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Posts posted by Bear

  1. Just because you save someone from being raped, doesn't mean you can't rape yourself. That goes for about everything in real life. It's possible, and it happens in real life too. I don't see the big problem here.



    By the way, anyone read what George R.R. Martin said about it himself? Essentially, he says that it’s unclear in the book scene whether Jaime rapes Cersei or not, as the scene is told from Jaime’s point of view, and is therefore only one side of the story.


    Not that it matters though. He wouldn't know shit as he probably didn't even read the books after they were released. ROFL! Loooooser!


    He might be lying though. I wouldn't know.


    But I am not so sure the scene was meant as rape either. Deep inside herself Cersei seemed to want it to be honest. The way she kisses him back like a monster and even puts her legs around him suggests that she wants it a bit, doesn't it? She's trying to resist, but can't. No oen else got this feeling from the scene?

  2. This years Inferno Festival is over and I am back home. What a great fucking festival this is, and what a brilliant year! Their best ever.


    Wednesday (aka club day); I saw Infant Death and it was OK, but we left after that. Didn't bother. Great evening as a whole, though.


    Thursday: Impiety started off the day for us, and it was cool, but the triggered drums ruined a lot of the experience. The bass drums was awful. Typical type writer shit. But the geat riffs and amazing frontman Shyaithan made this a worthy gig anyway. Not amazing, but enjoyable.

    Fleshgod Apocalypse was awful. Saw a couple of songs and regret it. Waste of time. Shite band.

    Dimmu Borgir was another band I was looking forward to. They were to play an album from begining to the end and we didn't know which one until the gig started. It was Deathcult Armageddon, my favourite Dimmu Borgir album. I was excited as fuck until they started to play. The drums were awful, the vocals were awful and Shagrath is a horrible frontman. Unlike Impiety, who also had a poor drum sound, these guys didn't have anything to make up for that. Ended up a horrible gig.

    Mystifier was one of the bands I was looking forward to the most, and they didn't disappoint. What a gig, man! This brazilians know how to CRUSH! One of the best gigs at the festival. It was amazing!


    Friday: We started off the day with a boat ride around in the fjors of Oslo, and later one Church of Misery played on the boat. It was a small boat with about 100 paying audiences. I went there with some great people, had great weather and it was all amazing. By far one of my best concert experiences ever. 10/10

    Mgla was next out and one of the bands I was really looking forward to, and they did not disappoint. Brilliant gig by a brilliant band. Superb!

    Tristania was boring. Saw a few songs and left. They sounded like a cover band to be honest. A big meh.

    Hatebreed was awesome. Pissed off metalcore with the right attitude. Jesus christ, when they played I WIll Be Heard, man. Awesome!

    Necros Christos did sound great and delivered a great gig, but they did look a bit tired. But it was a good gig, and rumors says probably their last one.

    Blasphemy was pure brutality from begining to end. It was almost too brutal. It was almost ridiculous. But it was a badass gig. Brutality in its purest form!


    Saturday: Sigh was amazong and the winners along with Church of Misery and Mystifier. Brilliant gig!

    Gehenna did sound very professional, but it looked uninspired. Left after a few songs.

    Tulus was pretty boring, but Inskripsjon etter Jordferd and that made me feel good. Awesome song!

    Rotting Christ was boring, but The Sign of Evil Existence with guest vocals from Mirai was good fun. But why the fuck didn't they play Fgmenth, Thy Gift? That song IS Rotting Christ. Disappointing.

    Black Witchery was crushing! not as brutal as Blasphemy, but not too far away. Awesome concert!

    Watain was übershite. Clowns!


    Missed Deathhammer and Vemod. They played too early and we had too much fun drinking. Shame they played so early, wanted to see them.


    Anyway, best Inferno ever. It'll be hard topping this.

  3. No idea what I've heard from this year, but the few I remember:


    Cluster Buster - Maniac 1980

    This album is among the best synthwave/retro electro albums I've heard. So friggin' good. THe whole album/band is a huge homage to great films, and the music is amazing.


    Black Magic - Wizard's Spell

    Great heavy/black metal from Norway. These guys does it the old way. First half is pure heavy metal madness, and the second if their second demo, and black metal in an 80's fashion. This album is awesome!


    Hail Spirit Noir - Oi Magoi

    This isn't as good as their debut, but still a lovely album. HSN continues their unique brand of psychedelic/progressive rock and black metal. The production is richer than on the first, but I thought the first was better. It was more laidback and less produced really. The song writing was better to. It was more messy than this. But it's a great album anyway.

