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Posts posted by Bear

  1. Intruder - Excellent, late 80's slasher that follows every single rule of the genre that was laid down from the mid 70's and up until 84, 85 before comedy took over for the atmosphere and suspense in slashers. Doesn't offer anything new, but if you're into slashers you should not miss out on this.

  2. Hour of 13 who released the modern doom/heavy metal album Hour of 13 have just changed named to Hour of Thirteen, and also changed style to a more death rock influenced heavy metal sound. On the two last releases he's covered a Christian Death track and two Samhain tracks, and you can also hear this influence on his own new tracks too. As every of his new albums got worse and worse I think this was a smart move. Sounds way more inspired now, and it sounds excellent.




  3. Cube - While it does have some flaws, this film remains a proper motherfucking cult classic. The major flaws are the acting, dialogue and at times special effects, but the set design and overall intelligence just makes it absolutely stunning. It's just pure fucking brilliance from beginning to end. Stunning movie!

  4. Escape Room - Predictable and very familiar horror movie in the vein of Cube, Saw etc. Predictable, shallow and run of the mil-type of horror movie, but it's decent fun nonetheless.

  5. Hevi reissu/Heavy Trip - A Finnish metalhead comedy about a band that's been around  for about 12 years without making their own song, playing a gig or releasing anything. This is hilarious, charming and really, really good. And to me, it's just another great example on how far ahead Finland are in producing movies compared to Norway, which is weird considering how most film nerds can mention some Norwegian movies, but few can mention Finnish movies. But Finland are light years ahead. This was really awesome!

  6. The Head Hunter - Made on a low budget with a cast of two, Jordan Downey shows he's a young and promising director who truly knows how to make a lot from little. Despite clocking in at only 70 minutes, The Head Hunter is a slow-burning horror fantasy set to the medieval ages and tells a story of a lone warrior who is looking to rid the world of dark forces, and more importantly revenge someone. Great atmosphere, great visuals and great effects. Looks really neat, and is superbly acted by a Norwegian named Christopher Rygh, a guy no-one, not even Norwegians, have heard of. 


    Yeah, I thought this was brilliant, and I am tempted to call it unique and different. Great stuff!

  7. Turn It Around: The Story of East Bay Punk - This is a documentary that documents the bay area punk from the late 70's and up until the mid-90's. Co-produced by Green Day, who of course was a huge part of that scene, it runs for no less than two and a half hours and tell you one hell of a story. Loads and loads of interviews, old clips, old pictures and whatnot from them days. There's interviews with people like Jello Biafra, Ian MacKaye, Kathleen Hanna, Kirk Hammett, Billie Joe Armstrong and way, way more, narrated by no other than Iggy Pop. If you have any sort of interest for punk, or fuck it, rock and metal, this is a must watch. Phenomenal!

  8. Everything John Waters is worth seeing tbh. Such a unique director.


    As for the acting and dialogue, it's all on purpose to get the campy attitude that he loves. Because he's intentionally going for camp, and he's nailing it every single time.

  9. Re-watched The Rift yesterday. Don't think it was too long ago since I watched this. Think it was when I watched several other similar, underwater horror/sci-fi flicks like Leviathan, The Abyss, DeepStar Six and probably a few more. I enjoyed it even more now, because I changed the rating. Claustrophobic and with immense special effects. This movie is just awesome!

  10. Let the Corpses Tan - I've been a huge fan of Hélène Cattet, Bruno Forzani since I saw their weird, psychedelic neo-giallo Amer ages ago, and I was equally impressed by their even stranger neo-giallo The Strange Colour of Your Body's Tears. This time around they've left the neo-giallo genre in favor of a weird, modern western movie inspired as much by 60 and 70's spaghetti western, as by 70's poliziotteschi movies. This shit is psychedelic, surreal, sexual, weird and out there, but also really interesting and impressive with hella lot of close ups of eyes, mouths, tits, roasted meat and everything in-between. It jumps back and forth between shit that's real, shit that's just the fantasies of the characters and shit that's probably happened in the past. I don't fucking know, nor do I care. It's just fucking awesome. It's fucking weird. It's the type of movie most people will either hate or love, with 3/4th probably hating it. 

