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  1. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Komorebi in Trombe has disbanded   
    I'm not gonna be a douchebag about this, and as impressive as your dedication to visual kei and Jrock were, I'm not bothered about this at all. Every single time a bunch of no-bodies have formed a shitty band that never got any further than one gig they've gotten a new thread, and every single time a known Japanese rocker have thought about just having a shit after lunch you've made a thread about it. And to be honest it's just been way too much and too messy for my taste. Which means I've more or less stayed away from the entire news section. Now maybe I'll try check it out for new bands again.
    But as I said, your work here has been pretty impressive no matter what I feel about it. Top notch dedication to the scenes at least.
    Thanks bye
  2. Like
    Bear got a reaction from SilverEspeon__ in A question to everyone   
    I don't dislike Yohio, I just don't give a flying fuck about him or any of his shitty bands. Couldn't really care less to be quite honest.
    Next question.
  3. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Hakari in Horror Movies   
    I've only seen the original short of Lights Out and it was very good, so I've got high hopes for the full feature film. Looks very good!
  4. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Hakari in Horror Movies   
    The Blair Witch Project is finally(?) getting a sequel, and this time we're talking a proper sequel. Now usually I wouldn't give a flying fuck about something like this, but this is a bit different. Why you ask? Because it's directed by Adam Wingard and written by Simon Barrett. You don't need no other reason than that. I actually believe this is gonna be great.
    Seems like a few selected people have already seen it and the reviewers just doesn't seem to be able to stop praising it. I usually don't give a fuck about reviewers, but I have faith in this film. Can easily turn out to be the horror film of the year.

  5. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Crube in Post your Japanese all-time top 50/100 list! -2016 edition-   
    This shit is impossible. Had I made this tomorrow there would've been a few changes for sure.

  6. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    The Blair Witch Project is finally(?) getting a sequel, and this time we're talking a proper sequel. Now usually I wouldn't give a flying fuck about something like this, but this is a bit different. Why you ask? Because it's directed by Adam Wingard and written by Simon Barrett. You don't need no other reason than that. I actually believe this is gonna be great.
    Seems like a few selected people have already seen it and the reviewers just doesn't seem to be able to stop praising it. I usually don't give a fuck about reviewers, but I have faith in this film. Can easily turn out to be the horror film of the year.

  7. Like
    Bear got a reaction from CAT5 in Post your Japanese all-time top 50/100 list! -2016 edition-   
    This shit is impossible. Had I made this tomorrow there would've been a few changes for sure.

  8. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Ada Suilen in The big TV-series discussion thread   
    Not watched Stranger Things yet, but I have high hopes for it. It looks damn good!
    Started watching Penny Dreadful a year ago or so but had to give up awfully early. I never got why this show got so popular. I thought it was awkward and boring. Poorly paced, sloppily written, a seriousl ack of both horror and suspense and uneven atmosphere. It's like they didn't know what they wanted to make, where they wanted to go with the show and how to do it. The atmosphere just jumped all over the place. idgi
  9. Like
    Bear got a reaction from saishuu in random thoughts thread   
    Drink beer and worship Satan!!!
  10. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Original Saku in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Played and finished the new Doomgamea few weeks ago. Just pure, mindless action like they gave us action gamers in the 90's. Full blast from start to finish. I thought it was great.
  11. Like
    Bear reacted to enyx in random thoughts thread   
    You need help my friend. It's not too late though, just let Jesus come inside of you.
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
  12. Like
    Bear got a reaction from enyx in random thoughts thread   
    Drink beer and worship Satan!!!
  13. Like
    Bear got a reaction from suji in random thoughts thread   
    Drink beer and worship Satan!!!
  14. Like
    Bear got a reaction from The Reverend in random thoughts thread   
    Drink beer and worship Satan!!!
  15. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in random thoughts thread   
    Drink beer and worship Satan!!!
  16. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Mind of the sun in The big TV-series discussion thread   
    Master of None - Warm and witty drama-comedy with lots of soul and heart that's easy to relate to.
    Co-creator and star Aziz Ansari plays Dev, a thirty year old Indian actor who lives in New York City. Master of None follows his life as he chases his dream of becoming a big star, hangs out with his friends and his private life in general. The series deals with themes such as racism, sexism, and modern social life, but it's all seen through a humourus eye, but never by trying to make themes such as racism or sexism any less serious than what it is.
    I thought this was fantastic. Super witty, warm and very charming, and the chemestry between our two leads played by Aziz Ansari and Noël Wells are just brilliant.
    Best part of the series, though? Dev's dad. Jesus, makes me burst out in laughter every time he enters the screen.
    Great show, can't wait for season 2!

