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Posts posted by Bear

  1. 8 hours ago, K-x-H said:

    To put this really blunt, 2017 ruined my year this fucking year, because of  all the conflicts and issues i'm facing right now in RL,  my year in this year is also good because of some of the other things that makes me really so happy, and this is why my year within this year is both good and bad the same time.  so hopefully..... i am betting that 2018 will be more of a better year than this year i hope.


    Xzibit, is that you?

  2. On 27.4.2017 at 6:29 AM, Bear said:



    I'm not a fan of teasers like this, but this sounds promising. Emyn Muil plays epic black metal in the vein of Summoning, Caladan Brood, Kinstrife & Blood and Nazgûl, which tells you all about the sound of the band. Also heavily inspired by Tolkien of course.


    Emyn Muil's debut Túrin Turambar Dagnir Glaurunga isn't all that to be honest. There's a shitload of good music on the album, but a lot of the songs are way too short. When you play black metal like this you need some lenght on your songs to be able to build the songs properly. The longer tracks (6+ minutes) are very good, but the shorter tracks leaves something to be desired for sure. 10 tracks, 52 minutes.


    The upcoming album Elenion Ancalima have 5 songs clocking in at 41 minutes. 3, 14, 7, 8 and 8 minutes. So the track lenghts are there for sure, and from the teaser the songs are there too. Sounds more Summoning-esque than the debut too, which I will always consider a good thing. I am really looking forward to this album.




    Hell fucking yes! This album is so good. It's got its fair shair of Summoning influence, but it has more of a medieval sound to it, making it stand out from other epic black metal bands in this vein. Totally recommended if you're into Summoning, Kinstrife & Blood, Caladan Brood and so on.


    Will have to give it more time, but this sounds truly excellent so far.

  3. Went to see Goblin and Tusmørke at Blitz, an anarchist, communist and socialist youth community in Oslo. I'm not a Blitzer myself and I was very surprised to see them arrange a gig like this. But while I don't give a shit about their politics, it works really good as a concert house. You can also bring your own drinks to the club, which makes it cheap and nice as fuck.


    Anyway, Tusmørke was kinda disappointed. It was good, but I've seen them better 2-3 times before.


    Goblin on the other hand was beyond amazing. I've seen Goblin before, but that was Claudio Simonetti's Goblin which is Claudio and the four other members of Daemonia. At that time we saw and interview with Claudio before the showing of Suspiria at Cinemateket in Oslo, with a concert in the evening. It was amazing and one of my favourite concerts ever. This time around however it was Goblin with 4/5 of the original(?) line up with Massimo Morante, Maurizio Guarini, Fabio Pignatelli and Agostino Marangolo.


    What a fucking fantastic gig! The atmosphere, the tightness of the band. Jesus, it was incredible! And they ended the gig playing Magic Thriller, Mad Puppet, Dr. Frankenstein, Roller, E Suono Rock, Aquaman, Death Farm, Goblin, Dawn of the Dead, Tenebre, Suspiria, Profondo Rosso and Zaratozom in that order if I am not mistaken. Oh wait, that's actually the entire setlist. What a setlist! Says it all really!


    Doesn't matter which Goblin plays. Best prog band ever!

  4. 3 hours ago, ArtFart said:

    I want to shave all my hair off.... not bald bald, but super short. I think that's just me feeling like I have no control over my life right now, so I want to do something that will give me a feeling of control and maybe show people just how crazy things are making me right now?


    I did this yesterday., just like I've done a couple of times over the last year. I just do it to save money, tho. And it's easy.

  5. Started on Hap and Leonard earlier today. Been interested in this series for a long time and thought it was about time I started. Two episodes in and so far it's damn fucking good. Omar fuckin' Little again, and Michael K. Williams is amazing as always. And Christina Hendricks. As good as she's hot. And it looks very interesting, and the elements of dark comedy pleases me.


    Will probably finish it tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

  6. Lately I've watched and finished:


    Firefly - fantastic space western that's built around fantastic, colorful characters. Space ships and lazer guns, horse and shotguns. My first rewatch, and I probably liked it even better now.


    Generation Kill - as with Firefly this is my first rewatch, and I'll have to admit that I consider this as good as Band of Brothers, which I will compare it too as both are war mini-series of the highest quality. Superb in every way, and few TV-series has as many memorable quotes as this gem.


    The Night Of - holy cow! This took me off guard. Superbly written, well-acted and beautifully directed. This crime drama blends plenty elements of previous HBO classics like Oz and The Wire, and it does it well. I also like how it comments on the justice system and prison. John Turturro just too good throughout the entire series.


    Also, we get Omar Little, Bodie Broadus and Errol Childress in one and the same series here. Oh daaaaayum!


    Not seen the series it is based on btw.






    0:00 Guitarist stumbles

    0:55 Hellish chanting

    3:10 What is the next song?

