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Posts posted by Bear

  1. Great, dramatic episode with some proper moments based close to solely on chemistry. Also, Tormund owns it! Should obviously end up on the iron throne and just kill whoever doesn't like it. Why? Because he's fucking worth it. Fantastic character!



    There's a lot of talk about the crypts and the scene with the little girl basically made it clear that shit's gonna go down down in the crypts. Will she play a big role, or what was that?

  2. 769367.jpg?2308



    The new track, B.T.B. (Beyond the Blade), is so good and that cover art is awesome. This will be great!




    Krypts - Cadaver Circulation



    I thought the demo and EP they released in 2009 and 2011 were excellent, but their debut album disappointed me a lot. It just lacked the sheer twisted darkness they had before it. Couldn't really get into the production at all. The second album was a huge step ut but I never could get into it like I did the demos. But I tried the debut album again earlier today and thought it was really good, so I will give both albums a new, fair chance. Hopefully they'll stick better now than they did.



    The Lord Weird Slough Feg - New Organon


    A band that, at their best, have been brilliant, but I can't get into everything. I like their more sci-fi themed albums like Traveller and Digital Resistance. But apparently this doesn't sound anything like those albums.



    Amulet - The Inevitable War


    Their debut album, The First, are a masterpiece of modern heavy metal so I cannot wait for this. Expectations are HIGH!



    Lvcifyre - Sacrament


    Their previous stuff has been alright so this is interesting. Death/black metal.



    Hellish Grave - Hell No Longer Waits


    Black/thrash. Older stuff is good, so this should be cool too.



  3. The Big Boss - This isn't the best out of the few martial arts movies he made, but it's still bloody muthafuckin brilliant and Lee's performance as both an martial artist and actors are outstanding. He was truly something different, and despite the little time he got he made one hell of a massive impact on both the Asian, American and European film industry as well as directors, actors and fans. A proper star!

  4. Yep, brilliant film. Can't believe it hasn't gotten more recognition by now. Highly recommend his other short, The 9th Circle, too. Also very good, albeit way too short at only 11 minutes.

  5. 5 hours ago, Tokage said:

    Alice Sweet Alice - Absolutely awesome and atmospheric little film, it's basically a giallo for all intents and purpose outside of the fact that it wasn't made in Italy, but everything about it just oozes with the same energy a good giallo tends to have. Very good stuff, stylishly shot too. I don't get some of the other reviews I've read deriding the film for looking cheap or whatever. The killer's outfit is probably one of the best 'slasher' outfits ever too, very simple but effective and creepy nevertheless. 


    Classic, and sadly overlooked american slasher, but it is indeed a very giallo-esque movie. Unlike other american slasher movies this is just a very European-looking and -feeling film with all the trais of giallo intact. Easily one of the more unique american slashers in that it is very atypical. Brilliant movie!

  6. Willow Creek - Surprisingly well-crafted, fun and atmospheric found footage horror. It's slow-burning and doesn't bring anything new to the table, but it was well-done and loads of fun. Great chemistry between the leads.


    The Devil's Doorway - Another found footage horror. This one does things a bit different and creates loads and loads of atmosphere. I actually thought this was very, very good. Really enjoyable!

  7. Enter the Fat Dragon - Hong Kong legend Sammo Hung directs and stars in this kung fu comedy where he is paying an homage to Bruce Lee, spoofs and make fun of Bruceploitation as well as Hollywood and their way of treating Asians at the time. This is hilarious, it's superbly choreographed (as expected from Sammo Hung) and it's fucking entertaining. Also as expected from Sammo Hung. If you like martial arts movies but haven't seen this, then get off your fat ass and do it. Because it's truly fantastic!


    Coffy - Classic blaxploitation starring none other than the beautiful Pam Grier who's as bad as you can get, isn't shy to showing some skin, or her whole body for that sake, and a funky muthafucking soundtrack. Can you dig? Hell motherfucking yes! One of the very best blaxploitation movies made.


    Foxy Brown - Same as above. Pam Grier was a bloody GODDESS! One of my all-time favourite actresses for sure.


    I can't believe I've missed out on this album. Progressive black/death metal with Leo Ekström Sollenmo (Lethal Steel, Tøronto) and Robert Andersson (ex-Morbus Chron). It's hard not to compare it with both Tribulation and Morbus Chron, but it's mor eon the black metal-side of things than both these bands.