  4. OK, so I saw Goblin a couple of days ago. I had a great time on the bus in to Oslo. Listening to music, drinking beer and enjoying life. Met a friend in Oslo and we went to see Suspiria on a big screen. That was amazing. It added a whole new dimension to the film. They were lucky enough to be able to find a good copy of a 35mm, so that was what we saw. Awesome! Sadly, Goblin did not play the soundtrack while the film was screening. BUt some guy from the place who sent the film had a talk with the band before the film and that was cool. Seemed like such humble and good guys.


    Later that night Goblin played live and it might just have been the best concert I've seen. The band obviously had a good time and the soun was pitch perfect. Hands down! Best moment was when they started playing Tenebre. Insane!


    In the talk before the film they said they were looking forward to play the Dawn of the Dead soundtrack live with the film screening in the US soon, and they were planning in inviting George A. Romero (the director of Dawn of the Dead) as they had never met him. SO they finally hoped to meet him. :D


    And they mentioned a fun John Carpenter story. They met him a while back and Carpenter thanked Claudio a lot because he had stolen basically every sound he had made. Hah, made me laugh. :P


    Ayway, great time!

  5. If you expect a series in the line of any of the Hannibal fils you'll be disappointed. They're based off the same characters, but that's it really.


    This series is just awful. Hugh Dancy and Hettienne Park is the worst actors I've ever seen on any film or TV-series. They're so bad. The dialogue is really poor, and the psychologial game doesn't work one bit. It has a good Mads Mikkelsen, but he doesn't get much to work with. The blood and gore is nice, the food looks excellent and it's at times very good visually. BUt that's it really. The rest is so bad.


    This is easily among the worst series I've ever watched.

  6. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon


    Woah, this is great. The gameplay isn't all that exciting. Same old, same old. But the humour, visuals and style, and not to meantion the brilliant soundtrack by the synthwave/retro electro band Power Glower is beyond brilliant. I already know the soundtrack fairly well as I've been listening to it for a long time, but you can't get bored of it. It's so god damn awesome. THey also use "Friends" by Dragon Sound, a fictional band from the awesome film Miami Connection as an ending sound. It's just awesome!

  7. Yeah, thanks. And you don't need good equipment to hear the flaws in the production. I don't have it, and I noticed the awful production as soon as I heard the first song posted on youtube. It was very obvious. A shame that. One of the very last jrock bands I've listened to for years that have been making good music these last years. Gonna check this out when I get home after easter.


    In comparison The Avoided Sun had a weak production as well, mainly the droum sound. But the music was so good it makes up for it there.


    Great eview though, Zess.

  8. Yeah. And the blood and gore looked so realistic. The brains, limbs and all that. It was seriously good. Fantastic film! I loved all the monsters. They were bloody brilliant, and very, very creative looking. Fabolous!

  9. Cluster Buster's "Maniac 1980"


    "Maniac 1980" is a brilliant piece of synthwave/retro electro, and with song titles such as Maniac 1980, Crime Is a Disease, and I'm The Cure, Welcome to Camp Crystal Lake, The Wrong Arm Of The Law Is Back and so on it's hard to not get a boner. It's great.

  10. Zoolander - This was a decent, but not amazing comedy from Ben Stiller. When it is funny, it's bloody hilarious. But it is so uneven, and that's the problem here. It's silly as fuck, but that's as expected. But yeah, I'm left disappointed by this.


    Frankenstein's Army - I'll take off my hat and rais my glass to Richard Raaphorst, the man behind this film. Frankenstein's Army is a very fresh take on the found footage genre, and is among the best, if not THE best, found footage films I've seen. Ceative, original and very well-amde film. The story is thin as fuck, but that doesn't matter as everything else is exceptional.


    The set designs is amazing, the character designs is amazing and the blood and gore is amazing. The use of actual, physical creatures, rather than CGI models, gives the film a shocking realism which is sorely lacking in most modern horror/sci-fi. This is horror/sci-fi the way it once used to be.


    The only reason I don't give this 9/10 is because they're speaking English and not Russian. The rest is top notch!


    Thief - Brilliant 190's neo(n)-noir with a beyond brilliant soundtrack by Tangerine Dream. Wet streets, neon lights and all that. It's so god damn 80's and I fucking love it. This is Michael Mann's best film, and that says a lot.


    Body Double - More neo(n)-noir, this time by Brian De Palma. It's a very Hitchcockian film and it owes a lot to Vertigo and Rear Window, as well as other films. It's a great film, and the gorgeous camerawork and lovely lighting are a huge part of what makes this such a great film.

  11. Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony - Decent, but very disappointing film about bronies. I thought it was a weird-as-fuck community, but this proved me wrong. There was close to no weirdness to sot here. Just regular folks. That sucked. But a decent watch anyway.

  12. That's a great list. A few there was close to be included on my list as well. Hellraiser, Tetsuo: Iron Man, The Fog and The Hitcher were all on my list, and I had a huge problem choosing which to leave out.