    4:10 How to drink beer

    5:51 How to drink beer part 2

    8:04 Guitarist goes "crowd surfing"

    9:34 "Vittu me vihataan punkkia!"

    10:18 "Mennäänkö kattoo jotai oikeeta bändiä?"






    This fucking band, man. Hilarious! They don't give a flying fuck and they do whatever the fuck they want. They might be the winners of the black metal paraolympics.



    Gotta admit that I like the The Night of Satanachia ep, tho. It's pretty good.

  8. I know there's a few fans of Fen her, so this should please a couple of you guys:



    Fellwarden was a concept forged by The Watcher (Fen, De Arma) back in 2014 to give voice to an epic, exultant form of black metal that nonetheless carries with it echoes of deep lamentation and remembrance. The Watcher’s goal was simple – to tell tales of sacrifice, of long-forgotten heroism and the rearing timelessness of the storm-forged landscape against a backdrop of windswept extreme metal. Fellwarden’s sound is steeped passionate vocals, subtle waves of keyboards, acoustic guitars, booming choirs and powerful riffs, underpinned by a cavernous percussive battery courtesy of Havenless (also of Fen).

    After two years of careful crafting, the debut album of Fellwarden ‘Oathbearer’ is now ready to be proudly unleashed by Eisenwald – six stirring hymns of strident ambience and powerfully emotive songwriting. A heavily layered, textured release, ‘Oathbearer’ at once convokes the essence of contemporary acts such as Drudkh and Negura Bunget whilst simultaneously channelling the spirit of the old masters – Summoning, Bathory, Abigor, (early) Emperor and (early) Ulver.

    releases June 16, 2017

    The Watcher – All vocals, stringed instruments and keys
    Havenless – Drums

    First song, preorder and the awesome artwork available here:





    It's very Fen-esque and reminds me a lot of Fen's debut, though with a bit more traditional atmospheric black metal and less post-rock. I really like this song. Sounds really nice!

  9. I finally finished Black Sails. It's impressive how it went from being a bland adventure series with uninteresting, and mostly annoying characters and dull dialogue in season 1 to become one of the best series around in season 2, with an amazing character gallery, fantastic dialogue and more a character driven drama than anything else. That being said, season 1 is far from the worst thing I've seen. It's decent entertainment, but if it wasn't for the fact that I love pirates I would not have given season 2 a chance at all. Had it been about vikings I would not have seen season 2. And it's really refreshing with a series that knows when to call its quit, rather than to go on and on because they can. Because they could've made 4 more seasons of this series, but ending with season 4 is simply genius. At its best, this series is just up there with the best seasons of Game of Thrones, if not better.


    Season 1 - 6/10

    Season 2 - 10/10

    Season 3 - 10/10

    Season 4 - 10/10




    And I also started on Fargo season 3 today. I'm only one episode in, but so far this feels like Fargo all the way, just like season 1 and 2 did. This series, man. So god damned good!

  10. We seem to be on net as far as grime goes.



    Btw, I just love how productive Czarface is. 4 excellent albums since 2013 is just fantastic, and Every Hero Needs a Villain might be one of my all time favourite hip hop albums. Raw and dirty boom bap at its very best.




    Best song ever!

  11. Proscriptor McGovern is God! Watching him play some of the tracks off Tara live while doing the vocals is absolutely insane. The speed, technicality and complex fills of the drums itself is impressive and mindblowing, but watching him do it live while screaming his guts off. Unbelieveable!


    A band that deserves to have a much bigger name. Everything up until Tara, from the epic sounding death metal of their early demos, EPs and Barathrum: V.I.T.R.I.O.L., to the black metal of The Sun of Tiphareth and black/thrash metal of The Third Storm of Cythraul and Tara are must-haves IMO. Classics, everything!


    Kinda fell off the Absu-wagon after Tara and don't like either of their two last albums, but it's a band I'll always give a new chance when they release something new, and when I do that I also give their previous efforts that I don't like a new try.

  12. 13 minutes ago, Gaz said:

    watched a few things:

    - Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (surprisingly great stuff, considering people claiming that this is an utter shit. time travelling usually makes my eyes roll but in this show it wasn't bad at all. and lots of awesome characters here too!)



    This series is just really underrated ATM. I thought it was awesome, and I am sure this will pick up a cult following with time. It's just got everything to make it a cult series. I really enjoyed it.

  13. Absu is a fantastic band, and watching Proscriptor do the vocals while he play as he does is insane. Superb live band!


    As far as Nargaroth goes they're not a cult band. Generally regarded as a retarded band, and one of the most disliked metal bands around. No figure in the word of metal ash been asgaming ridiculed as Ash/Kanwulf. They do look shitty live too.


    I do like 3-4 of their releases a lot tho. Not gonna deny that. But Black Metal Ist Krieg is a really embarrassing release. Godawful!

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