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Everything posted by paradoxal

  1. paradoxal

    @Furik Hopefully nothing like their last album...
  2. paradoxal

    Yeah I reckoned they don't play that kind of music anymore. I listened to a few of their newer songs and they were pretty nice. I think it's pretty hilarious that they've evolved so much from something that terrible XD
  3. paradoxal

    That's just sad... I would've probably gone to their show if they performed in Finland.
  4. paradoxal

    I just love the riff in Nageki no gane. You made an amazing choice ma'am. Let's flood this topic with Lycaon stuff lol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSwQQarqCmw
  5. paradoxal

    I've been wanting to try 9GOATS BLACK OUT for a long time. Do you have any recommendations where to start?
  6. paradoxal

    7309 songs 22 days, 3 minutes and 58 seconds 48.25 GB I have some western stuff in my old HDD back in my parents' place which I didn't bother to move to my new HDD.
  7. I think I heard something at 18kHz but I'm sure I heard something at 17kHz. I know my hearing isn't very good, I've probably been to too many concerts without using ear plugs, maybe 5 times or something. Nowadays I always use ear plugs but what's gone is gone
  8. paradoxal

    I think we're almost on the same page here in Finland. Vodka 0.7l: $24-54 (17-40€) Bottle of wine: cheapest ones are around $8 (~6€) I have seriously no idea about beer pricing, I've never been a huge fan of beer. Except Weihenstephaner, that's some motherfucking delicious beer. I could drink nothing but it all day. But we Finns have a huge advantage to Swedes: It costs around 20€ to make a day trip to Estonia and we can basically bring as much alcohol as we want. As I'm a student I visit Estonia frequently with my friends and bring lots of alcohol; last time I bought 8 liters of wine and almost 50 liters of cider, plus some liquors and other stuff. When in Finland I can buy with 3 euros one cheap bottle of wine, in Estonia I can get 2 liters of the same shitty and cheap wine. I hope I don't sound like a complete alcoholic, but if I know I'm going to drink something, why should I buy it from Finland with a ridiculously high price when I can buy it from Estonia with a ridiculously low price?
  9. paradoxal

    https://twitter.com/amadoxal I mainly tweet in English, but there might be some occasional Finnish
  10. Lol @ comments, there's some pretty hilarious stuff
  11. paradoxal

    Wow that sounds pretty badass. Alexander is also one of my "favorite" warmongers because he's so cute... Huns are freaking annoying since they bully every single citystate to hell and back and in the end they always get their asses kicked. Zulus are also annoying, they've declared a war against me gazillion times but they've never attacked me. But the civilization I hate the most is England. Elizabeth is one cold bitch who doesn't ever wanna trade with me. My whole game is ruined if Elizabeth's in it. I just hate her. My favorite civ is probably Morocco and a good second is Brazil, Morocco is nice and peaceful and makes good trades. Morocco is also one of my favorite civs to play with, along with Pocatello (Shoshone). Pocatello is an amazingly good choice if you want to play peacefully and create a large empire. All founded cities start with extra territory (a lot of it!), their scouts are as powerful as warriors and your units get a combat bonus when fighting within friendly territory.
  12. paradoxal

    I think I prefer this look because Hiyuu's wearing nothing but leather... I didn't really fancy Yuuki's hat in the gossip look, this hat's cooler. But seriously they could've had pictures with better quality if they did the photoshoot with a god damn potato... @blackdoll, you should also start following Royal [Delusion]! *advertising*
  13. paradoxal

    (double post since I think this deserves a post of its own) About the two new maxi-singles!! Are you waiting for the new release? Personally I'm so excited I don't think I can wait until the end of March for the first one. I'm just hoping we'll get some previews soon! The first single Bakane sounds like it would be harder than what they've released recently, and even their new outfits look a lot darker than their gossip ones. And then to the main point of this post... NEW OUTFITS! These pictures were released yesterday on the member's Twitters. The picture with all the members was uploaded in the beginning of January. I thought I'd upload them in full-size so they're all under cuts. I have no idea why the quality is so crappy, I hope we'll soon get the pictures with a better quality. WARNING: The pictures are huge! Group picture Yuuki Satoshi Zero Hiyuu Ichiro The oufits are very similar to gossip outfits but I like these too. Though Zero's wig looks like a 5-year-old girl has used it for practicing cutting hair. It looks ridiculous. Yuuki looks like a high-class whore as always. You should really check his Twitter, he posted tons of pictures of his crotch while he's wearing mini shorts made of latex. Sexy!Hiyuu is looking so erotic that I nearly pissed my pants while laughing. Those bed eyes, full-body leather suit, some cleavage showing and his legs wide open. I'm so sure I've seen a similar picture of Britney Spears. Satoshi looks the same as always and Ichiro looks even hotter. I think it's incredible how hot he can look in pictures with make-up on if you compare it to the picture under the spoiler. Here's my ultimate favorite picture of Lycaon EVER: Satoshi looks normal (which is weird, usually he looks weird as fuck XD), Yuuki's adorable without makeup, Zero looks just creepy, and I'm madly in love with Hiyuu's and Ichiro's aprons. The aprons look like they're made for kindergarten teachers, Hiyuu looks super hot with glasses on and Ichiro's just so adorable and cute I can't stand it.
  14. paradoxal

