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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Bear

    The Deadly Duo - Chang Cheh-wuxia with David Chiang and Ti Lung in the main roles. The plot is as straight forward as it gets for a martial arts film, but there's some great characters and even more great fights. It's 95 minutes long, and I am ure that 70-75 of those are spent fighting, but I don't mind that since the fights are so well-made. I was extremely entertained by this flick. The 7 Grandmasters - Straight-forward, cheesy and extremely good kung fu-flick with lots of style both for the fights and characters. Some of the characters here looks beyond cool. Fat mustaches, big beards, cooly braided hair and whatnot. Lots of well-choreograhed fighting and more. Super entertaining, classic kung fu film.
  2. Bear

    Amazing band. Solid State Survivor's easily my favourite YMO album. Rydeen!!!
  3. Bear

    Episode 16, Television Terror - Easily one of the best episodes of the season. Amazing atmosphere, great humour and awesome special effects. This is how you make haunted house films. Brilliant! 9/10
  4. Bear

    Clans of Intrigue - The first film in the "Sentimental Swordsman"-trilogy by Chor Yuen starring Ti Lung as the sentimental swordsman. I was totally caught off guard with this film as I expected more standard wuxia, which I simply love, because this is, to my big surprise, a wuxia suspense-mystery. It's a great wuxia film, and a great suspense-mystery film, and together they create an unique and fantastic wuxia film. It feels fresh and original, and it's very atmospheric. Ti Lung is amazing as always, the fights are superb and everything truly works here. A superb masterpiece! Legend of the Bat - The second film in the series of the "sentimental swordsman", and another masterpiece. A slight step down from the first, though. It's a bit messier and lacks that final punch of atmosphere and mystery that made the first film so good, but it's not much worse. Ti Lung, great fights and a cool plot. A good entry, but the worst of the three. Doesn't say much though, as the two others are more or less perfect. Kudos for using the bat amulet from the Hammer/Shaw cult classic The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampire. That's awesome! Perils of the Sentimental Swordsman - With the third and last film of the sentimental swordsman trilogy Chor Yuen ups everything back to the level of the first one with both the atmosphere and mystery being top notch. The atmosphere at the Ghost Village is beyond brilliant. Great fights, colourful characters and of course Ti Lung. Fantastic film! I love how good Ti Lung is in general, and he really fits the character here. He's so slick and smooth in everything he does. What a man and what an actor! Also, these films have nothing to do with Chor Yuen's The Sentimental Swordsman and Return of the Sentimental Swordsman which also star Ti Lung. Heh. I'll have to watch both these some day, though. Should be awesome as fuck.
  5. Bear

    I think both bands are pretty embarrassing and bad, but the choice is easy as Sug has one good song in their discography while Vistlip doesn't. And that song is Alterna. Cool song by a horrible band. So Sug it is.
  6. Bear

    Looking forward to get started on both Agent Carter and Banshee. Agent Carter will probably be next up after Daredevil. Isn't Banshee also pretty violent with brilliantly choreographed fights? I know a lot of people talk about these two series as the most badass TV-series out there as far as violence goes, and I am a proper sucker for violence.
  7. Bear

    Buddha's Palm - What a film. That plot isn't very clear and it doesn't build the colourful characters as well as it should have, but this batshit crazy wuxia film is one of the most over the top and wicked films I've ever seen. Lots and lots of old school special effects and fights and everything. A most entertaining film. A masterpiece is what this is. This is some next level wuxia shit, and not for beginers for sure. It's batshit crazy, and most people will find it too ridiculous to watch. But for fans of great, crazy, wuxia-adventures, then this is for you. Holy Flame of the Martial World - Another batshit crazy wuxia masterpiece. It's not as crazy as Buddha's Palm, but still god damn crazy. Especially towards the end of the film. It gets super wicked, but I love it and the special effects are nothing short of breathtaking for a guy like me. Masterpiece!
  8. Bear

    I'm not sure, but there will be TV-series made for Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and Luke Cage as well, and these three, including Daredevil, will get a The Defenders TV-series later on. So we've got a lot to look forward to for sure.
  9. Bear

    I haven't heard that many albums from March, but the few I have heard have been very good. Dødheimsgard, Downfall of Nur, Inculter and Gouge all released great albums, but it's easy to choose three from the lot. Dødheimsgard - A Umbra Omega Dødheimsgard returns after 8 years with A Umbra Omega, an album consisting of 6 songs, clocking in at 67 minutes, where one is a short intro, which means the rest are rather long. The rest of the songs ranges from 11:21 to 15:14, and all of the songs are made up from a shitload of different riffs and parts, so it's a lot to dig into to be quite honest. A hard listen for sure, but it's more than worth the effort to get into it, because it is nothing short of breathtaking and more or less perfect. A true return to form for the avant-garde masters. The Unlocking Downfall of Nur - Umbras de Barbagia Downfall of Nur is the debut album of the one-man project of 18 year old Antonio Sanna, and what a debut it is. Downfall of Nur lays a fom of atmospheric black metal with folk/pagan and depressive black metal thrown in. It's not original in any way, but it's got more than enough character to make up for its lack of originality. II : The Golden Age Inculter - Persisting Devolution Straight-forward, dirty and crushing blackened thrash metal in the vein of old Destruction, Sodom and Kreator, as well as fellow countrymen Deathhammer. It's nothing you haven't heard several times before if you're into this type of music, but it's filled with great riffs from begining to end and cool vocals. In other words it has all you need as far as thrash metal goes. Volcanic Swarm
  10. Alucarda - Raw Howls is up for free HERE for those interested. Album of the year so far. Raw, filthy doom metal punk in the vein of Satan's Satyrs masterful debut album. Highly recommended for fuzz addicts. 10/10!
  11. Yeah, he's very cool and the song is amazing. I believe it's Mitch Murder who's behind the music on the track, and it's quite obviously the theme for King Fury which I think might become a fun film. That Carpenter-video was cool too. Great atmosphere and very fitting.
  12. Bear

