Before You Die   
    Lycaon - Camera Obscura.
    Also I second Coll:set, it's an amazing album.
  7. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Aferni in J-music Albums You Need To Hear Before You Die   
    Lycaon - Camera Obscura.
    Also I second Coll:set, it's an amazing album.
  8. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from emmny in J-music Albums You Need To Hear Before You Die   
    Lycaon - Camera Obscura.
    Also I second Coll:set, it's an amazing album.
  9. Like
    paradoxal reacted to hiroki in CD Shop questions   
    yes they do. you'll have to email them so they can set up an account for you with your international shipping address.
  10. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Pandabear in Newer bands who started with high hopes, but are now on a decline   
    I'm probably sure this has happened to everybody at some point. You were expecting a release you were looking forward to only to be disappointment by the material when it was actually released. Or a band catches your attention and you wait and wait and wait for that amazing release but they're never able to produce anything actually astounding or brilliant. I've had both of these happen to me. 
    For bands I feel that never were able to produce anything amazing but got/are stuck or went downhill;
    Jewelduel - They have good singles, but I feel they're always stuck in mediocrity with their albums. They don't stand out for me or push the envelope.
    Vamps - Again they put out good singles but their albums are filled with way too much filler. I was actually looking forward for their album after they released Ahead/Replay, but the album proved to be another letdown. : ( 
    Lycaon - Got into these guys because of their Red Rum mini. Great release.  I checked out their next release after release after release, year after year and was always disappointed. Everything else that followed was sub par. I eventually gave up on them and stopped following them.
    Deluhi - I was always hearing people talk/rave about this band. Still do. Never got the hype around them. They had amazing players but only ok songs with only a few songs I would actually call great. 
    Cyntia - Pretty cool all girl power metal band. Their debut was decent but they total went downhill on their 2nd album
    Scandal - Really dug their brand of rock-pop, but the same fate befall on them as above.
    As for albums
    That weird girgumesh 2 album phase were they did a complete 180 and tried to be j-pop Oricon chart hipsters.
    Kyary Pamyu - Pamyu Pamyu Revolution. Wasn't as catchy or cohesive of an album as her debut. Although I will say a lot of the songs on this album are 10x better live.  
    Perfume - Delta. Had some strong and ok songs but as whole was a weak album.  (defaq is up with nakata and his sophomoric releases?)
    Crossfaith - Apocalyze. The music on this was actual decent, although it could have been better. But what really let me down was the production on this album. So god aweful. Goes to show production can still fuck up albums, seen it happen to A list bands as well. 
    I'm drawing a blank now. Have been out of the Japanese music scene for a while so perhaps I don't have as many examples. 
    What are everyone else's musical disappointments/letdowns? Band wise or album wise?
  11. Like
    paradoxal reacted to blackdoll in random thoughts thread   
    rip visual visual kei
  12. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Muma in Show Yourself (again)   
    moar makeup!! (also from snapchat hence the caption)
    this time it was the mehndi of a wedding > < i look slightly ghost like and remorseful but I loved my makeup and it wa super simple too so A+++ there xD

    oh and it was 'pt #2' because the day before I went to the haldi and did yellow and orange makeup to match the bride > < I only have a short video of that tho or the picture would be here too > <
  13. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Delkmiroph in Show Yourself (again)   
    Yesterday in Hexentanzplatz (Thale)

  14. Like
    paradoxal reacted to CAT5 in MH FEATURED POLL #27: What are your favorite decades for music?   
    MH POLL OF THE WEEK #27: What are your favorite decades for music? Multiple choice poll!

    To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. either @CAT5 or @beni with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  15. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Mihenno in i.Rias new maxi single "Triangle" release   
    I wasn't that excited about the preview, but their first single was so amazing I'm sure I'll love this too.
  16. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Ruha in Ruha's Fanart ~   
    As I told you in the introduction thread, I love working with FIMO. <3 Well here are some of my creations:

    Yuuki in his Gypsy outfit.

    Yuuki in his shadow outfit

    Uruha in his Red and Omega Outfit and his Fadeless outfit

    Aoi in his Vortex outfit and his omega outfit and his inside beast outfit

    Random Reita

    Hizaki (Versailles)

    Sweet Home's Kasuri and Shilo. They even retweetet it! I had to google translate what they wrote ,_, but I guess they were happy.

    And have some Byou, too! Random Outfit, I was creative.

    And just for fun, the first Fimo figures I ever made. They look so stupid. xD
    I still got some plans for my summer holidays:
    - Kazuki (Screw)
    - Zero (Lycaon)
    - Byou (Screw)
    - rest of Sweet Home
    - ... 
  17. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Ruha in Hi there? :D   
    Thank you for the welcome-wishes. <3
    Maybe we'll walk in each other some time? Or we even did so. xD
    Yay, that's great! ^3^ I'm the only fan of them within my friends. I kinda feel lonely xD
  18. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Furik in Show Yourself (again)   
  19. Like
    paradoxal reacted to BrenGun in Show Yourself (again)   
    I know I'm looking...

  20. Like
    paradoxal reacted to herpes in Show Yourself (again)   
  21. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from lollipopmonstar in Planet CHILD Music & Dream Agent V.A. album "Meteoric Swarm" release   
    I need this too. Too many great bands.
  22. Like
    paradoxal reacted to diamondAss in random thoughts thread   
    create a fucking MH app ples
  23. Like
    paradoxal reacted to diamondAss in random thoughts thread   
    i'm too drunk to read ffs
  24. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Takadanobabaalien in Presenting RarezHut: The first(?) international used VK store!   
    Finally, a stream when I got cash. I HOPE YOU GOT YAYOI (and/or) AINS STUFF IN THAT BOX!!!!!!!!
  25. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Des in [HELP] Last.fm scrobble : Do you have the same problem?   
    There's nothing wrong with your scrobbling devices or music players, it's just last.fm's scrobble detection server (or whatever you call it) is messing up (disconnecting?) frequently.
    The continuously on/off switching of your scrobbler happens because if it can't find the last.fm server it switches off and saves the scrobble in memory to scrobble later. But if it scrobbles a song then switches off after scrobbling but switches back on before the song is actually finished, it may scrobble another time because it doesn't remember it already scrobbled before it had trouble finding the last.fm headquarters.
    Or it has something to do with the percentages of a song listened before scrobbling. I think the default setting is at 50%. Meaning that once the 50% bar of the song length is reached, it scrobbles. If it disconnects after reaching 50% but reconnects before 100%, it may scrobble again.
    If you're using the external last.fm scrobbler you should be able to mess with the settings and tell it to scrobble only at 100% of the song listened instead. If this works you should be able to get rid of double scrobbles at the risk of not scrobbling anything at all. If you're using a scrobbler that's a built-in feature on a music player then I don't think you can change this setting.
    Pay attention to longer songs: higher odds that they scrobble double, triple... quadriple even!
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