    Thank you for the compliment! Really made my day! I'm laughing so much, I never realized Royal [Delusion]'s web site has that information on the member's profiles This is pretty embarrassing since I'm a member of that street team... But oh well, my responsibility is updating the Facebook page
  15. paradoxal

    Also one of my sing along favorites is Matenrou Opera's acedia! It's my favorite of all MO's releases and I love all the songs. I'd actually say it's one of the best VK releases - there's not a single one song on the maxi-single I don't like. I love them all. 5/5.
  16. paradoxal

    If you've been playing that much, you should seriously consider buying the expansion pack "Brave new world"!! In the base game the cultural victory is the lamest thing ever and BNW drastically changes it. There's no utopia project, but instead they've added a new feature: tourism. In order to win the cultural victory, your culture should be dominant in all other civilizations. In BNW, Great Artists are divided into different groups: great artists, great musicians and great writers. With those kind of great people you can create Great Works, which bring tourism points to your civilization. Your tourism points act like "an attack" against other civilizations culture, and your culture points act like "an defense" against other civilizations tourism. The new cultural victory also makes late-game wars much more interesting; if your culture is dominant in another civilization, then when you're capturing another city, it will join your empire without a revolt and with only a tiny amount of population loss. I've always loved late-game wars with all the stealth bombers and mechanized infantries, but BNW makes it even more intriguing. You should really have a lot of time in your hands when you start to play CIV... I play always on the quick mode and with all those expansion packs one game lasts about 8-9 hours... And it's almost impossible to stop playing it "Just one more turn... After this war... After I've built that wonder..."
  17. paradoxal

    Ok so this is a totally new band for me and I just watched NANDAKANDA. I just... don't... what the hell... I'm seriously shocked. I might never get past this video.
  18. paradoxal

    I figured out there must be other Civilization players in here! I've been playing CIV 4 and 5 for a couple of years. Currently I'm playing only CIV5 because of the awesome expansion packs. I have them both - The Gods and Kings and The Brave New World. I've never spent any money more wisely; if you don't already have them, you should buy them right now. Do you play CIV? Have you ever tried it but hated it anyways? What's your favorite CIV game? Can you build an empire to stand the test of time?
  19. paradoxal

    Lol that Fox parody was pretty hilarious One of my favorites is this Pirates of the Caribbean parody. And god dammit is that woman hot...
  20. paradoxal

    @dibur, Btw, the preview in the first post doesn't work anymore! :/ I listened to SET ME FREE. Instrumentally it's pretty ok, there was a pretty damn good guitar solo. I didn't hate it but didn't love it also, which is pretty good since I tend to hate j-rock inspired bands. The riff in the beginning is very nice. You're the vocalist, right? You hit the right chords at least to the point where I didn't notice anything but I'm not a pro also. But for me your voice sounded a bit nasal but there was a pretty pleasant tone in it, so with a little practice I know you'd be ten times better. Keep up the good work!
  21. paradoxal

    1. NEGA 2. Lynch. 3. Royz 4. MEJIBRAY 5. llll-Ligro- 6. Sadie 7. The 3rd Birthday 7. D.I.D. 8. Nightmare 9. AND -ECCENTRIC AGENT- 10. Lycaon
  22. paradoxal

    1. NEGA 2. Lynch. 3. Royz 4. MEJIBRAY 5. llll-Ligro- 6. Sadie 7. girugamesh 8. Nightmare 9. SCREW 9. AND -ECCENTRIC AGENT- 10. Lycaon
  23. paradoxal

    1. NEGA 2. Lynch. 3. Royz 4. MEJIBRAY 5. LAREINE 6. Sadie 7. girugamesh 8. Nightmare 9. SCREW 10. SID 10. Lycaon
  24. I'm so excited about the new Lycaon singles!!! Hopefully they'll be great *u*

  25. paradoxal

    YES! I've been so sure lately that they'll soon announce a new single. Yes yes yes yes I'm so happy!
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