    Speed metal with members and ex-members of bands such as Morbus Chron,  Lethal Steel and Temisto. Catchy stuff in the vein of Exciter and Motorhead.





    Brilliant Swedish death metal that sadly broke up after just one demo. For fans of Necrovore, Hexenslaught, Poison, Treblinka, Incubus and so on. 10/10!

  9. Cleopatra Jones - More blaxploitation and this time a real classic. An action-comedy which focuses on themes such as feminism, black power and similar, but the most important thing is that it feels like a female James Bond movie. The way she dresses, her cars, the way nonchalant attitude in which she never tried to hide. Fantastic film, and while Tamara Dobson ain't no Pam Grier, she's not too far behind either. She's just fantastic in this film and she's absolutely stunning.


    Trouble Man - Another blaxplitation film tht's both been bailed as being one of the worst movies ever, as well as one of the finest examples of blaxploitation there is. In another words, this is an interesting entry to the blaxploitation scene. It's cool, at times almost confusing because of all the different characters around, but it's totally badass and funky as fuck. Brilliant soundtrack by Marvin Gaye.

  10. Unfriended - Decent, modern found-footage horror. However, this isn't the type of found footage you'd think as it isn't someone walking around filming shit with cameras shaking and stuff. This is seen through people's desktops as everything happens on a screen, via Skype. It's actually surprisingly good, despite getting a bit tiresome towards the end. But it's fun.


    Unfriended: Dark Web - The sequel feels way, way more like a tribute to the earlier desktop movie The Den, than a sequel to Unfriended. But it's not too different either. It's fun for what it is.

  11. Cadaver just released a video to a new track called Circle of Morbidity from an upcoming album, which will be their first albums since 2004's excellent Necrosis. Everyone involved on Necrosis is gone and he's just brought in Dirk Verbeuren (Soilwork, Megadeth, Scarvem The Project Hate MCMXCIX and so on).





    That's not too bad actually. Not quite Hallucinating Anxiety, ...In Pains or Necrosis, or their Discipline albums released under the name Cadaver Inc. But it's a lot better than I had expected.

  12. Disco Godfather - Funky and groovy blaxploitation movie about a former police turned disco guru that goes by the name of Disco Godfather. The film is so campy, so over the top and so silly. It's not good, but it's a lot of fun and the preachy anti-drug message is quite hilarious.


    The hallucination scenes are excellent, tho. I wish it had hella lot more of those. Trippy and cool.




    Holy fuck, everything we've heard from the upcoming Gaahls Wyrd album is so promising. Judging from the released tracks this is gonna be Gaahls best album since Trelldom's second album, Til et annet... Though I really like Gaahlskagg, Gorgoroths Incipit Sata and both the Wardruna albnums he was on, this just sounds like it's gonna be on a whole other level. Incredibly majestic and hypnotizing.

  14. Indeed. I highly recommend Maniac Neil's two other bands Blood Freak and Frightmare too. Three first Blood Freak albums and both Frightmare albums are easily among my favourite grindcore albums. Would include them on a top 10 grindcore albums any day of the week.




    Newest project by D. (Woods of Desolation, Forest Mysticism, Grey Waters) and again he's releasing something excellent. Not too different from the two last Woods of Desolation albums, but that's fine with me. Could easily have been released as a Woods of Desolation album IMO.

  15. Watched Black Summer, the new Netflix zombie show and I was pleasantly surprised. This is basically The Walking Dead without the boring drama, awful characters, lame dialogue and, well, even more boring drama. This is fast-paced zombie action-horror that's intense and suspenseful. They got no time for bullshit. Just straight-forward and fun. Way, way better than I expected.

  16. 14 minutes ago, Zeus said:

    It's the new season so it's the last time we can bump this topic with hype!

    And unfortunately, I'm not very hype about the beginning of this season at all. When you market the ending of the show as "The Final 6 Episodes", I expect substantive things to happen at every turn. This was not that episode, and that means we're 16% of the way finished with the series. How disappointing.