  11. I recently finished two series.


    Rick and Morty - I've kinda let this one lie for some time because I was a bit tired of these adult animations as they all seemed to use the same animators, drawers and script-writers, but this one was a lot better than expected. Absolutely hilarious for three whole seasons. Not a single boring episode. Just fantastic throughout!


    The Expanse, season 3 - Loved the two first seasons, and I loved this as well. I kinda missed the noir-feeling of the first two seasons, but it was really enjoyable anyway. First half was more of a political drama, while the second half were more a space opera. Loved everything! Can't wait for the next season.

  12. I actually liked The Hallow quite a lot. Very cool, folk-horror inspired flick. Flawed, but very entertaining.



    The Count Dracula is the one with Louis Jourdan and Frank Finlay, right? If so it's fantastic!  Not the best Dracula movie/series, but really good nonetheless.

  13. Yeah, it was well-worth the wait. So good!


    Brawl in Cell Block 99 - Watched this after watching Dragged Across Concrete, and while a different type of movie, it's very much a S. Craig Zahler movie. He loves making intense, slow-burning movies that steps a bit out of the genre "rules". This is just as fantastic as it is dark, nasty, grim, intense and fucking brutal. The violence are just top notch, and the fights are beautifully choreographed and executed. Very un-american., mean and so on. Zahler does whatever the fuck he wants. Vince Vaughn fucking rules!



    I've always been a fan of Vince Vaughn, and when he was cast in True Detective season 1 I was "the only one" who actually liked that casting. I like a-typical castings, but I always saw something in Vince Vaughn. His only problem throughout his career was his choice of roles, not him as an actor. Because he was always good. Happy to see him finally reach his true potential. Brilliant actor!

  14. I watched S. Craig Zahler's (Bone Tomahawk, Brawl in Cell Block 99) new flick Dragged Across Concrete the other day, and it was bloody fantastic with both Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn giving some of their best performances ever. It's really fucking mean, grim, nasty, dirty, gritty and intense. It's more of a slow-burning neo-noir drama movie than a high-speed neo-noir thriller movie, and it works. Brilliantly directed, acted, shot and written. Superb dialogue!



    Is S. Craig Zahler the most promising new director out there? Fucking yes!


    Bone Tomahawk - 10/10

    Brawl in Cell Block 99 - 9/10

    Dragged Across Concrete - 9/10


    He's looking more and more like a modern Tarantino in that he seem to love to cast against type, writes dialogue that is bold as fuck and will put a lot of people off, makes slow movies, shows incredible violence and just does whatever the fuck he wants and makes movies for himself. He was asked to cut Dragged Across Concrete for cinemas to have a widespread release, but he told them to fuck off and only got  a few screenings on a few selected cinemas. That's the shit I love!

  15. I actually watched a short video where someone went around and asked people in Japan about swastikas, Hitler and shit, and barely anyone under the age of 60+ seemed to know anything about it that era and shit. Like, they could not recognize Hitler nor could they tell who he was, what he had done.


    They didn't really teach about it at school at all.

  16. 768059.jpg?0448

    Hellripper - Black Arts & Alchemy


    New Hellripper EP on its way. Cool black/speed metal band. This should be awesome.



    Bat - Axestasy




    Nasty heavy speed metal inspired by the likes of Venom, Motorhead, Bathory and Midnight.




    Gloryhammer - Legends from Beyond the Galactic Terrorvortex


    Not gonna lie, I'm kinda weak for this band. Ultra cheesy power metal. And with titles like Masters of the Galaxy, 

    The Land of Unicorns, Power of the Laser Dragon Fire and the fucking Legendary Enchanted Jetpack on one and the same album it's hard not to get intrigued. 



    Bewitcher - Under the Witching Cross


    Posted about the upcoming single not too long ago, and the album is on its way too. Should be catchy and cool.



    New Hellish Grave on its way too. Simple black/speed in the vein of Deströyer 666, Desaster, Craven Idol and so on. It got that slightly epic feeling at times.

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