  17. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in The general Metal discussion thread   
    Dusk and Her Embrace - The Original Sin is finally streaming online. It sounds so fucking good. It's darker, rougher, more brutal and more black metal than the "original" Dusk..., and it sounds just as good to be honest. Dani's vocals and the keyboards are a lot different, and the entire thing sounds a lot more guitar-driven than the version we know.
    I'm really glad this original piece finally got to see the light of day, because something this great doesn't deserve to be unheard by the thousands and thousands of fans around the world. Magnificent!
    Shame bout the modern-looking, shitty coverart, though.
  18. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Atreides in SIGH   
    An old flyer from one of their gigs:

    Our first gig outside of Japan. In Dublin 20 years ago.
    Seeing that I came to think of a story that I read half a year ago or so, written by none other than Alan Averill of the mighty Primordial, which is about this evening and a bit more. A very fun read:
    A nice read for fans of the band or just good stories from the past.
  19. Like
    Bear reacted to doombox in Music and shock value   
    @blackdollThis is a discussion topic, there is no need to repeatedly spam it with videos and no discussion about them.
  20. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Tokage in Japanese Movies   
    Those type of films are clearly an cquired taste, but if you're into splatter films like Bad Taste, Braindead, Herschell Gordon Lewis flicks, Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky, or even stuff like Hobo with a Shotgun, Machete, Planet Terror, Ichi the Killer and so on I'd highly recommend checking out a few of these.
    Funky Forest is great. Weird as fuck. If you want more weirdness I' say yyou should dcheck out Rampo Noir, Visitor Q  and Japanese cyberpunk films like Death Power, Tetsuo: The Iron Man, 964 Pinocchio and Rubber's Lover. Some really weird and twisted stuff right there.
    Burst City and Electric Dragon 80.000 V. Weird, different, cool and punk-as-fuck. I really want to see Sogo Ishii''s Crazy Thunder Road too, a film that looks like something beyond awesome.
  21. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Atreides in The general Metal discussion thread   
    In the Woods... is releasing a new album this year, and their first since 1999's Strange In Stereo. Sound-wise it's basically what I'd expect from I the Woods..., but quality-wise it's a lot better than expected. The new vocalist, Mr. Fog, known from bands such as The Meads of Asphodel, Jaldaboath, Old Forest and Ewigkeit provides some fantastic vocals. He sings excellent!
  22. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Seimeisen in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Fuking love me some Donkey Kong. I haven't had the chance to try Tropical Freeze yet, but Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest, Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! and Donkey Kong Country Returns are all a part of my top 10 video games ever. Video games just doesn't get much more fun than these games. The game play, the overall style of the games, the soundtracks. Phenomenal!
    Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! is awfully underrated btw. Such a great game!
    Me and my girlfriend have played through the three first Donkey Kong County games 7-8 times and Donkey Kong Country Returns 3-4 times since we got together three and a half year ago. These four games, along with Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World and Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island are easily my most played games ever. Yeah, well leave out Donkey Kong Returns, but the other 7 are the ones I've played the most for sure. I've probably beaten all of them 20-25 times at least, and I'm still not tired of it.
    Super Mario Bros. 2 is super underrated as well btw. Brilliant game!
  23. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Spectralion in random thoughts thread   
    I've gone back to feeling like sleep is a waste of time and that 1-2 hours of sleep are more than enough. Not sure how good this is for my brain and body, but I survived living like this for years a few years back and I'll survive now too. There's just way too much shit to do in life to spend 5+ hours sleeping every single night.
    Anyway, school's finished for the year and the vacation has begun. That means less kids and more freedom, as well as a lot of trips away from school. A more than decent way to earn some money.
  24. Like
    Bear got a reaction from Zeus in Game of Thrones   
    I agree and personally think this has been the most unpredictable season since season 2 to be honest. This season I've actually been surprised at a lot of things that's happened, something I rarely ended up being with season 3-5 as it just followed the "unpredictableness" of the first two seasons.
    And as weird as I am I think this season's been great and on par with previous seasons. And again I am enjoying the shit out of the dialogue. I'm not too sure about this as I haven't read the books, but I am under the impression that 90% of the best dialogue in this series are made for this series and didn't feature in the books. I remember reading a lot about the dialogue in the series and it said that this, that and those dialogues were original for this series, while this and that were from the books. And if that was right I am not surprised about the quality of the dialogue.
    I think my biggest complaint for the season is the lack of Tywin Lannister, and the lack of Tywin, Tyrion, Cersei, Varys, Littlefinger and co. sitting around a table and talking. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'd fucking love a spin-off where these guys just sit around a table and talk, talk and do nothing more than to talk. The dialogue's been that good for the show. Would be perfect!
  25. Like
    Bear got a reaction from CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    I've gone back to feeling like sleep is a waste of time and that 1-2 hours of sleep are more than enough. Not sure how good this is for my brain and body, but I survived living like this for years a few years back and I'll survive now too. There's just way too much shit to do in life to spend 5+ hours sleeping every single night.
    Anyway, school's finished for the year and the vacation has begun. That means less kids and more freedom, as well as a lot of trips away from school. A more than decent way to earn some money.
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