    Just watched the first two episodes of Daredevil and I must admit I'm impressed. Everything looks good so far, but the fight choreography is outstanding and I fel sure as fuck they're mad inspired by The Raid: Redemption and Berandal. It oozes The Raid a long way, and that's cool as fuck and more than enough to keep me watching. Looking forward to continue tomorrow.
  13. Bear

    The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter - Super classic martial arts film by Lau Kar-Leung, starring Gordon Liu and Alexander Fu. It's based on Generals of the Yang Family and it gives you pretty much everything you'd expect, but everything about it it's top notch. An absolute masterpiece! The film was re-written during shotting because of Alexander Fu's sudden death, though, so it's not exactly accurate. But shit happens when people suddenly die. But as I said, a masterpiece! The Avenging Eagle - An amazing wuxia by Sun Chung with personal favourite Ti Lung in the lead, as well as Alexander Fu and Ku Feng. Another superb masterpiece. The plot is great, the characters and actors are great and the action is amazing. Everything's more or less perfect in this film. Brilliant.
  14. Bear

    I fucking mind it, you dick. Delete this thread ASAP! Nah, good work. I'd make one myself but people just didn't seem interested so I gave up on it. But since you've made the thread I'll contribuate later. I like these threads.
  15. Bear

    I prefer playing whatever we have the most fun with, be it against or with eachother. Don't care. Only fun is real.
  16. This leaked now. Death worship to the fullest. So if you can't get enough of old Death and want more this is for you.
  17. Bear

    Mirai sure as hell didn't lie when he talked about how this album had plenty King Dimaond-insiration to it. There's lots of early King Diamond influences to be found throughout the album. Like, a shitload, and that's cool. After a couple of listens Scenario IV, Gallows Gallery and Hail Horror Hail comes to mind, as well as King Diamond. The heavy metal influence is strong in this one. Sounds great so far, but it'll take some time getting used to the lack of Shinichi and the production. But it sounds like a grower, and I am sure this'll be among the best albums of the year when we hit the end.
  18. Bear

    Album has leaked, for those of you interested. I'll give it a few spins after work. Excited as fuck!
  19. Bear

    Episode 14, Lower Berth - Great episode with an amazing carnivalesque atmosphere and some great acting, especially from Jeff Yagher who does brilliant. Even the Crypt Keeper i involved in this episode. How cool i that? I'll tell you, it's very cool! 8/10 Episode 15, Mute Witness to Murder - Decent enough episode that just feels too long. It's nothing but a very predictable and rutine thriller. It's not bad, just not all that good either. 5/10
  20. Bear

    Game of Thrones, season 2, 3 & 4 - Still fantastic. Simple as that! Never knows who'll live and die, though, and there's a few things that saddens me. Season 4 spoiler: Finally ready for the new season. I expect big things, and I am very much looking forward to the continuation of some of the character. I have a few special ones in mind. Gonna be good!
  21. Bear

    I'm all for bands copying/ripping off/paying tribute to good bands/albums/styles, as long as it gives me good music on the table. As for Grieva, it's a band I really like and I think they're ripping off/copying/whatever you'll call it in a good, tasteful manner. I also feel like the style they were going for, especially in their early days (as I haven't heard their latest), that old school Dir en grey-style, was close to lost and forgotten so someone picking up the torch and carrying the flame of that sound is just awesome. Well, to me at least. Also, there might be a shitload of bands going for the same, old school Dir en greyesque sound, but I am not very familia with the VK scenes these days so I wouldn't know. And I don't really give a fuck either. PS: I'd love for it to come a couple of bands who copied/ripped off Kagrra. I'd fucking love it! It'd be amazing as long as they managed to write/steal and put together (hohoh!) good songs. The same goes for Sigh. And plenty of other, unique bands like no-one else out there. Yes, please!
  22. Bear

    Episode 12, Fitting Punishment - Great episode by Jack Sholder (Alone in the Dark, A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge) with a beautiful performance by Moses Gunn. Just the right mix of black comedy and horror. Fantastic ending! 8/10 Episode 13, Korman's Kalamity - Fantastic episode about a comic book writer who draws for Tales From the Crypt. Silly, but amazing and I adore the monster designs in the episode. Great, campy horror-comedy for coolios. 8/10
  23. The Faded Film of Japanese Sadness, Dole and Hole are played quite often here. Fantastic releases and classics as far as "visual kei" goes. Well, to me at least. Music-wise I actually like everything up until Haunted Jealousy, but both Haunted Jealousy and Grave of the Sacrifice suffers from weak productions and the weak, plasticy, godawful drum sound keeps me from listening to them. How anyone can listen to music with drums sounding like that is beyond me. I don't mind Jin either. I quite like him. He's not a good vocalist or anything, but I couldn't really care less as he totally fits the (earlier) material very well and does more than enough to please me. Sounds cool.
  24. Bear

    What? The stores are only open in the weekend where you live? I broke mine on monday last week and bought new ones the very next day. Here the stores are open every day except for sunday, which means you can actually go shopping 6 days a week. Coolio, right?
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