    You should watch some Friday... and Nightmare... films. When you start watching a franchise you obviously watch 'em all, but Friday the 13th, Friday the 13th Part 2 and Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter are all very good. I don't remember the others. Gotta watch 'em again.


    As for A Nightmare on Elm Street: A Nightmare on Elm Street, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master and Wes Craven's New Nightmare are all really good. Don't remember the rest too well. There's probably a reason for that.


    The original one for both of these series are aaaaamazing. Amazing!



    I'll also report back after the Goblin shows. Gonna be so good!

  13. As you guys know, I will be seeing Goblin this saturday. But it just got a lot better. Earlier the same day Goblin will contribute live soundtrack at a screening of Suspiria. How amazing is that? Almost too good to be true!

  14. Best horror films of the 80's:


    1. The Thing

    John Carpenter and Kurt Russel together used to be a sign of quality once upon a time. Everything they did turned out great, except for Escape from L.A., even though I've always had a weak spot for it. But The Thing is a super classic film with a great script, great actors, great direction and great special effects. Brilliant atmosphere.


    2. Friday the 13th

    It's not as good as Halloween, but this is among my favourite slasher films ever. Great kills and a brilliant atmosphere. Can you ask for much more from a slasher?


    3. The Burning

    Same as above basically. This one is just as good as Friday the 13th, if not better to be honest. Amazing film!


    4. Gremlins

    Scary? No, but cute, charming and very, very fun. You just gotta love how these small, cute creatures turn into those evil fuckers. This is an amazing film!


    5. The Evil Dead

    Gore, black humour, amazing cinematography and Bruce Campbell. This film is both atmospheric and hilarious at the same time. SOme of the camera work here is exceptional!


    6. Evil Dead II

    Gore, black humour, amazing cinematography and Bruce Campbell. This film is both atmospheric and hilarious at the same time. SOme of the camera work here is exceptional! This is an amazing sequel. One of the best there is.


    7. Tenebre

    This film showed Dario Argento's return to the giallo genre, and boy did he do it well. Stunning cinematography, gruesome murders, great acting and a BRILLIANT soundtrack by prog geniuses Goblin. The soundtrack may be the best thing about this film. So fucking impressive! If you're a fan of slashers, you should see this (and giallo in general), because the slasher genre owes so much to this genre. So very, very much.


    8. A Nightmare on Elm Street

    Freddy fucking Krueger. Do I need say more? A really imaginative horror film which plays around with the viewer a lot. Love it!


    9. Opera

    Woah! Another Dario Argento film. Of course. He was a genius. This is a fairly typical giallo and Argento film, but still amazing. Great soundtrack, mainly by Claudio Simonetti of Goblin and Brian Eno.


    10. The Woman in Black

    The reason this isn't higher up is because some of the acting is subpar. But the atmosphere is amazing, and that's what makes this film so good. It's alla bout the atmosphere!



    And even though this isn't films, I just have to put these out here. The 80's WAS slashers, and I could easily have changed some of these films with other slasher films. And because of the 80's and slashers I need to put these songs here. Frightmare released two albums and they both are a tribute to slasher films, and horror and gore in general. The Burning, Friday the 13th, Sleepaway Camp, The Slumber Party Massacre, The Prowler, My Bloody Valentine and Black Christmas are among the fils they pay tribute to. Amazing band, even though I do prefer Maniac Neil's main band, Blood Freak. Exploitation and horror is his life!





    What happened to the films of yesterday
    The 70's and 80's were the golden age
    Horror films now are a fucking joke!
    They make me choke!

    Gone is the blood
    Gone are the tits
    Gone is everything that we miss
    MTV shit is shoved down our goddamn throats!
    The film makers of today give us no fucking hope!

    Remakes are the fad
    Desecrating horror classics
    CG? what a fucking drag!
    Save that shit for pixar flicks!

    Dawn of the Dead and TCM are not immune to this lame ass trend
    Whats next The Exorcist?
    It's safe to say this is the end!


    These dumb ass kids love this shit
    They have no idea who Cropsy is
    Wes Craven you bastard!
    Look what you have done!
    Last House on the Left to Scream?!
    There no excuse
    You should be hung!

    PG-13 horror is packing the seats
    This generation sucks!
    These kids are fucking weak!

    The hip hop influence
    Infecting the culture
    Busta Rhymes and Michael Myers?!
    This shit is fucking torture!


    Direct to video shit
    Is almost as bad
    Crappy photoshop covers
    Make me fucking sad!


    Lack of ideas
    Regression through technology
    Will Peter Jackson save us?
    No we get that lame ass trilogy!



    Fightmare - Bringing Back the Bloodshed

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