    Really? I thought it was a great beginning, and spending the shortest episode of the season to re-introduce the characters, their missions and tell us where they are and what they're planning is pretty much as much as you can expect imo. Excellent episode, and the dialogue already feels fifty times better than what they offered us in season 7. So much more well-developed and well-written.


    Episode length' for those who care:


    Episode 1 (April 14): 54 minutes

    Episode 2 (April 21): 58 minutes

    Episode 3 (April 28): 1 hour, 22 minutes

    Episode 4 (May 5): 1 hour, 18 minutes

    Episode 5 (May 12): 1 hour, 20 minutes

    Episode 6 (May 19): 1 hour, 20 minutes


    That looks sweet!

  17. Thought the new Gloryhammer was massively disappointing myself. Mainly because I found to be far from cheesy. Straight-forward, predictable and slightly boring. Where's the over the top moments that you'll find on basically every single song they've released up until now? But then again, I did not like the first single from their previous album, although I like it a lot now. So maybe this will grow too, but I doubt it.






    Discovered this yesterday. Imagine of Entombed's Wolverine Blues had an ugly child. Rawer, meaning and not quite as rocking as Wolverine Blues. Really liked this shit. Death 'n' roll with more death and rock.


  18. Mega Time Squad - I got interested in this film "years ago" because of its poster and been looking out for it since then, and I finally got around to watching it yesterday. Incredibly silly and far from original, but the New Zealand style humor and dialogue does put a specific punch to it that's truly excellent. Made me laugh out loud several times. Action comedy.


    Raging Balls of Steel Justice - I had to rewatch this modern animated classic as I found out that director Mike Mort released a full length featuring Chuck Steel last year. A must see for sure! And this is one of the best animated movies out there. 15 minutes of 80's action worship, with hints of horror. You can catch this masterpiece on youtube.

  19. The Dead Next Door - Low-budget zombie horror from 1989. It's very cheap-looking and shit, but the gore is terrific and it's loads and loads of fun. I also love how it pays its respect to people like Sam Raimi, Tom Savini, John Carpenter, George A. Romero and Stephen King with some of the characters names. Not an amazing film, but fun for what it is.


    Double Date - British horror comedy that's surprisingly dark despite being a horror comedy. It's just silly fun, but I really liked it.


    The Wind - Slow-burning, semi-psychedelic western horror that deals with several dark themes like depression, loneliness and isolation, jealousy and stuff. It's slow, but it's beautifully filmed, lovely edited and acted and huge on atmosphere. Good movie and a great feature film debut for Emma Tammi.

  20. 3 hours ago, Tokage said:

    Neon ManiacsAnother one of those movies in the running for the title of 'most 80s horror film EVER'. It even culminates in a high school battle of the bands type of deal between a cheesy new wave band and a possibly even cheesier metal band. The plot is a total mess, the quality of the acting is.. dubious, NOTHING about the monsters makes any sense whatsoever (where did they come from? why are they the NEON maniacs? why are they weak against water? what's with the outfits?), but it's definitely worth a watch if you're in the mood for some extreme cheese.


    Not gonna lie, I fucking love this movie. It's just fucking fantastic. But they had a lot of problems during production of the film, with financial problems meaning they had to remove a lot of the script and drop a shit ton of stuff that probably would've made the movie make more sense, having to replace actors because of longer breaks in filming and stuff. It's also rumored that the backstory of the monsters, their motivations and origin and shit were in the original script but had to be cut due to all the problems they had. A shame, but even half-done I think the movie is just fantastic.

  21. a1402953937_10.jpg

    Lord Gore - Cronenberg







    I can't see this as being of interest to anyone on this forum, but this shit needs to be posted. Lord Gore recently got back together after having disbanded in 2006 and released a new demo. Death metal/grindcore tracks in the vein of Impetigo, Blood Freak, Mortician and so on. Just spun it and it sounds awesome. So nasty!

  22. Was just gonna post that new Abbath track. It's alright, better than the majority of the tracks on his debut album. But it doesn't sound like anything other than a leftover track from Immortal's All Shall Fall. But glad he finally decided to drop the stupid Creature mask for the drummer. And while on the subject of the drummer, that is some boring drumming. That's the type of shit I program on my computer when making tracks, only thing is program it in 2 minutes just so I can give a better impression of what it's gonna sound like. That's just lazy drumming.

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